Interface DictionaryValidationService

All Superinterfaces:


public interface DictionaryValidationService
extends DictionaryValidationService

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 void validateAttributeFormat(String entryName, String attributeName, String attributeValue, String errorKey)
          Deprecated. since 1.1
 void validateAttributeFormat(String entryName, String attributeName, String attributeValue, String attributeDataType, String errorKey)
          Deprecated. since 1.1
 void validateAttributeRequired(String entryName, String attributeName, Object attributeValue, Boolean forMaintenance, String errorKey)
          Deprecated. since 1.1
 void validateBusinessObjectOnMaintenanceDocument(BusinessObject businessObject, String docTypeName)
 void validateBusinessObjectsRecursively(BusinessObject businessObject, int depth)
          Deprecated. since 1.1
 void validateDocumentRecursively(Document document, int depth)
          Deprecated. Use DictionaryValidationService.validateDocumentAndUpdatableReferencesRecursively(org.kuali.rice.krad.document.Document, int, boolean)
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.service.DictionaryValidationService
isBusinessObjectValid, isBusinessObjectValid, validate, validate, validate, validate, validate, validate, validate, validate, validate, validate, validateBusinessObject, validateBusinessObject, validateDefaultExistenceChecks, validateDefaultExistenceChecksForNewCollectionItem, validateDefaultExistenceChecksForNewCollectionItem, validateDefaultExistenceChecksForTransDoc, validateDocument, validateDocumentAndUpdatableReferencesRecursively, validateDocumentAndUpdatableReferencesRecursively, validateDocumentAttribute, validatePrimitiveFromDescriptor, validateReferenceExists, validateReferenceExists, validateReferenceExistsAndIsActive, validateReferenceExistsAndIsActive, validateReferenceIsActive, validateReferenceIsActive

Method Detail


void validateDocumentRecursively(Document document,
                                            int depth)
Deprecated. Use DictionaryValidationService.validateDocumentAndUpdatableReferencesRecursively(org.kuali.rice.krad.document.Document, int, boolean)

Validates the contents of a document (i.e. attributes within a document) against the data dictionary. Recursively checks business objects of the document.

document - - document to validate
depth - - Specify how deep the recrusion should go (0 based). If a negative number is supplied, it's infinite.


void validateBusinessObjectOnMaintenanceDocument(BusinessObject businessObject,
                                                            String docTypeName)


void validateBusinessObjectsRecursively(BusinessObject businessObject,
                                                   int depth)
Deprecated. since 1.1

Validates the business object against the dictionary, uses reflection to get any child business objects, and recursively calls back. Adds errors to the map as they are encountered.

businessObject - - business object to validate
depth - - Specify how deep the recrusion should go (0 based). If a negative number is supplied, it's infinite.


void validateAttributeFormat(String entryName,
                                        String attributeName,
                                        String attributeValue,
                                        String errorKey)
Deprecated. since 1.1

Validates an attribute of a given class for proper min, max length, syntax, and required.

entryName - - name of the dd entry
attributeName - - name of attribute in the bo class
attributeValue - - current value to validate
errorKey - - key to place the errors under


void validateAttributeFormat(String entryName,
                                        String attributeName,
                                        String attributeValue,
                                        String attributeDataType,
                                        String errorKey)
Deprecated. since 1.1

Validates an attribute of a given class for proper min, max length, syntax, and required. The attribute will be validated according to the specified data type.

entryName - - name of the dd entry
attributeName - - name of attribute in the bo class
attributeValue - - current value to validate
attributeDataType - - data type that this attribute should be treated as for validation purposes
errorKey - - key to place the errors under


void validateAttributeRequired(String entryName,
                                          String attributeName,
                                          Object attributeValue,
                                          Boolean forMaintenance,
                                          String errorKey)
Deprecated. since 1.1

Validates an attribute of a given class for required check.

entryName - - name of the dd entry
attributeName - - name of attribute in the bo class
attributeValue - - current value to validate
errorKey - - key to place to errors under

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