Interface Summary |
AuthenticationService |
This service is used to extract the name of the authenticated principal from
an incoming http request. |
GroupInternalService |
Provides internal notification services for the GroupServiceImpl. |
IdentityManagementNotificationService |
Service to purge local Kim caches when backend KIM data has changed. |
IdentityUpdateService |
This service provides operations for creating and updating principals and entities. |
PermissionService |
This service provides operations for evaluating permissions and querying for permission data. |
PermissionUpdateService |
This service provides operations for creating and updating permissions. |
PersonService |
This service acts as a facade on the entity information that is provided
through the IdentityService and provides a "person-centric" view of that
entity data. |
RoleManagementService |
This service adds caching on top of the RoleService. |
RoleService |
This service provides operations for querying role and role qualification
data. |
RoleUpdateService |
This service provides operations for creating and updating roles. |
UiDocumentService |
This is a description of what this class does - shyu don't forget to fill this in. |