Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine that return Node
 Node RouteHelper.getNode(RouteNode routeNode)

Uses of Node in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.node

Subinterfaces of Node in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.node
 interface DynamicNode
          A Node type which can be used to dynamically generate a route path for a document.
 interface JoinNode
          A node which is responsible for joining 1 or more branches in the route path of a document.
 interface SimpleNode
          A simple Node implementation which is executed and returns a SimpleResult indicating whether or not the node has completed.
 interface SplitNode
          An interface for a Split Node which allows for parallel branching of the route path within a document.
 interface SubProcessNode
          A Node which represents the initiation of a sub process.

Classes in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.node that implement Node
 class FYIByNetworkId
          Deprecated. Use NetworkIdRoleAttribute instead
 class FYIByUniversityId
          Deprecated. Use UniversityIdRoleAttribute instead
 class InitialNode
          A simple node which represents the initial node in the document.
 class IteratedRequestActivationNode
          A node which will iteratively activate any requests pending on it.
 class KRAMetaRuleNode
          Node that implements a KRAMetaRule, with multiple request/response phases
 class LogNode
          A node which Logs messages to Log4j.
 class NoOpNode
          A SimpleNode implementation which does nothing.
 class RequestActivationNode
          A node which will activate any requests on it, returning true when there are no more requests which require activation.
 class RequestActivationNodeBase
          Abstract superclass for request activation node types
 class RequestsNode
          A node which generates ActionRequestValue objects from a RouteModule.
 class RoleNode
          A node implementation which provides integration with KIM Roles for routing.
 class SimpleJoinNode
          A simple implementation of a JoinNode which indicates it is complete once all branches have joined.
 class SimpleSplitNode
          A simple SplitNode implementation which always splits to all branches that are defined for the split.
 class SimpleSubProcessNode
          A simple SubProcessNode implementation which is effectively a no-op.

Uses of Node in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.node.hierarchyrouting

Classes in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.node.hierarchyrouting that implement Node
 class HierarchyRoutingNode
          Generic hierarchy routing node

Uses of Node in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.node.var

Classes in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.node.var that implement Node
 class SetVarNode
          A simple node that allows setting of document variables.

Uses of Node in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.transition

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.transition that return Node
protected  Node TransitionEngine.getNode(RouteNode routeNode, Class nodeClass)

Uses of Node in org.kuali.rice.kew.mail

Classes in org.kuali.rice.kew.mail that implement Node
 class EmailNode
          A node which will send emails using the configured stylesheet to generate the email content.

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