Uses of Interface

Packages that use Widget

Uses of Widget in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view with parameters of type Widget
 boolean ViewPresentationController.canEditWidget(View view, ViewModel model, Widget widget, String widgetId)
 boolean ViewPresentationControllerBase.canEditWidget(View view, ViewModel model, Widget widget, String widgetId)
 boolean ViewAuthorizer.canEditWidget(View view, ViewModel model, Widget widget, String widgetId, Person user)
 boolean ViewAuthorizerBase.canEditWidget(View view, ViewModel model, Widget widget, String widgetId, Person user)
 boolean ViewPresentationController.canViewWidget(View view, ViewModel model, Widget widget, String widgetId)
 boolean ViewPresentationControllerBase.canViewWidget(View view, ViewModel model, Widget widget, String widgetId)
 boolean ViewAuthorizer.canViewWidget(View view, ViewModel model, Widget widget, String widgetId, Person user)
 boolean ViewAuthorizerBase.canViewWidget(View view, ViewModel model, Widget widget, String widgetId, Person user)
protected  Map<String,String> ViewAuthorizerBase.getWidgetPermissionDetails(View view, Object dataObject, Widget widget)
          Builds the permission details map for a widget which includes the namespace, view id, and widget id

Uses of Widget in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget that implement Widget
 class BreadCrumbs
          The breadcrumb widget contains various settings for setting up Breadcrumb/History support on the view.
 class DatePicker
          Used for rendering a calendar in the UI that can be used to selected dates for field values
 class DirectInquiry
          Widget for rendering an Direct Inquiry link icon next to a input field
 class Disclosure
          Decorates a group with collapse/expand functionality
 class Growls
          Growls sets up settings for growls global to the current view and its pages Some basic options of the plugin are exposed through this class, however additional options can be passed through setComponentOptions as usual.
 class Help
          This is a description of what this class does - jkneal don't forget to fill this in.
 class Inquiry
          Widget for rendering an Inquiry link on a field's value
 class LightBox
          Used for rendering a lightbox in the UI to display action links in dialog popups
 class LightBoxLookup
          Used for rendering a lightbox in the UI to display the result of a submit in a light box.
 class QuickFinder
          Widget for navigating to a lookup from a field (called a quickfinder)
 class Reorderer
          Allows client-side reordering of the group contents
 class RichTable
          Decorates a HTML Table client side with various tools
 class Spinner
          Widget that decorates a control transforming into a spinner
 class Suggest
          Widget that provides dynamic select options to the user as they are entering the value (also known as auto-complete)
 class Tabs
          Widget used for configuring tab options, use componentOptions for most options.
 class Tree
          Widget component for rendering a Tree
 class WidgetBase
          Base class for Widgets

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