Interface Summary | |
MassRuleAttribute | An attribute which can be used to filter a List of rules prior to evaluation by the rules engine. |
OddSearchAttribute | An interface which can be implemented by a WorkflowAttribute implementation which allows
a different List of Row objects to be returned for rendering on the rule lookup screen. |
RoleAttribute | A special type of attribute that is used exclusively for resolving abstract roles to concrete responsibilities (users and groups). |
RolePoker | Defines a service for "poking" a role for a specified document. |
Rule | A Rule wraps a rule definition (RuleBaseValues) and exposes it as a RuleExpression . |
RuleExpression | A rule is an entity that can be evaluated at runtime to generate a list of RuleResponsibility s
to which to dispatch action requests. |
RuleSelector | RuleSelector is responsible for selecting the rules to be evaluated for a given rule-based requests node. |
RuleValidationAttribute | A simple interface for handling validation of rules. |
WorkflowAttribute | Interface which abstracts a piece of information ("attribute") associated with a Workflow document, which can be used to make routing decisions when combined with Rules. |
WorkflowAttributeXmlValidator | An interface which can be implemented by a WorkflowAttribute to allow for
validation of client routing data. |
XmlConfiguredAttribute | Represents an attribute which is configured via XML. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractIdRoleAttribute | A generic Role Attribute superclass that can be used to route to an ID. |
AbstractRoleAttribute | Abstract base class for RoleAttribute s. |
AbstractWorkflowAttribute | Abstract base class for WorkflowAttribute s. |
AccumulatingBSFRuleExpression | An extension of BSFRuleExpression that makes it easier to accumulate a list of responsibilities to emit. |
BSFRuleExpression | A rule expression implementation that uses Bean Scripting Framework. |
BSFRuleExpression.WorkflowRuleAPI | A helper bean that is declared for use by BSF scripts. |
FlexRM | Generates Action Requests for a Document using the rule system and the specified
RuleTemplateBo . |
GenericAttributeContent | Helper class that can parse and generate generic attribute content
from Map |
GenericRoleAttribute | Generic base class that implements common functionality to simplify implementing a RoleAttribute. |
GenericWorkflowAttribute | Generic base class that implements common functionality to simplify implementing a WorkflowAttribute. |
GroupRuleResponsibility | This is a description of what this class does - ewestfal don't forget to fill this in. |
HierarchicalNamedRuleSelector | Derives the rule name to select based on node instance state configured by a governing HierarchyRoutingNode and the HierarchyRoutingNode name. |
InitiatorRoleAttribute | RoleAttribute that exposes an INITIATOR abstract role which resolves to the initiator of the document. |
KeyValueId | Used by the WebRuleBaseValues to hold key-value-id data for Field s. |
KRAMetaRuleEngine | Implements the KRA meta-rule processing and state machine engine |
MetaRuleExpression | Expression implementation for "meta rules". |
NamedRuleSelector | Rule selector that select a rule based on configured rule name |
NetworkIdRoleAttribute | A generic Role Attribute that can be used to route to a Network ID. |
PersonRuleResponsibility | This is a description of what this class does - ewestfal don't forget to fill this in. |
PrincipalIdRoleAttribute | A generic Role Attribute that can be used to route to a Principal ID. |
QualifiedRoleName | Helper class that encapsulates a qualified rolename, and can encode and decode to String representation. |
ResolvedQualifiedRole | The resolution of a qualified role (role name + data) to a List of recipient
Id s. |
Role | A defined role on a RoleAttribute . |
RolePokerProcessor | RolePoker implementation which handles initiating refresh of the "poked" role. |
RoleRuleResponsibility | This is a description of what this class does - ewestfal don't forget to fill this in. |
RoutedByUserRoleAttribute | RoleAttribute that exposes a document's user who routed the document |
RuleBaseValues | A model bean for a Rule within the KEW rules engine. |
RuleDelegation | A model bean representing the delegation of a rule from a responsibility to another rule. |
RuleExpressionDef | BO for rule expressions |
RuleExpressionResult | Result of a RuleExpression evaluation |
RuleExtension | An extension of a RuleBaseValues . |
RuleExtensionValue | The value of an extension to a rule. |
RulePostProcessor | The PostProcessor implementation for rules. |
RuleResponsibility | A model bean representing the responsibility of a user, workgroup, or role to perform some action on a document. |
RuleRoutingAttribute | A WorkflowAttribute which is used to route a rule based on the
DocumentType of the rule which is created. |
RuleRoutingDefinition | A WorkflowAttributeDefinition for the RuleRoutingAttribute . |
RuleTemplateOptionBo | Defines default values and other preset information for a RuleBaseValues
which is based off of the associated RuleTemplateBo . |
UniversityIdRoleAttribute | A generic Role Attribute that can be used to route to an Empl ID. |
UnqualifiedRoleAttribute | A simple base RoleAttribute implementation for roles that do not need to be qualified prior to resolution. |
WorkflowAttributeValidationError | An error returned from the validation of a WorkflowAttribute . |
WorkgroupRoleAttribute | A generic Role Attribute that can be used to route to a Workgroup Name. |