Class LayoutManagerBase

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout.LayoutManagerBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, LayoutManager
Direct Known Subclasses:
BoxLayoutManager, GridLayoutManager

public abstract class LayoutManagerBase
extends Object
implements LayoutManager

Base class for all layout managers

Provides general properties of all layout managers, such as the unique id, rendering template, and style settings

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addStyleClass(String styleClass)
          This method adds a single style to the list of css style classes on this layoutManager
 Map<String,Object> getContext()
          Context map for the layout manager
 String getId()
          The unique id (within a given tree) for the layout manager instance
 List<Component> getNestedComponents()
          List of components that are contained within the layout manager
 Set<String> getPropertiesForReferenceCopy()
          Set of property names for the layout manager base for which on the property value reference should be copied.
 String getPropertyExpression(String propertyName)
          Returns the expression configured for the property with the given name
 Map<String,String> getPropertyExpressions()
          Map of expressions that should be evaluated to conditionally set a property on the layout manager
 List<PropertyReplacer> getPropertyReplacers()
          List of PropertyReplacer instances that will be evaluated during the view lifecycle to conditional set properties on the LayoutManager based on expression evaluations
 String getStyle()
          CSS style string to be applied to the area (div) the layout manager generates for the items
 List<String> getStyleClasses()
          CSS style class(s) to be applied to the area (div) the layout manager generates for the items
 String getStyleClassesAsString()
          Builds the HTML class attribute string by combining the styleClasses list with a space delimiter
 Class<? extends Container> getSupportedContainer()
          Default Impl
 String getTemplate()
          The path to the JSP file that should be called to invoke the layout manager
 void performApplyModel(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Called after the initialize phase to perform conditional logic based on the model data
 void performFinalize(View view, Object model, Container container)
          The last phase before the view is rendered.
 void performInitialization(View view, Container container)
          Should be called to initialize the layout manager
 void pushObjectToContext(String objectName, Object object)
          Places the given object into the context Map for the layout manager with the given name
 void setContext(Map<String,Object> context)
          Setter for the context Map
 void setId(String id)
          Sets the unique id (within a given tree) for the layout manager
 void setPropertyExpressions(Map<String,String> propertyExpressions)
          Setter for the Map of property expressions
 void setPropertyReplacers(List<PropertyReplacer> propertyReplacers)
          Setter for the layout managers property substitutions
 void setStyle(String style)
          Setter for the layout manager div style
 void setStyleClasses(List<String> styleClasses)
          Setter for the layout manager div style class
 void setStyleClasses(String styleClasses)
          Sets the styleClasses list from the given string that has the classes delimited by space.
 void setTemplate(String template)
          Setter for the layout managers template
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LayoutManagerBase()
Method Detail


public void performInitialization(View view,
                                  Container container)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Should be called to initialize the layout manager

This is where layout managers can set defaults and setup other necessary state. The initialize method should only be called once per layout manager lifecycle and is invoked within the initialize phase of the view lifecylce.

Specified by:
performInitialization in interface LayoutManager
view - - View instance the layout manager is a part of
container - - Container the layout manager applies to
See Also:
LayoutManager.performInitialization(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.Container)


public void performApplyModel(View view,
                              Object model,
                              Container container)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Called after the initialize phase to perform conditional logic based on the model data

Specified by:
performApplyModel in interface LayoutManager
view - - view instance to which the layout manager belongs
model - - Top level object containing the data (could be the form or a top level business object, dto)
container - - Container the layout manager applies to
See Also:
LayoutManager.performApplyModel(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.View, java.lang.Object, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.Container)


public void performFinalize(View view,
                            Object model,
                            Container container)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
The last phase before the view is rendered. Here final preparations can be made based on the updated view state

Specified by:
performFinalize in interface LayoutManager
view - - view instance that should be finalized for rendering
model - - top level object containing the data
container - - Container the layout manager applies to
See Also:
LayoutManager.performFinalize(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.View, java.lang.Object, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.Container)


public Set<String> getPropertiesForReferenceCopy()
Set of property names for the layout manager base for which on the property value reference should be copied. Subclasses can override this but should include a call to super

Specified by:
getPropertiesForReferenceCopy in interface LayoutManager
Set property names for which only the value reference should be copied
See Also:


public Class<? extends Container> getSupportedContainer()
Default Impl

Specified by:
getSupportedContainer in interface LayoutManager
Class container class supported
See Also:


public List<Component> getNestedComponents()
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
List of components that are contained within the layout manager

Used by ViewHelperService for the various lifecycle callbacks

Specified by:
getNestedComponents in interface LayoutManager
List child components
See Also:


public String getId()
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
The unique id (within a given tree) for the layout manager instance

