Uses of Class

Packages that use ActionField

Uses of ActionField in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container that return types with arguments of type ActionField
 List<ActionField> CollectionGroup.getActionFields()
          Action fields that should be rendered for each collection line.
 List<ActionField> CollectionGroup.getAddLineActionFields()
          Action fields that should be rendered for the add line.
protected  List<ActionField> CollectionGroupBuilder.getAddLineActions(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup)
          Creates new ActionField instances for the add line
protected  List<ActionField> CollectionGroupBuilder.getLineActions(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object collectionLine, int lineIndex)
          Creates new ActionField instances for the line

Method parameters in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container with type arguments of type ActionField
protected  void CollectionGroupBuilder.applyLineFieldAuthorizationAndPresentationLogic(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object line, boolean readOnlyLine, List<Field> lineFields, List<ActionField> actions)
          Iterates through the line fields and checks the view field authorization using the view's configured authorizer and presentation controller.
protected  void CollectionGroupBuilder.buildLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String bindingPath, List<ActionField> actions, boolean bindToForm, Object currentLine, int lineIndex)
          Builds the field instances for the collection line.
 void CollectionGroup.setActionFields(List<ActionField> actionFields)
          Setter for the line action fields list
 void CollectionGroup.setAddLineActionFields(List<ActionField> addLineActionFields)
          Setter for the add line action fields

Uses of ActionField in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field

Subclasses of ActionField in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field
 class AjaxActionField
          Action field that performs an Ajax request and will result in updating of the page or a component

Uses of ActionField in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout

Method parameters in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout with type arguments of type ActionField
 void CollectionLayoutManager.buildLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, List<Field> lineFields, List<FieldGroup> subCollectionFields, String bindingPath, List<ActionField> actions, String idSuffix, Object currentLine, int lineIndex)
          Call to the layout manager to build the components necessary for the given collection line
 void TableLayoutManager.buildLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, List<Field> lineFields, List<FieldGroup> subCollectionFields, String bindingPath, List<ActionField> actions, String idSuffix, Object currentLine, int lineIndex)
          Assembles the field instances for the collection line.
 void StackedLayoutManager.buildLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, List<Field> lineFields, List<FieldGroup> subCollectionFields, String bindingPath, List<ActionField> actions, String idSuffix, Object currentLine, int lineIndex)
          Builds a Group instance for a collection line.

Uses of ActionField in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util that return ActionField
static ActionField ComponentFactory.getActionField()
static ActionField ComponentFactory.getActionLinkField()

Uses of ActionField in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view with parameters of type ActionField
 boolean ViewPresentationController.canPerformAction(View view, ViewModel model, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId)
 boolean ViewPresentationControllerBase.canPerformAction(View view, ViewModel model, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId)
 boolean ViewAuthorizer.canPerformAction(View view, ViewModel model, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId, Person user)
 boolean ViewAuthorizerBase.canPerformAction(View view, ViewModel model, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId, Person user)
 boolean ViewPresentationController.canPerformLineAction(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId)
 boolean ViewPresentationControllerBase.canPerformLineAction(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId)
 boolean ViewAuthorizer.canPerformLineAction(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId, Person user)
 boolean ViewAuthorizerBase.canPerformLineAction(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId, Person user)

Uses of ActionField in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget that return ActionField
 ActionField DirectInquiry.getDirectInquiryActionField()
 ActionField QuickFinder.getQuickfinderActionField()

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget with parameters of type ActionField
 void DirectInquiry.setDirectInquiryActionField(ActionField directInquiryActionField)
 void QuickFinder.setQuickfinderActionField(ActionField quickfinderActionField)

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