Class RemoteTestHarness

  extended by org.kuali.rice.test.remote.RemoteTestHarness

public class RemoteTestHarness
extends Object

Harness used to hold a reference to an endpoint that is published to support remote tests. Tests using this harness should pass in a @WebService annotated interface class and an object of an implementing class of that interface to the publishEndpointAndReturnProxy method in @Before or setUp methods used in tests.

The endpoint will always be published at a URL like http://localhost:1025/service where the port number changes each time publishEndpointAndReturnProxy is called and guarantees that an open port is used.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
<T> T
publishEndpointAndReturnProxy(Class<T> jaxWsAnnotatedInterface, T serviceImplementation)
 void stopEndpoint()
          Stops and makes an internal endpoint unpublished if it was previously published.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RemoteTestHarness()
Method Detail


public <T> T publishEndpointAndReturnProxy(Class<T> jaxWsAnnotatedInterface,
                                           T serviceImplementation)


public void stopEndpoint()
Stops and makes an internal endpoint unpublished if it was previously published. Otherwise, this method is a no-op.

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