The id is used to identify a LayoutManager instance within the tree and can be used by renderers

Specified by:
getId in interface LayoutManager
String id
See Also:


public void setId(String id)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Sets the unique id (within a given tree) for the layout manager

Specified by:
setId in interface LayoutManager
id - - string to set as the layout manager id
See Also:


public String getTemplate()
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
The path to the JSP file that should be called to invoke the layout manager

The path should be relative to the web root. All layout manager templates receive the list of items of be placed, the configured layout manager, and the container to which the layout manager applies

e.g. '/krad/WEB-INF/jsp/tiles/boxLayout.jsp'

Specified by:
getTemplate in interface LayoutManager
String representing the template path
See Also:


public void setTemplate(String template)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Setter for the layout managers template

Specified by:
setTemplate in interface LayoutManager
See Also:


public String getStyle()
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
CSS style string to be applied to the area (div) the layout manager generates for the items

Note the styleClass/style configured on the Container applies to all the container content (header, body, footer), while the styleClass/style configured on the LayoutManager only applies to the div surrounding the items placed by the manager (the container's body)

Any style override or additions can be specified with this attribute. This is used by the renderer to set the style attribute on the corresponding element.

e.g. 'color: #000000;text-decoration: underline;'

Specified by:
getStyle in interface LayoutManager
String css style string
See Also:


public void setStyle(String style)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Setter for the layout manager div style

Specified by:
setStyle in interface LayoutManager
See Also:


public List<String> getStyleClasses()
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
CSS style class(s) to be applied to the area (div) the layout manager generates for the items

Note the styleClass/style configured on the Container applies to all the container content (header, body, footer), while the styleClass/style configured on the LayoutManager only applies to the div surrounding the items placed by the manager (the container's body)

Declares additional style classes for the div. Multiple classes are specified with a space delimiter. This is used by the renderer to set the class attribute on the corresponding element. The class(s) declared must be available in the common style sheets or the style sheets specified for the view

e.g. 'header left'

Specified by:
getStyleClasses in interface LayoutManager
List css style classes to apply
See Also:


public void setStyleClasses(List<String> styleClasses)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Setter for the layout manager div style class

Specified by:
setStyleClasses in interface LayoutManager
See Also:


public String getStyleClassesAsString()
Builds the HTML class attribute string by combining the styleClasses list with a space delimiter

String class attribute string


public void setStyleClasses(String styleClasses)
Sets the styleClasses list from the given string that has the classes delimited by space. This is a convenience for configuration. If a child bean needs to inherit the classes from the parent, it should configure as a list and use merge="true"

styleClasses -


public void addStyleClass(String styleClass)
This method adds a single style to the list of css style classes on this layoutManager

Specified by:
addStyleClass in interface LayoutManager
style -


public Map<String,Object> getContext()
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Context map for the layout manager

Specified by:
getContext in interface LayoutManager
Map context
See Also:


public void setContext(Map<String,Object> context)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Setter for the context Map

Specified by:
setContext in interface LayoutManager
See Also:


public void pushObjectToContext(String objectName,
                                Object object)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Places the given object into the context Map for the layout manager with the given name

Specified by:
pushObjectToContext in interface LayoutManager
See Also:
LayoutManager.pushObjectToContext(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


public Map<String,String> getPropertyExpressions()
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Map of expressions that should be evaluated to conditionally set a property on the layout manager

When configuring a layout manager property through XML an expression can be given using the @{} placeholder. During the loading of the XML any such expressions are captured and placed into this Map, with the property they apply to set as the Map key. The expressions are then evaluated during the apply model phase and the result is set as the property value.

Note after the expression is picked up, the property configuration is removed. Thus the property in the layout manager will only have its default object value until the expression is evaluated

Specified by:
getPropertyExpressions in interface LayoutManager
Map map of expressions where key is property name and value is expression to evaluate
See Also:


public void setPropertyExpressions(Map<String,String> propertyExpressions)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Setter for the Map of property expressions

Specified by:
setPropertyExpressions in interface LayoutManager
See Also:


public String getPropertyExpression(String propertyName)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Returns the expression configured for the property with the given name

Specified by:
getPropertyExpression in interface LayoutManager
String expression for property or null if expression is not configured
See Also:


public List<PropertyReplacer> getPropertyReplacers()
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
List of PropertyReplacer instances that will be evaluated during the view lifecycle to conditional set properties on the LayoutManager based on expression evaluations

Specified by:
getPropertyReplacers in interface LayoutManager
List replacers to evaluate
See Also:


public void setPropertyReplacers(List<PropertyReplacer> propertyReplacers)
Description copied from interface: LayoutManager
Setter for the layout managers property substitutions

Specified by:
setPropertyReplacers in interface LayoutManager
See Also:

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