Package org.kuali.rice.ken.dao

Class Summary
BusinessObjectDaoTest This class tests the various methods offered up by the BusinessObjectDao.
BusinessObjectDaoTestCaseBase Convenience test case implementation that just stores the BusinessObjectDao bean in a protected member field for ease of use
BusinessObjectPersistenceTestCaseBase This abstract class puts forward a simple framework for testing the basic persistence of business objects in the system.
NotificationChannelDaoTest This class test basic persistence for the NotificationChannel business object.
NotificationChannelReviewerDaoTest This class tests basic persistence for the NotificationChannelReviewerBo business object.
NotificationContentTypeDaoTest This class test basic persistence for the NotificationContentType business object.
NotificationDaoTest This class test basic persistence for the Notification business object.
NotificationPriorityDaoTest This class test basic persistence for the NotificationPriority business object.
NotificationProducerDaoTest This class tests basic persistence for the NotificationProducer business object.
NotificationRecipientListDaoTest This class test basic persistence for the NotificationRecipientList business object.
UserChannelSubscriptionDaoTest This class test basic persistence for the UserChannelSubscription business object.

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