Package org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository

Interface Summary
ActionBoService This is the interface for accessing KRMS repository Action related business objects.
AgendaBoService This is the interface for accessing KRMS repository Agenda related business objects.
ContextBoService This is the interface for accessing KRMS repository Context related bos
FunctionBoService This is the interface for accessing KRMS repository Function related bos
PropositionBoService This is the interface for accessing KRMS repository Proposition related business objects.
RuleBoService This is the interface for accessing KRMS repository Rule related bos
TermBoService BO service for terms and related entities

Class Summary
ActionBoServiceImpl Implementation of the interface for accessing KRMS repository Action related business objects.
ActionTypeValuesFinder This class returns all action types of rules.
AgendaBoServiceImpl Implementation of the interface for accessing KRMS repository Agenda related business objects.
AgendaItemBo Agenda Item business object
AgendaNamespaceValuesFinder Helper class that returns all namespaces that have contexts associated w/ them.
AgendaTypeValuesFinder Helper class that returns all agenda types that are valid for a given context.
ContextBoServiceImpl This is the interface for accessing KRMS repository Context related business objects.
ContextTypeValuesFinder Helper class that returns all valid types for contexts.
FunctionBoServiceImpl Default implementation of the FunctionService.
KrmsRepositoryServiceLocator This class keeps track of the KRMS Repository Services
PropositionBoServiceImpl Implementation of the interface for accessing KRMS repository Proposition related business objects.
RuleTypeValuesFinder This class returns all rule types of rules.
TermBoServiceImpl Implementation of TermBoService

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