Interface RiceApplicationConfigurationService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RiceApplicationConfigurationService

This interface defines methods that a KualiConfiguration Service must provide. Provides methods for getting string resources.

Method Summary
 String getBaseHelpUrl(String businessObjectClassName)
 String getBaseInquiryUrl(String businessObjectClassName)
 String getBaseLookupUrl(String businessObjectClassName)
 AttributeDefinition getBusinessObjectAttributeDefinition(String businessObjectClassName, String attributeName)
          This method will return the attribute definition from the local data dictionary.
 String getConfigurationParameter(String parameterName)
          Given a property name (parameterName), returns the value associated with it.
 List<Component> getNonDatabaseComponents()
          This method can be used to supplement the list of ParameterDetailTypes defined in the database from other sources.
 boolean isResponsibleForPackage(String packageName)
          Checks whether this application is responsible for the package given.
 boolean supportsBusinessObjectClass(String businessObjectClassName)
          Checks whether this application supports the given business object (whether it is defined in the data dictionary)

Method Detail


String getConfigurationParameter(String parameterName)
Given a property name (parameterName), returns the value associated with it.

parameterName -
String associated with the given parameterName


List<Component> getNonDatabaseComponents()
This method can be used to supplement the list of ParameterDetailTypes defined in the database from other sources.

List containing the detailed types configured in non-database sources


boolean isResponsibleForPackage(String packageName)
Checks whether this application is responsible for the package given. It will ensure that it falls within a set of configured parent packages.


boolean supportsBusinessObjectClass(String businessObjectClassName)
Checks whether this application supports the given business object (whether it is defined in the data dictionary)


AttributeDefinition getBusinessObjectAttributeDefinition(String businessObjectClassName,
                                                         String attributeName)
This method will return the attribute definition from the local data dictionary. It assumes that the #supportsBusinessObjectClass(java.lang.String) method has already been checked to make sure that this service will handle that class. If not present, this method will return null. This method also returns null if the given attribute definition can not be found on the business object.


String getBaseLookupUrl(String businessObjectClassName)


String getBaseInquiryUrl(String businessObjectClassName)


String getBaseHelpUrl(String businessObjectClassName)

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