Interface Summary | |
AttachmentService | Defines the methods common to all AttachmentService implementations |
BusinessObjectSerializerService | |
BusinessObjectService | This interface defines methods that a BusinessObjectService must provide. |
DataDictionaryComponentPublisherService | A service which can be used to publish components to the Rice core component system from the data dicationary. |
DataDictionaryRemoteFieldService | Provides service methods for building and validate RemotableAttributeField definitions from data
dictionary AttributeDefinition configurations |
DataDictionaryService | Defines the API for interacting with the data dictionary |
DataObjectAuthorizationService | Provides methods for checking authorization for actions on a given data object class including the security of fields within the class |
DataObjectMetaDataService | Provides metadata such as relationships and key fields for data objects |
DictionaryValidationService | Defines the API for the validating against the data dictionary. |
DocumentAdHocService | This service populates Document s with AdHocRoutePerson s and AdHocRouteWorkgroup s |
DocumentDictionaryService | Defines methods that a DocumentEntry Service must provide, and the API for the interacting
with Document-related entries in the data dictionary |
DocumentHeaderService | This is an interface to allow for Rice client applications to override the DocumentHeader class being used. |
DocumentSerializerService | Implementations of this interface are able to serialize documents into XML that's used by the workflow engine to perform routing, searches, etc. |
DocumentService | Defines various operations that support the Document framework. |
InactivateableFromToService | Provides methods for retrieval of business objects implementing InactivateableFromTo and needing effective dating logic |
InactivationBlockingDetectionService | This service detects whether there are any records that block the inactivation of a particular record |
InactivationBlockingDisplayService | A service that helps to print out records that block the inactivation of another BO |
KeyValuesService | This class provides collection retrievals to populate key value pairs of business objects. |
KualiExceptionIncidentService | This is used for sending report of an incident |
KualiModuleService | |
KualiRuleService | Defines the interface to the business-rule evaluation service, used to evauluate document-type-specific business rules using document-related events to drive the process. |
LookupService | Defines business logic methods that support the Lookup framework |
MailService | |
MaintenanceDocumentService | Provides methods for working with MaintenanceDocument (s) |
ModuleService | Defines service methods for module services |
NoteService | This service provides various operations related to Note objects. |
PersistenceService | |
PersistenceStructureService | This interface defines methods that a Persistence Service must provide. |
PessimisticLockService | This is the service interface for documents to use the Pessimistic Locking mechanism |
PostProcessorService | This interface is a KFS-local wrapper for the Workflow postprocessor interface. |
SequenceAccessorService | Provides access to sequence numbers. |
SerializerService | |
SessionDocumentService | Service API for persisting Document form content and
retrieving back |
XmlObjectSerializerService | This interface defines methods that an XmlObjectSerializer Service must provide. |
Class Summary | |
KRADServiceLocator | |
KRADServiceLocatorInternal | |
KRADServiceLocatorWeb | Service locator for the KRAD Web module |
KRADServiceLocatorWeb.Namespaces |
Exception Summary | |
BusinessObjectNotLookupableException | Thrown when a BusinessObject is expected to implement Lookupable, but does not. |
ModuleServiceNotFoundException |
Core service interfaces.