Class WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerServiceImpl

  extended by org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.rule.attribute.WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerServiceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerServiceImpl
extends Object
implements WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  ExtensionRepositoryService getExtensionRepositoryService()
 List<RoleName> getRoleNames(String attributeName)
          Gets a List of RoleName based on the passed role attribute name.
 List<RemotableAttributeField> getRoutingDataRows(String attributeName)
          Gets a List of RemotableAttributeField based on the passed workflow rule or searchable attribute name.
 List<RemotableAttributeField> getRuleRows(String attributeName)
          Gets a List of RemotableAttributeField based on the passed workflow rule attribute name.
 List<RemotableAttributeField> getSearchRows(String attributeName)
          Gets a List of RemotableAttributeField based on the passed workflow rule or searchable attribute name.
 boolean isWorkflowRuleAttribute(String attributeName)
          Returns true if the attribute with the provided name is an instance of WorkflowRuleAttribute
 void setExtensionRepositoryService(ExtensionRepositoryService extensionRepositoryService)
 ValidationResults validateRoutingData(String attributeName, Map<String,String> paramMap)
          Validates routingData values in the incoming map.
 ValidationResults validateRuleData(String attributeName, Map<String,String> paramMap)
          Validates ruleExtension values in the incoming map.
 ValidationResults validateSearchData(String attributeName, Map<String,String> paramMap)
          Validates searchData values in the incoming map.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerServiceImpl()
Method Detail


public List<RemotableAttributeField> getSearchRows(String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
Gets a List of RemotableAttributeField based on the passed workflow rule or searchable attribute name. This method loads loads up either a WorkflowRuleAttribute or WorkflowRuleSearchAttribute and determines the fields for a RuleExtension.

Specified by:
getSearchRows in interface WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
attributeName - name of the WorkflowRuleAttribute. cannot be null or blank.
an immutable list of RemotableAttributeField. Will not return null.


public boolean isWorkflowRuleAttribute(String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
Returns true if the attribute with the provided name is an instance of WorkflowRuleAttribute

Specified by:
isWorkflowRuleAttribute in interface WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
attributeName - name of the WorkflowRuleAttribute. cannot be null or blank.


public List<RemotableAttributeField> getRuleRows(String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
Gets a List of RemotableAttributeField based on the passed workflow rule attribute name. This method loads loads up a WorkflowRuleAttribute and determines the fields for a RuleExtension

Specified by:
getRuleRows in interface WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
attributeName - name of the WorkflowRuleAttribute. cannot be null or blank.
an immutable list of RemotableAttributeField. Will not return null.


public List<RemotableAttributeField> getRoutingDataRows(String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
Gets a List of RemotableAttributeField based on the passed workflow rule or searchable attribute name. This method loads loads up either a WorkflowRuleAttribute or WorkflowRuleSearchAttribute and determines the routing data fields for a RuleExtension.

RoutingDataRows contain Rows describing the UI-level presentation of the ruleData fields used to determine where a given document would be routed according to the associated rule.

Specified by:
getRoutingDataRows in interface WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
attributeName - name of the WorkflowRuleAttribute. cannot be null or blank.
an immutable list of RemotableAttributeField. Will not return null.


public ValidationResults validateRoutingData(String attributeName,
                                             Map<String,String> paramMap)
Description copied from interface: WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
Validates routingData values in the incoming map. Called by the UI during rule creation. This method is responsible for validating and setting the data entered on the form from the UI of the routing report to the Rule's attribute. The values will be in a Map with the key being the key of the RuleExtensionValue and the value being the value of the data entered from the UI. This method is used for the routing report which may have different fields than the rule data.

Specified by:
validateRoutingData in interface WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
attributeName - name of the WorkflowRuleAttribute. cannot be null or blank.
paramMap - Map containing the names and values of the routing data for this Attribute
ValidationResults. Will not return null.


public ValidationResults validateSearchData(String attributeName,
                                            Map<String,String> paramMap)
Description copied from interface: WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
Validates searchData values in the incoming map. Called by the UI during rule creation. This method is responsible for validating and setting the data entered on the form from the UI of the routing report to the Rule's attribute. The values will be in a Map with the key being the key of the RuleExtensionValue and the value being the value of the data entered from the UI.

Specified by:
validateSearchData in interface WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
attributeName - name of the WorkflowRuleAttribute. cannot be null or blank.
paramMap - Map containing the names and values of the routing data for this Attribute
ValidationResults. Will not return null.


public ValidationResults validateRuleData(String attributeName,
                                          Map<String,String> paramMap)
Description copied from interface: WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
Validates ruleExtension values in the incoming map. Called by the UI during rule creation. This method is responsible for validating and setting the data entered on the form from the UI of the rule creation to the Rule's attribute. The values will be in a Map with the key being the key of the RuleExtensionValue and the value being the value of the data entered from the UI. This method is used for rule creation which may have different fields than the routing report data.

Specified by:
validateRuleData in interface WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
attributeName - name of the WorkflowRuleAttribute. cannot be null or blank.
paramMap - Map containing the names and values of the routing data for this Attribute
ValidationResults. Will not return null.


public List<RoleName> getRoleNames(String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
Gets a List of RoleName based on the passed role attribute name. This method loads loads up a RoleAttribute and determines the RoleNames for a RuleExtension

Specified by:
getRoleNames in interface WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService
attributeName - name of the WorkflowRuleAttribute. cannot be null or blank.
an immutable list of RoleName. Will not return null.


protected ExtensionRepositoryService getExtensionRepositoryService()


public void setExtensionRepositoryService(ExtensionRepositoryService extensionRepositoryService)

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