Class PeopleFlowMaintainableImpl

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.impl.ViewHelperServiceImpl
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.maintenance.MaintainableImpl
          extended by org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.peopleflow.PeopleFlowMaintainableImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Maintainable, ViewHelperService

public class PeopleFlowMaintainableImpl
extends MaintainableImpl

Custom view helper for the people flow maintenance document to retrieve the type attribute remotable fields

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void addLine(Collection<Object> collection, Object addLine)
          sort PeopleFlowMemberBos by stop number (priority)
protected  void processAfterAddLine(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, Object addLine, String collectionPath)
          In the case of edit maintenance adds a new blank line to the old side This method is intended to override the method in MaintainableImpl but has a different set of parameters, so it is not actually an override.
protected  void processAfterDeleteLine(View view, String collectionPath, Object model, int lineIndex)
          In the case of edit maintenance deleted the item on the old side.
 void processCollectionDeleteLine(View view, Object model, String collectionPath, int lineIndex)
          This method is an override of ViewHelperService.processCollectionDeleteLine().
 List<RemotableAttributeField> retrieveTypeAttributes(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Invokes the KewTypeRepositoryService to retrieve the remotable field definitions for the attributes associated with the selected type
 void saveDataObject()
          Set the attribute bo list from the map of attribute key/value pairs and then calls PeopleFlowService to save the people flow instance
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.maintenance.MaintainableImpl
deleteDataObject, doRouteStatusChange, generateMaintenanceLocks, getBusinessObjectService, getCustomLockDescriptor, getDataObject, getDataObjectAuthorizationService, getDataObjectClass, getDataObjectMetaDataService, getDocumentDictionaryService, getDocumentNumber, getDocumentTitle, getDocumentTypeName, getEncryptionService, getLockingDocumentId, getLookupService, getMaintenanceAction, getMaintenanceDocumentService, getWorkflowEngineDocumentIdsToLock, isExternalBusinessObject, isNotesEnabled, isOldDataObjectInDocument, prepareExternalBusinessObject, prepareForSave, processAfterAddLine, processAfterCopy, processAfterDeleteLine, processAfterEdit, processAfterNew, processAfterPost, processAfterRetrieve, retrieveObjectForEditOrCopy, setBusinessObjectService, setDataObject, setDataObjectAuthorizationService, setDataObjectClass, setDataObjectMetaDataService, setDocumentDictionaryService, setDocumentNumber, setEncryptionService, setLookupService, setMaintenanceAction, setMaintenanceDocumentService, setupNewFromExisting, useCustomLockDescriptors
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.impl.ViewHelperServiceImpl
addClientSideStateForComponent, addCustomContainerComponents, applyAuthorizationAndPresentationLogic, applyDefaultValues, applyDefaultValuesForCollectionLine, buildClientSideStateScript, buildInquiryLink, cleanViewAfterRender, findNestedDictionaryAttribute, getCommonContext, getDataDictionaryService, getExpressionEvaluatorService, getPreModelContext, getViewDictionaryService, initializeDataFieldFromDataDictionary, invokeMethodFinalizer, logAndThrowRuntime, performAddLineValidation, performApplyModel, performComponentApplyModel, performComponentFinalize, performComponentInitialization, performComponentLifecycle, performCustomApplyModel, performCustomFinalize, performCustomInitialization, performDeleteLineValidation, performFinalize, performInitialization, populateDefaultValueForField, populateViewFromRequestParameters, processAnyRemoteFieldsHolder, processBeforeAddLine, processCollectionAddLine, processMultipleValueLookupResults, retrieveEditModesAndActionFlags, runComponentModifiers, setDataDictionaryService, setExpressionEvaluatorService, setViewContext, setViewDictionaryService, syncClientSideStateForComponent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.ViewHelperService
applyDefaultValuesForCollectionLine, buildInquiryLink, cleanViewAfterRender, performApplyModel, performComponentInitialization, performComponentLifecycle, performFinalize, performInitialization, populateViewFromRequestParameters, processCollectionAddLine, processMultipleValueLookupResults

Constructor Detail


public PeopleFlowMaintainableImpl()
Method Detail


protected void addLine(Collection<Object> collection,
                       Object addLine)
sort PeopleFlowMemberBos by stop number (priority)

addLine in class ViewHelperServiceImpl
collection - - the Collection to add the given addLine to
addLine - - the line to add to the given collection


public List<RemotableAttributeField> retrieveTypeAttributes(View view,
                                                            Object model,
                                                            Container container)
Invokes the KewTypeRepositoryService to retrieve the remotable field definitions for the attributes associated with the selected type

view - - view instance
model - - object containing the form data, from which the selected type will be pulled
container - - container that holds the remotable fields
List instances for the type attributes, or empty list if not attributes exist


public void saveDataObject()
Set the attribute bo list from the map of attribute key/value pairs and then calls PeopleFlowService to save the people flow instance

Specified by:
saveDataObject in interface Maintainable
saveDataObject in class MaintainableImpl
See Also:


protected void processAfterAddLine(View view,
                                   CollectionGroup collectionGroup,
                                   Object model,
                                   Object addLine,
                                   String collectionPath)
In the case of edit maintenance adds a new blank line to the old side This method is intended to override the method in MaintainableImpl but has a different set of parameters, so it is not actually an override. This version was needed to fetch the old collection from a different path than MaintainableImpl uses.

See Also:
ViewHelperServiceImpl.processAfterAddLine(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.CollectionGroup, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)


public void processCollectionDeleteLine(View view,
                                        Object model,
                                        String collectionPath,
                                        int lineIndex)
This method is an override of ViewHelperService.processCollectionDeleteLine(). It is virtually identical except that a local processAfterDeleteLine() method is called with a different parameter set than is called from within this method to delete the line from the old maintainable object.

Specified by:
processCollectionDeleteLine in interface ViewHelperService
processCollectionDeleteLine in class ViewHelperServiceImpl
view - - view instance that is being presented (the action was taken on)
model - - Top level object containing the view data including the collection
collectionPath - - full path to the collection on the model
lineIndex - - index of the collection line that was selected for removal
See Also:
ViewHelperService.processCollectionDeleteLine(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, int)


protected void processAfterDeleteLine(View view,
                                      String collectionPath,
                                      Object model,
                                      int lineIndex)
In the case of edit maintenance deleted the item on the old side. This method is intended to override the method in MaintainableImpl but has a different set of parameters, so it is not actually an override. This was needed to fetch the old collection from a different path than MaintainableImpl uses. This version has the path (to the newMaintainableObject provided as a parameter, this is used to generate a path to the oldMaintainableObject

See Also:
ViewHelperServiceImpl.processAfterDeleteLine(View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.CollectionGroup, java.lang.Object, int)

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