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  * Copyright 2008-2009 The Kuali Foundation
  * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import org.kuali.rice.core.util.jaxb.MapStringStringAdapter;
 import javax.jws.WebParam;
 import javax.jws.WebService;
 import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
  * This service provides operations to query for principal and identity data.
  * <p>A principal represents an identity that can authenticate.  In essence, a principal can be
  * thought of as an "account" or as an identity's authentication credentials.  A principal has
  * an id which is used to uniquely identify it.  It also has a name which represents the
  * principal's username and is typically what is entered when authenticating.  All principals
  * are associated with one and only one identity.
  * <p>An identity represents a person or system.  Additionally, other "types" of entities can
  * be defined in KIM.  Information like name, phone number, etc. is associated with an identity.
  * It is the representation of a concrete person or system.  While an identity will typically
  * have a single principal associated with it, it is possible for an identity to have more than
  * one principal or even no principals at all (in the case where the identity does not actually
  * authenticate).
  * <p>This service also provides operations for querying various pieces of reference data, such as 
  * address types, affiliation types, phone types, etc.
  * <p>This service provides read-only operations.  For write operations, see
  * {@link}.
  * @see
  * @author Kuali Rice Team (
 @WebService(name = KIMWebServiceConstants.IdentityService.WEB_SERVICE_NAME, targetNamespace = KIMWebServiceConstants.MODULE_TARGET_NAMESPACE)
 @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT, use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL, parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
 public interface IdentityService {
          * Get the principal with the given unique principal ID. Returns null if not found. 
         Principal getPrincipal( @WebParam(name="principalId") String principalId );
          * Get the principal with the given principalName.
         Principal getPrincipalByPrincipalName( @WebParam(name="principalName") String principalName );
          * Get the principal with the given name and password.
         Principal getPrincipalByPrincipalNameAndPassword( @WebParam(name="principalName") String principalName,  @WebParam(name="password") String password );
          * Get the identity default info for the identity with the given id.
         EntityDefault getEntityDefaultInfo( @WebParam(name="entityId") String entityId );
          * Get the identity default info for the identity of the principal with the given principal id.
         EntityDefault getEntityDefaultInfoByPrincipalId( @WebParam(name="principalId") String principalId );
          * Get the identity default info for the identity of the principal with the given principal name.
         EntityDefault getEntityDefaultInfoByPrincipalName( @WebParam(name="principalName") String principalName );
          * Get the identity info for the identity with the given id.
         Entity getEntity( @WebParam(name="entityId") String entityId );
          * Get the identity info for the identity of the principal with the given principal id.
         Entity getEntityInfoByPrincipalId( @WebParam(name="principalId") String principalId );
          * Get the identity info for the identity of the principal with the given principal name.
         Entity getEntityInfoByPrincipalName( @WebParam(name="principalName") String principalName );
          * Gets a List of identity default info for entities based on the given search criteria.
          * <p>If unbounded is set to false, then this method will return all results.  If unbounded is set to
          * true then the number of search results will be bounded based on default configuration for number
          * of search results returned in a a bounded search.
          * <p>The searchCriteria Map is a map of identity field names to search values.
         List<EntityDefault> lookupEntityDefaultInfo( @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = MapStringStringAdapter.class) @WebParam(name = "searchCriteria") Map<String,String> searchCriteria, @WebParam(name="unbounded") boolean unbounded );
         List<Entity> lookupEntityInfo( @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = MapStringStringAdapter.class) @WebParam(name = "searchCriteria") Map<String,String> searchCriteria, @WebParam(name="unbounded") boolean unbounded );
          * Returns a count of the number of entities that match the given search criteria.
         int getMatchingEntityCount( @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = MapStringStringAdapter.class) @WebParam(name = "searchCriteria") Map<String,String> searchCriteria );
          * Gets the privacy preferences for the identity with the given identity id.
         EntityPrivacyPreferences getEntityPrivacyPreferences( @WebParam(name="entityId") String entityId );
          * Gets the name for the principals with ids in the given List.
          * <p>The resulting Map contains the principalId as the key and the name information as the value.
          * When fetching names by principal id, the resulting name info contains the identity's name info
          * as well as the principal's name info.
         @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = StringToKimEntityNamePrincipalInfoMapAdapter.class) 
     Map<String, KimEntityNamePrincipalNameInfo> getDefaultNamesForPrincipalIds(@WebParam(name="principalIds") List<String> principalIds);
      * Gets the names for the entities with ids in the given list.
         @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = StringToKimEntityNameInfoMapAdapter.class) 
     Map<String, EntityName> getDefaultNamesForEntityIds(@WebParam(name="entityIds") List<String> entityIds);
      * Gets the address type for the given address type code.
         public Type getAddressType( @WebParam(name="code") String code );
      * Gets the affiliation type for the given affiliation type code.
         public EntityAffiliationType getAffiliationType( @WebParam(name="code") String code );
          * Gets the citizenship status for the given citizenship status code.
         public Type getCitizenshipStatus( @WebParam(name="code") String code );
      * Gets the email type for the given email type code.
         public Type getEmailType( @WebParam(name="code") String code );
      * Gets the employment status for the given employment status code.
         public Type getEmploymentStatus( @WebParam(name="code") String code );
      * Gets the employment type for the given employment type code.
         public Type getEmploymentType( @WebParam(name="code") String code );
      * Gets the identity name type for the given identity name type code.
         public Type getEntityNameType( @WebParam(name="code") String code );
      * Gets the identity type for the given identity type code.
         public Type getEntityType( @WebParam(name="code") String code );
      * Gets the external identifier type for the given external identifier type code.
         public EntityExternalIdentifierType getExternalIdentifierType( @WebParam(name="code") String code );
      * Gets the phone type for the given phone type code.
         public Type getPhoneType( @WebParam(name="code") String code );