Uses of Class

Packages that use CollectionGroup

Uses of CollectionGroup in org.kuali.rice.krad.maintenance

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.maintenance with parameters of type CollectionGroup
protected  void MaintainableImpl.processAfterAddLine(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, Object addLine)
          In the case of edit maintenance adds a new blank line to the old side TODO: should this write some sort of missing message on the old side instead?
protected  void MaintainableImpl.processAfterDeleteLine(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, int lineIndex)
          In the case of edit maintenance deleted the item on the old side

Uses of CollectionGroup in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container that return types with arguments of type CollectionGroup
 List<CollectionGroup> CollectionGroup.getSubCollections()
          List of CollectionGroup instances that are sub-collections of the collection represented by this collection group

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container with parameters of type CollectionGroup
protected  void CollectionGroupBuilder.applyLineFieldAuthorizationAndPresentationLogic(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object line, boolean readOnlyLine, List<Field> lineFields, List<ActionField> actions)
          Iterates through the line fields and checks the view field authorization using the view's configured authorizer and presentation controller.
 void view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup)
          Creates the Field instances that make up the table
protected  void CollectionGroupBuilder.buildAddLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup)
          Builds the fields for holding the collection add line and if necessary makes call to setup the new line instance
protected  void CollectionGroupBuilder.buildLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String bindingPath, List<ActionField> actions, boolean bindToForm, Object currentLine, int lineIndex)
          Builds the field instances for the collection line.
protected  boolean CollectionGroupBuilder.checkEditLineAuthorizationAndPresentationLogic(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object line)
          Invokes the view's configured authorizer and presentation controller to determine if the user has permission to edit the line (if a permission has been established)
protected  boolean CollectionGroupBuilder.checkSubCollectionRender(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, CollectionGroup subCollectionGroup)
          Checks whether the given sub-collection should be rendered, any conditional render string is evaluated
protected  boolean CollectionGroupBuilder.checkViewLineAuthorizationAndPresentationLogic(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object line)
          Invokes the view's configured authorizer and presentation controller to determine if the user has permission to view the line (if a permission has been established)
 List<Integer> CollectionFilter.filter(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup)
          Invoked to filter the collection data before the collection group is built.
 List<Integer> MaintenanceActiveCollectionFilter.filter(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup)
          Iterates through the collection and if the collection line type implements Inactivatable active indexes are added to the show indexes list
 List<Integer> ELCollectionFilter.filter(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup)
          Iterates through the collection and evaluates the el expression in context of the line.
 List<Integer> ActiveCollectionFilter.filter(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup)
          Iterates through the collection and if the collection line type implements Inactivatable, active indexes are added to the show indexes list
protected  List<ActionField> CollectionGroupBuilder.getAddLineActions(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup)
          Creates new ActionField instances for the add line
protected  Map<String,Object> CollectionGroupBuilder.getContextForField(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Field field)
          Helper method to build the context for a field (needed because the apply model phase for line fields has not been applied yet and their full context not set)
protected  List<ActionField> CollectionGroupBuilder.getLineActions(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object collectionLine, int lineIndex)
          Creates new ActionField instances for the line
 void CollectionGroup.initializeNewCollectionLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, boolean clearExistingLine)
          New collection lines are handled in the framework by maintaining a map on the form.
 void CollectionGroupBuilder.initializeNewCollectionLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, boolean clearExistingLine)
          Initializes a new instance of the collection class
protected  List<Integer> CollectionGroupBuilder.performCollectionFiltering(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Collection<?> collection)
          Performs any filtering necessary on the collection before building the collection fields
protected  List<Field> CollectionGroupBuilder.processAnyRemoteFieldsHolder(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup group, List<? extends Component> items)
          Iterates through the given items checking for RemotableFieldsHolder, if found the holder is invoked to retrieved the remotable fields and translate to attribute fields.
protected  List<Field> CollectionGroupBuilder.removeNonRenderLineFields(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, List<Field> lineFields, Object currentLine, int lineIndex)
          Evaluates the render property for the given list of Field instances for the line and removes any fields from the returned list that have render false.

Method parameters in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container with type arguments of type CollectionGroup
 void CollectionGroup.setSubCollections(List<CollectionGroup> subCollections)
          Setter for the sub collection list

Uses of CollectionGroup in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout with parameters of type CollectionGroup
 void TableLayoutManager.buildLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, List<Field> lineFields, List<FieldGroup> subCollectionFields, String bindingPath, List<ActionField> actions, String idSuffix, Object currentLine, int lineIndex)
          Assembles the field instances for the collection line.
 void StackedLayoutManager.buildLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, List<Field> lineFields, List<FieldGroup> subCollectionFields, String bindingPath, List<ActionField> actions, String idSuffix, Object currentLine, int lineIndex)
          Builds a Group instance for a collection line.
 void CollectionLayoutManager.buildLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, List<Field> lineFields, List<FieldGroup> subCollectionFields, String bindingPath, List<ActionField> actions, String idSuffix, Object currentLine, int lineIndex)
          Call to the layout manager to build the components necessary for the given collection line
protected  void TableLayoutManager.buildTableHeaderRows(CollectionGroup collectionGroup, List<Field> lineFields)
          Create the LabelField instances that will be used to render the table header
static void CollectionLayoutUtils.prepareSelectFieldForLine(Field selectField, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String lineBindingPath, Object line)

