Class NotLikePredicate

  extended by org.kuali.rice.core.api.criteria.AbstractPredicate
      extended by org.kuali.rice.core.api.criteria.NotLikePredicate
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Predicate, PropertyPathPredicate, SingleValuedPredicate, ModelObjectBasic, ModelObjectComplete

public final class NotLikePredicate
extends AbstractPredicate
implements SingleValuedPredicate

An immutable predicate which represents a "not like" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate. The criteria value for a like predicate should support wildcards using "*" for multiple values and "?" for a single value.

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
for a convenient way to construct this class., Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
(package private) static class NotLikePredicate.Constants
          Defines some internal constants used on this class.
Field Summary
private  Collection<Element> _futureElements
private  String propertyPath
private static long serialVersionUID
private  CriteriaValue<?> value
Constructor Summary
private NotLikePredicate()
          Should only be invoked by JAXB.
(package private) NotLikePredicate(String propertyPath, CriteriaValue<?> value)
          Constructs a NotLikePredicate for the given path and value.
Method Summary
 String getPropertyPath()
          Returns the property path for this predicate which represents the portion of the object model to which the predicate applies.
 CriteriaValue<?> getValue()
          Gets the criteria value for this predicate.
 String toString()
          This will return a proper string representation of the Model Object.
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.core.api.criteria.AbstractPredicate
equals, hashCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
equals, hashCode

Field Detail


private static final long serialVersionUID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private final String propertyPath


private final CriteriaValue<?> value


private final Collection<Element> _futureElements
Constructor Detail


private NotLikePredicate()
Should only be invoked by JAXB.


NotLikePredicate(String propertyPath,
                 CriteriaValue<?> value)
Constructs a NotLikePredicate for the given path and value. NotLikePredicate supports only the CriteriaStringValue.

propertyPath - the property path for the predicate, must not be null or blank
value - the value to evaluation the path against, must not be null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the propertyPath is null or blank
IllegalArgumentException - if the value is null
IllegalArgumentException - if this predicate does not support the given type of CriteriaValue
Method Detail


public String getPropertyPath()
Description copied from interface: PropertyPathPredicate
Returns the property path for this predicate which represents the portion of the object model to which the predicate applies.

Specified by:
getPropertyPath in interface PropertyPathPredicate
the property path


public CriteriaValue<?> getValue()
Description copied from interface: SingleValuedPredicate
Gets the criteria value for this predicate.

Specified by:
getValue in interface SingleValuedPredicate
the criteria value for this predicate


public String toString()
Description copied from interface: ModelObjectBasic
This will return a proper string representation of the Model Object. All of the fields comprising the "public" api should be represented in the return value.

Specified by:
toString in interface ModelObjectBasic
Specified by:
toString in class AbstractPredicate
the string representation

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