Class EntityVisa

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, GloballyUnique, Identifiable, Versioned, ModelObjectBasic, ModelObjectComplete, EntityVisaContract

public final class EntityVisa
extends AbstractDataTransferObject
implements EntityVisaContract

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class EntityVisa.Builder
          A builder which can be used to construct EntityVisa instances.
Method Summary
 String getEntityId()
          Gets this EntityVisaContract's identity id.
 String getId()
          The unique identifier for an object.
 String getObjectId()
          Return the globally unique object id of this object.
 Long getVersionNumber()
          Returns the version number for this object.
 String getVisaEntry()
          Gets this EntityVisaContract's visa entry.
 String getVisaId()
          Gets this EntityVisaContract's visa id.
 String getVisaTypeKey()
          Gets this EntityVisaContract's visa type key.
Methods inherited from class
afterUnmarshal, beforeUnmarshal, equals, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public String getEntityId()
Description copied from interface: EntityVisaContract
Gets this EntityVisaContract's identity id.

Specified by:
getEntityId in interface EntityVisaContract
the identity id for this EntityVisaContract, or null if none has been assigned.


public String getVisaTypeKey()
Description copied from interface: EntityVisaContract
Gets this EntityVisaContract's visa type key.

Specified by:
getVisaTypeKey in interface EntityVisaContract
the visa type key for this EntityVisaContract, or null if none has been assigned.


public String getVisaEntry()
Description copied from interface: EntityVisaContract
Gets this EntityVisaContract's visa entry.

Specified by:
getVisaEntry in interface EntityVisaContract
the visa entry for this EntityVisaContract, or null if none has been assigned.


public String getVisaId()
Description copied from interface: EntityVisaContract
Gets this EntityVisaContract's visa id.

Specified by:
getVisaId in interface EntityVisaContract
the visa id for this EntityVisaContract, or null if none has been assigned.


public Long getVersionNumber()
Description copied from interface: Versioned
Returns the version number for this object. In general, this value should only be null if the object has not yet been stored to a persistent data store. This version number is generally used for the purposes of optimistic locking.

Specified by:
getVersionNumber in interface Versioned
the version number, or null if one has not been assigned yet


public String getObjectId()
Description copied from interface: GloballyUnique
Return the globally unique object id of this object. In general, this value should only be null if the object has not yet been stored to a persistent data store.

Specified by:
getObjectId in interface GloballyUnique
the objectId of this object, or null if it has not been set yet


public String getId()
Description copied from interface: Identifiable
The unique identifier for an object. This can be null.

Specified by:
getId in interface Identifiable
the id

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