Interface ConstraintProvider<T extends Constrainable>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AttributeDefinitionConstraintProvider, BaseConstraintProvider, CollectionDefinitionConstraintProvider, ComplexAttributeDefinitionConstraintProvider, DataObjectEntryConstraintProvider

public interface ConstraintProvider<T extends Constrainable>

An object that determines a list of constraints for a given Constrainable definition for an attribute in the data dictionary. The ConstraintProvider interface must be implemented by any class that contributes Constraints to the DictionaryValidationService. Multiple ConstraintProviders can be registered simultaneously, and each can contribute constraints for any number of constraint types. These constraints can be looked up in a variety of ways. They may be: (1) member variables of the Constrainable definition itself CaseConstrainable.class (2) the Constrainable definition itself may extend Constraint LengthConstrainable.class (3) provided from some external source, or generated on the fly The goal here is to provide a mechanism that enables implementing institutions to inject new Constraints and ConstraintProcessor classes into the DictionaryValidationService implementation via dependency injection.

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 List<Constraint> getConstraints(T definition, Class<? extends Constraint> constraintType)
 boolean isSupported(Constrainable definition)

Method Detail


List<Constraint> getConstraints(T definition,
                                Class<? extends Constraint> constraintType)


boolean isSupported(Constrainable definition)

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