Appendix C. Building Rice from Source

Table of Contents

Installing Java
Install Software Tools
Install Apache Ant and Maven
Source Code Retrieval From Subversion
Configuring the ImpEx Tool from the Rice Subversion Repository
Database location setup
MySQL users
Oracle Users
Compiling the Source Code
Tool Requirements:
Compilation steps:

Installing Java


When you install Java on the server to run Kuali Rice 2.0.0-m8-SNAPSHOT, please make a note of the installation directory. You must have this information to configure the other Rice products.


Version 1.0.0 of Rice was compiled with Java 5 and maintained source code compatibility with Java 5 as well. Starting with the release, Rice is now being compiled using Java 6, although the source code still remains compatible with Java 5. It is recommended that client applications begin using Java 6 for compiling and running Rice.

  1. In a prior step, you should have uploaded the Java installation file, jdk-1_5_0_18-linux-i586-rpm.bin, to the directory, /opt/software/java. Change your current directory to that directory.

    cd /opt/software/java
  2. Change the file to have executable attributes.

    chmod 777 *
  3. Run the file with this command:


This puts your Java JDK software in /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_16/.


This directory is used throughout the rest of the Quick Start Recommended Best Practices sections in this Installation Guide as the Java home directory


Using a default IBM JDK will result in the failure of Rice to startup do to incompatibilities between cryptography packages. In order to make the IBM JDK work with Rice, the bcprov-*.jar needs to be removed from the classpath.