Interface DocumentLookupCustomizer

public interface DocumentLookupCustomizer

Provides for various ways for an application to customize the behavior of the Document Lookup functionality for their document types. Client applications should provide implementations of this interface if they need to enact some of these customizations on document lookups. These customizers then get mapped to the appropriate document types via the KEW extension framework (see ExtensionRepositoryService).

The customization functionality includes the ability to process document lookup criteria before it gets submitted to the search engine, effectively allowing for a level of customimzation to the search.

This also, includes the ability to defining how results from document lookup should be displayed and processed. Implementations of this class can be created by application owners and tied to Document Types as attributes in order to customize the behavior of document lookup for documents of that type.

Since some of the operations on this component could potentially add expense to the overall search process in the cases where customization is only done on certain document types or only certain customization features are being utilized, this interface provides for a set of boolean operations which indicate which customization features should be activated by the document lookup framework for a given document type.

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 DocumentLookupCriteria customizeClearCriteria(DocumentLookupCriteria documentLookupCriteria)
 DocumentLookupCriteria customizeCriteria(DocumentLookupCriteria documentLookupCriteria)
 List<DocumentLookupResult> customizeResults(DocumentLookupCriteria documentLookupCriteria, List<DocumentLookupResult> defaultResults)
 List<RemotableAttributeField> customizeResultSetFields(DocumentLookupCriteria documentLookupCriteria, List<RemotableAttributeField> defaultResultSetFields)
 boolean isCustomizeClearCriteriaEnabled(String documentTypeName)
 boolean isCustomizeCriteriaEnabled(String documentTypeName)
 boolean isCustomizeResultsEnabled(String documentTypeName)
 boolean isCustomizeResultSetFieldsEnabled(String documentTypeName)

Method Detail


DocumentLookupCriteria customizeCriteria(DocumentLookupCriteria documentLookupCriteria)


DocumentLookupCriteria customizeClearCriteria(DocumentLookupCriteria documentLookupCriteria)


List<RemotableAttributeField> customizeResultSetFields(DocumentLookupCriteria documentLookupCriteria,
                                                       List<RemotableAttributeField> defaultResultSetFields)


List<DocumentLookupResult> customizeResults(DocumentLookupCriteria documentLookupCriteria,
                                            List<DocumentLookupResult> defaultResults)


boolean isCustomizeCriteriaEnabled(String documentTypeName)


boolean isCustomizeClearCriteriaEnabled(String documentTypeName)


boolean isCustomizeResultsEnabled(String documentTypeName)


boolean isCustomizeResultSetFieldsEnabled(String documentTypeName)

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