Interface DataObjectAuthorizationService

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BusinessObjectAuthorizationServiceImpl, DataObjectAuthorizationServiceImpl

public interface DataObjectAuthorizationService

Provides methods for checking authorization for actions on a given data object class including the security of fields within the class

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 boolean attributeValueNeedsToBeEncryptedOnFormsAndLinks(Class<?> dataObjectClass, String attributeName)
          Indicates whether the given attribute of the given data object class has any security defined (such as read-only, masked, ...) and therefore data for the attribute should be securely passed
 boolean canCreate(Class<?> dataObjectClass, Person user, String docTypeName)
          Indicates whether the given user has permission to create records of the given data object class with the given document type
 boolean canMaintain(Object dataObject, Person user, String docTypeName)
          Indicates whether the given user has permission to maintain (edit/delete) the give data object instance with the given document type

Method Detail


boolean attributeValueNeedsToBeEncryptedOnFormsAndLinks(Class<?> dataObjectClass,
                                                        String attributeName)
Indicates whether the given attribute of the given data object class has any security defined (such as read-only, masked, ...) and therefore data for the attribute should be securely passed

dataObjectClass - - class that contains the attribute
attributeName - - name of the attribute (property) within the class
boolean true if the attribute should be secured, false if security is not needed


boolean canCreate(Class<?> dataObjectClass,
                  Person user,
                  String docTypeName)
Indicates whether the given user has permission to create records of the given data object class with the given document type

dataObjectClass - - class of data object to check authorization for
user - - person requesting action
docTypeName - - name of the document type that provides the action
boolean true if the user has create authorization, false if not


boolean canMaintain(Object dataObject,
                    Person user,
                    String docTypeName)
Indicates whether the given user has permission to maintain (edit/delete) the give data object instance with the given document type

dataObject - - data object instance to check authorization for
user - - person requesting action
docTypeName - - name of the document type that provides the action
boolean true if the user has maintain authorization, false if not

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