Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NotificationBo |
NotificationBo.from(Notification im)
Converts a immutable object to its mutable counterpart
NotificationBo |
Gets the notification attribute.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
NotificationMessageDelivery.setNotification(NotificationBo notification)
Sets the notification attribute value.
static Notification | bo)
Converts a mutable bo to its immutable counterpart
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection |
NotificationDao.findMatchedNotificationsForUnlock(NotificationBo not,
GenericDao dao) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection |
NotificationDaoOjb.findMatchedNotificationsForUnlock(NotificationBo not,
GenericDao dao)
This overridden method ...
Collection |
NotificationDaoJpa.findMatchedNotificationsForUnlock(NotificationBo not,
GenericDao dao)
This overridden method ...
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NotificationBo |
NotificationService.getNotification(Long id)
This method will retrieve a Notification object from the system, given the id of the
actual notification record.
NotificationBo |
NotificationMessageContentService.parseNotificationRequestMessage(InputStream stream)
Parses a Notification request message into business objects.
NotificationBo |
NotificationMessageContentService.parseNotificationRequestMessage(String notificationMessageAsXml)
Parses a Notification request message into business objects.
NotificationBo |
NotificationMessageContentService.parseSerializedNotificationXml(byte[] xmlAsBytes)
This method parses out the serialized XML version of Notification BO and populates a Notification BO with it.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<NotificationBo> |
NotificationService.getNotificationsForRecipientByType(String contentTypeName,
String recipientId)
This method will retrieve a collection of notifications given a contentTypeName and recipientId.
Collection<NotificationBo> |
This method is responsible for atomically finding all untaken, unresolved notifications that are ready to be sent,
marking them as taken and returning them to the caller for processing.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
NotificationMessageContentService.generateNotificationMessage(NotificationBo notification)
This method is responsible for marshalling out the passed in Notification object in and XML representation.
String |
NotificationMessageContentService.generateNotificationMessage(NotificationBo notification,
String userRecipientId)
This method is responsible for marshalling out the passed in Notification object in and XML representation, with
the addition of adding the specific recipient to the recipients list and removing the others.
Collection<NotificationMessageDelivery> |
NotificationMessageDeliveryService.getNotificationMessageDeliveries(NotificationBo notification,
String userRecipientId)
This method will return all NotificationMessageDelievery objects generated for the given Notification for the given user
NotificationResponseBo |
NotificationService.sendNotification(NotificationBo notification)
This method allows consumers to send notification messages.
void |
NotificationService.unlockNotification(NotificationBo notification)
Unlocks specified notification
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NotificationBo |
NotificationServiceImpl.getNotification(Long id)
This is the default implementation that uses the businessObjectDao.
NotificationBo |
NotificationMessageContentServiceImpl.parseNotificationRequestMessage(InputStream stream)
This method implements by taking in an InputStream and then coverting that to a byte[].
NotificationBo |
NotificationMessageContentServiceImpl.parseNotificationRequestMessage(String notificationMessageAsXml)
This method implements by taking in a String and then converting that to a byte[];
NotificationBo |
NotificationMessageContentServiceImpl.parseSerializedNotificationXml(byte[] xmlAsBytes)
Uses XPath to parse out the serialized Notification xml into a Notification instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Collection<NotificationBo> |
NotificationContentTypeServiceImpl.getNotificationsOfContentType(NotificationContentTypeBo ct) |
protected Collection<NotificationBo> |
Obtains and marks as taken all unresolved (and untaken) notifications
Collection<NotificationBo> |
This method is responsible for atomically finding all untaken, unresolved notifications that are ready to be sent,
marking them as taken and returning them to the caller for processing.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
NotificationMessageContentServiceImpl.generateNotificationMessage(NotificationBo notification)
This method will marshall out the Notification object as a String of XML, using XStream.
String |
NotificationMessageContentServiceImpl.generateNotificationMessage(NotificationBo notification,
String userRecipientId)
This method will marshall out the Notification object as a String of XML, using XStream and replaces the
full recipient list with just a single recipient.
Collection<NotificationMessageDelivery> |
NotificationMessageDeliveryServiceImpl.getNotificationMessageDeliveries(NotificationBo notification,
String userRecipientId) |
NotificationResponseBo |
NotificationServiceImpl.sendNotification(NotificationBo notification) |
void |
NotificationServiceImpl.unlockNotification(NotificationBo notification)
Unlocks specified notification
protected void |
NotificationMessageDeliveryResolverServiceImpl.unlockWorkItem(NotificationBo notification) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Collection<Object> |
NotificationMessageDeliveryResolverServiceImpl.processWorkItems(Collection<NotificationBo> notifications)
Generates all message deliveries for a given notification and save thems to the database.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NotificationBo |
Util.cloneNotificationWithoutObjectReferences(NotificationBo notification)
This method will clone a given Notification object, one level deep, returning a fresh new instance
without any references.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NotificationBo |
Util.cloneNotificationWithoutObjectReferences(NotificationBo notification)
This method will clone a given Notification object, one level deep, returning a fresh new instance
without any references.
static String |
Util.transformContent(NotificationBo notification)
transformContent - transforms xml content in notification to a string
using the xsl in the datastore for a given documentType
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NotificationBo |
AdministerNotificationRequestController.AdministerNotificationRequestCommand.getNotification() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AdministerNotificationRequestController.AdministerNotificationRequestCommand.setNotification(NotificationBo notification) |
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