Uses of CollectionGroup in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service with parameters of type CollectionGroup
 void ViewHelperService.applyDefaultValuesForCollectionLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object line)
          Applies configured default values for the line fields to the line instance

Uses of CollectionGroup in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.impl

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.impl with parameters of type CollectionGroup
 void ViewHelperServiceImpl.applyDefaultValuesForCollectionLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object line)
protected  boolean ViewHelperServiceImpl.performAddLineValidation(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, Object addLine)
          Performs validation on the new collection line before it is added to the corresponding collection
protected  boolean DocumentViewHelperServiceImpl.performAddLineValidation(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, Object addLine)
          Performs validation on the new collection line before it is added to the corresponding collection
protected  boolean ViewHelperServiceImpl.performDeleteLineValidation(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object deleteLine)
          Performs validation on the collection line before it is removed from the corresponding collection
protected  void ViewHelperServiceImpl.processAfterAddLine(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, Object addLine)
          Hook for service overrides to process the new collection line after it has been added to the collection
protected  void ViewHelperServiceImpl.processAfterDeleteLine(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, int lineIndex)
          Hook for service overrides to process the collection line after it has been deleted
protected  void ViewHelperServiceImpl.processBeforeAddLine(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, Object addLine)
          Hook for service overrides to process the new collection line before it is added to the collection

Uses of CollectionGroup in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util that return CollectionGroup
static CollectionGroup ComponentFactory.getCollectionGroup()
static CollectionGroup ComponentFactory.getCollectionGroupTableLayout()
static CollectionGroup ComponentFactory.getListGroup()

Uses of CollectionGroup in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view that return CollectionGroup
 CollectionGroup ViewIndex.getCollectionGroupByPath(String collectionPath)
          Retrieves a CollectionGroup instance from the index
 CollectionGroup LookupView.getResultsGroup()

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view that return types with arguments of type CollectionGroup
 Map<String,CollectionGroup> ViewIndex.getCollectionsIndex()
          Gets the Map that contains collection indexing information.

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view with parameters of type CollectionGroup
 boolean ViewPresentationControllerBase.canEditLine(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line)
 boolean ViewPresentationController.canEditLine(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line)
 boolean ViewAuthorizerBase.canEditLine(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Person user)
 boolean ViewAuthorizer.canEditLine(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Person user)
 boolean ViewPresentationControllerBase.canEditLineField(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Field field, String propertyName)
 boolean ViewPresentationController.canEditLineField(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Field field, String propertyName)
 boolean ViewAuthorizerBase.canEditLineField(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Field field, String propertyName, Person user)
 boolean ViewAuthorizer.canEditLineField(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Field field, String propertyName, Person user)
 boolean ViewPresentationControllerBase.canTakeLineAction(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId)
 boolean ViewPresentationController.canTakeLineAction(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId)
 boolean ViewAuthorizerBase.canTakeLineAction(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId, Person user)
 boolean ViewAuthorizer.canTakeLineAction(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, ActionField actionField, String actionEvent, String actionId, Person user)
 boolean ViewPresentationControllerBase.canViewLine(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line)
 boolean ViewPresentationController.canViewLine(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line)
 boolean ViewAuthorizerBase.canViewLine(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Person user)
 boolean ViewAuthorizer.canViewLine(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Person user)
 boolean ViewPresentationControllerBase.canViewLineField(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Field field, String propertyName)
 boolean ViewPresentationController.canViewLineField(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Field field, String propertyName)
 boolean ViewAuthorizerBase.canViewLineField(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Field field, String propertyName, Person user)
 boolean ViewAuthorizer.canViewLineField(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Field field, String propertyName, Person user)
 void LookupView.setResultsGroup(CollectionGroup resultsGroup)

Uses of CollectionGroup in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget with parameters of type CollectionGroup
protected  void RichTable.buildTableOptions(CollectionGroup collectionGroup)
          Builds column options for sorting

Uses of CollectionGroup in org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui with parameters of type CollectionGroup
protected  void TermMaintainable.processBeforeAddLine(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, Object addLine)
protected  void TermSpecificationMaintainable.processBeforeAddLine(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, Object addLine)
protected  void AgendaEditorMaintainable.processBeforeAddLine(View view, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object model, Object addLine)

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