Package org.kuali.rice.kew.rule

Interface Summary
MassRuleAttribute An attribute which can be used to filter a List of rules prior to evaluation by the rules engine.
OddSearchAttribute An interface which can be implemented by a WorkflowAttribute implementation which allows a different List of Row objects to be returned for rendering on the rule lookup screen.
RoleAttribute A special type of attribute that is used exclusively for resolving abstract roles to concrete responsibilities (users and groups).
RolePoker Defines a service for "poking" a role for a specified document.
Rule A Rule wraps a rule definition (RuleBaseValues) and exposes it as a RuleExpression.
RuleExpression A rule is an entity that can be evaluated at runtime to generate a list of RuleResponsibilitys to which to dispatch action requests.
RuleSelector RuleSelector is responsible for selecting the rules to be evaluated for a given rule-based requests node.
RuleValidationAttribute A simple interface for handling validation of rules.
WorkflowAttribute Interface which abstracts a piece of information ("attribute") associated with a Workflow document, which can be used to make routing decisions when combined with Rules.
WorkflowAttributeXmlValidator An interface which can be implemented by a WorkflowAttribute to allow for validation of client routing data.
XmlConfiguredAttribute Represents an attribute which is configured via XML.

Class Summary
AbstractIdRoleAttribute A generic Role Attribute superclass that can be used to route to an ID.
AbstractRoleAttribute Abstract base class for RoleAttributes.
AbstractWorkflowAttribute Abstract base class for WorkflowAttributes.
AccumulatingBSFRuleExpression An extension of BSFRuleExpression that makes it easier to accumulate a list of responsibilities to emit.
BSFRuleExpression A rule expression implementation that uses Bean Scripting Framework.
BSFRuleExpression.WorkflowRuleAPI A helper bean that is declared for use by BSF scripts.
FlexRM Generates Action Requests for a Document using the rule system and the specified RuleTemplateBo.
GenericAttributeContent Helper class that can parse and generate generic attribute content from Map values.
GenericRoleAttribute Generic base class that implements common functionality to simplify implementing a RoleAttribute.
GenericWorkflowAttribute Generic base class that implements common functionality to simplify implementing a WorkflowAttribute.
GroupRuleResponsibility This is a description of what this class does - ewestfal don't forget to fill this in.
HierarchicalNamedRuleSelector Derives the rule name to select based on node instance state configured by a governing HierarchyRoutingNode and the HierarchyRoutingNode name.
InitiatorRoleAttribute RoleAttribute that exposes an INITIATOR abstract role which resolves to the initiator of the document.
KeyValueId Used by the WebRuleBaseValues to hold key-value-id data for Fields.
KRAMetaRuleEngine Implements the KRA meta-rule processing and state machine engine
MetaRuleExpression Expression implementation for "meta rules".
NamedRuleSelector Rule selector that select a rule based on configured rule name
NetworkIdRoleAttribute A generic Role Attribute that can be used to route to a Network ID.
PersonRuleResponsibility This is a description of what this class does - ewestfal don't forget to fill this in.
PrincipalIdRoleAttribute A generic Role Attribute that can be used to route to a Principal ID.
QualifiedRoleName Helper class that encapsulates a qualified rolename, and can encode and decode to String representation.
ResolvedQualifiedRole The resolution of a qualified role (role name + data) to a List of recipient Ids.
Role A defined role on a RoleAttribute.
RolePokerProcessor RolePoker implementation which handles initiating refresh of the "poked" role.
RoleRuleResponsibility This is a description of what this class does - ewestfal don't forget to fill this in.
RoutedByUserRoleAttribute RoleAttribute that exposes a document's user who routed the document
RuleBaseValues A model bean for a Rule within the KEW rules engine.
RuleDelegation A model bean representing the delegation of a rule from a responsibility to another rule.
RuleExpressionDef BO for rule expressions
RuleExpressionResult Result of a RuleExpression evaluation
RuleExtension An extension of a RuleBaseValues.
RuleExtensionValue The value of an extension to a rule.
RulePostProcessor The PostProcessor implementation for rules.
RuleResponsibility A model bean representing the responsibility of a user, workgroup, or role to perform some action on a document.
RuleRoutingAttribute A WorkflowAttribute which is used to route a rule based on the DocumentType of the rule which is created.
RuleRoutingDefinition A WorkflowAttributeDefinition for the RuleRoutingAttribute.
RuleTemplateOptionBo Defines default values and other preset information for a RuleBaseValues which is based off of the associated RuleTemplateBo.
UniversityIdRoleAttribute A generic Role Attribute that can be used to route to an Empl ID.
UnqualifiedRoleAttribute A simple base RoleAttribute implementation for roles that do not need to be qualified prior to resolution.
WorkflowAttributeValidationError An error returned from the validation of a WorkflowAttribute.
WorkgroupRoleAttribute A generic Role Attribute that can be used to route to a Workgroup Name.

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