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 import org.kuali.rice.core.api.uif.RemotableAttributeError;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
  * This is the base service interface for handling type-specific behavior.  Types can be attached
  * to various objects (currently groups and roles) in KIM to add additional attributes and
  * modify their behavior.
  * @author Kuali Rice Team (
 public interface KimTypeServiceTemp {
      * Returns the name of a workflow document type that should be passed as a qualifier with
      * the "documentTypeName" key when resolving responsibilities when routing a KIM document
      * which uses this KIM type (such as a group, role, or person document).
      * return null to indicate that there is no custom workflow document needed for this type.
      * @return the doc type name or null.
     String getWorkflowDocumentTypeName();
      * Returns an unmodifiable list of strings identifying the name of the attributes of the KIM object which uses this
      * type that should be included in the Map of qualifiers that are provided to the KIM responsibility service when
      * resolving responsibility-based routing at the node with the given name.
      * Returns an empty list, indicating that no attributes from this
      * type should be passed to workflow.
      * @return an unmodifiable list should not return null.
     List<String> getWorkflowRoutingAttributes(String nodeName);
      * Perform validation on the attributes of an object.
      * An empty list indicates that there were no errors.
      * This method can be used to perform compound validations across multiple
      * attributes attached to an object.
     List<RemotableAttributeError> validateAttributes(String kimTypeId, Map<String, String> attributes);
      * Perform validation on the attributes of an object.
      * An empty list indicates that there were no errors.
     List<RemotableAttributeError> validateAttributesAgainstExisting(String kimTypeId, Map<String, String> newAttributes, Map<String, String> oldAttributes);