Interface ComponentModifier

All Superinterfaces:
Configurable, org.springframework.core.Ordered, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
CompareFieldCreateModifier, ComponentConvertModifier, ComponentModifierBase, LabelFieldSeparateModifier

public interface ComponentModifier
extends Configurable, Serializable, Ordered

Provides modification functionality for a Component

ComponentModifier instances are configured by the component's dictionary definition. They can be used to provide dynamic initialization behavior for a certain type of component or all components based on the getComponentsForLifecycle method. In addition they can do dynamic generation of new Component instances, or replacement of the components or their properties.

Modifiers provide for more usability and flexibility of component configuration. For instance if a Group definition is already configured that is close to what the developer needs, but they need to make global changes of the group, then can invoke or create a ComponentModifier for the group to apply those changes. The configuration can then inherit the exiting group definition and then specify the modifier to run with the component's componentModifiers property.

Kuali Rice Team (

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Ordered
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Method Summary
 List<Component> getComponentPrototypes()
          List of components that are maintained by the modifier as prototypes for creating other component instances
 int getOrder()
 String getRunCondition()
          Conditional expression to evaluate for determining whether the component modifier should be run.
 String getRunPhase()
          Indicates what phase of the component lifecycle the ComponentModifier should be invoked in (INITIALIZE, APPLY_MODEL, or FINALIZE)
 Set<Class<? extends Component>> getSupportedComponents()
          Set of Component classes that may be sent to the modifier
 void performInitialization(View view, Object model, Component component)
          Should be called to initialize the ComponentModifier
 void performModification(View view, Object model, Component component)
          Invoked within the configured phase of the component lifecycle.
 void setOrder(int order)
          Setter for the order value
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Configurable
getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setPropertyExpressions

Method Detail


void performInitialization(View view,
                           Object model,
                           Component component)
Should be called to initialize the ComponentModifier

This is where component modifiers can set defaults and setup other necessary state. The initialize method should only be called once per layout manager lifecycle and is invoked within the initialize phase of the view lifecylce.

Note if the component modifier holds nested components, they should be initialized in this method by calling the view helper service

view - - View instance the component modifier is a part of
component - - Component the modifier is configured on
See Also:
ViewHelperService.performInitialization(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object)


void performModification(View view,
                         Object model,
                         Component component)
Invoked within the configured phase of the component lifecycle. This is where the ComponentModifier should perform its work against the given Component instance

view - - the view instance to which the component belongs
model - - top level object containing the view data
component - - the component instance to modify
See Also:
(View, Object, Component)


Set<Class<? extends Component>> getSupportedComponents()
Set of Component classes that may be sent to the modifier

If an empty or null list is returned, it is assumed the modifier supports all components. The returned set will be used by the dictionary validation

Set component classes


List<Component> getComponentPrototypes()
List of components that are maintained by the modifier as prototypes for creating other component instances

Prototypes are held for configuring how a component should be created during the lifecycle. An example of this are the fields in a collection group that are created for each collection record. They only participate in the initialize phase.

List child component prototypes


String getRunPhase()
Indicates what phase of the component lifecycle the ComponentModifier should be invoked in (INITIALIZE, APPLY_MODEL, or FINALIZE)

String view lifecycle phase
See Also:


String getRunCondition()
Conditional expression to evaluate for determining whether the component modifier should be run. If the expression evaluates to true the modifier will be executed, otherwise it will not be executed

String el expression that should evaluate to boolean


int getOrder()
Specified by:
getOrder in interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
See Also:


void setOrder(int order)
Description copied from interface: Ordered
Setter for the order value

See Also:

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