Coverage Report - org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.WorkflowDocumentService
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 2011 The Kuali Foundation
  * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document;
 import org.kuali.rice.core.api.exception.RiceIllegalArgumentException;
 import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.action.ActionRequest;
 import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.action.ActionTaken;
 import javax.jws.WebParam;
 import java.util.List;
  * TODO ... annotate for JAX-WS! 
  * @author Kuali Rice Team (
 public interface WorkflowDocumentService {
         Document getDocument(String documentId);
         boolean doesDocumentExist(String documentId);
         DocumentContent getDocumentContent(String documentId);
         List<ActionRequest> getRootActionRequests(@WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId);
         public List<ActionRequest> getActionRequests(String documentId, String nodeName, String principalId);
         List<ActionTaken> getActionsTaken(@WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId);
 //    public DocumentDetailDTO getDocumentDetailFromAppId(String documentTypeName, String appId) throws WorkflowException;
 //        public RouteHeaderDTO getRouteHeaderWithPrincipal(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "principalId") String principalId,
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        public RouteHeaderDTO getRouteHeader(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
         public DocumentDetail getDocumentDetail(@WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId);
 //        public RouteNodeInstanceDTO getNodeInstance(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "nodeInstanceId") Long nodeInstanceId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        public Long getNewResponsibilityId() throws WorkflowException;
 //        public ActionRequestDTO[] getActionRequests(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId,
 //                        @WebParam(name = "nodeName") String nodeName,
 //                        @WebParam(name = "principalId") String principalId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        public String getAppDocId(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId);
 //        public DocumentSearchResultDTO performDocumentSearch(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "criteriaVO") DocumentSearchCriteriaDTO criteriaVO)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        public DocumentSearchResultDTO performDocumentSearchWithPrincipal(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "principalId") String principalId,
 //                        @WebParam(name = "criteriaVO") DocumentSearchCriteriaDTO criteriaVO)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        public RouteNodeInstanceDTO[] getDocumentRouteNodeInstances(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
         public List<RouteNodeInstance> getRouteNodeInstances(String documentId);
         public List<RouteNodeInstance> getActiveRouteNodeInstances(
                         @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId);
 //        public RouteNodeInstanceDTO[] getTerminalNodeInstances(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        public DocumentContentDTO getDocumentContent(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
         public List<String> getPreviousRouteNodeNames(@WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId);
 //        public String getDocumentStatus(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        public RouteNodeInstanceDTO[] getCurrentNodeInstances(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        public String[] getPrincipalIdsWithPendingActionRequestByActionRequestedAndDocId(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "actionRequestedCd") String actionRequestedCd,
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        public String getDocumentInitiatorPrincipalId(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        /**
 //         * Returns the principal ID of the user who routed the given document.
 //         * <b>null</b> if the document can not be found.
 //         * 
 //         * @throws WorkflowException
 //         */
 //        public String getDocumentRoutedByPrincipalId(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                        throws WorkflowException;
 //        @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = MapStringStringAdapter.class)
 //        public Map<String, String> getActionsRequested(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "principalId") String principalId,
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId);
 //        /**
 //         * 
 //         * This method does a direct search for the searchableAttribute without
 //         * going through the doc search.
 //         * 
 //         * @param documentId
 //         * @param key
 //         * @return
 //         */
 //        public String[] getSearchableAttributeStringValuesByKey(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId,
 //                        @WebParam(name = "key") String key);
 //        /**
 //         * 
 //         * This method does a direct search for the searchableAttribute without
 //         * going through the doc search.
 //         * 
 //         * @param documentId
 //         * @param key
 //         * @return
 //         */
 //        @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = SqlTimestampAdapter.class)
 //        public Timestamp[] getSearchableAttributeDateTimeValuesByKey(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId,
 //                        @WebParam(name = "key") String key);
 //        /**
 //         * 
 //         * This method does a direct search for the searchableAttribute without
 //         * going through the doc search.
 //         * 
 //         * @param documentId
 //         * @param key
 //         * @return
 //         */
 //        public BigDecimal[] getSearchableAttributeFloatValuesByKey(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId,
 //                        @WebParam(name = "key") String key);
 //        /**
 //         * 
 //         * This method does a direct search for the searchableAttribute without
 //         * going through the doc search.
 //         * 
 //         * @param documentId
 //         * @param key
 //         * @return
 //         */
 //        public Long[] getSearchableAttributeLongValuesByKey(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId,
 //                        @WebParam(name = "key") String key);
 //        public String getFutureRequestsKey(
 //                        @WebParam(name = "principalId") String principalId);
 //        public String getReceiveFutureRequestsValue();
 //        public String getDoNotReceiveFutureRequestsValue();
 //        public String getClearFutureRequestsValue();
 //         public DocumentStatusTransitionDTO[] getDocumentStatusTransitionHistory(
 //                            @WebParam(name = "documentId") String documentId)
 //                            throws WorkflowException;
          * TODO - document that this "ignores" the request to create the link if it already exists,
          * returning the existing link if there is one
          * TODO - also document that this method actually creates two links in the db, one from the document being
          * linked to the target and vice-versa
         DocumentLink addDocumentLink(DocumentLink documentLink) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
         DocumentLink deleteDocumentLink(String documentLinkId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
     List<DocumentLink> deleteDocumentLinksByDocumentId(String originatingDocumentId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
     List<DocumentLink> getOutgoingDocumentLinks(String originatingDocumentId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
     List<DocumentLink> getIncomingDocumentLinks(String originatingDocumentId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
     DocumentLink getDocumentLink(String documentLinkId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;