Class MaintenanceDocumentRuleBase

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.rules.DocumentRuleBase
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.rules.MaintenanceDocumentRuleBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
MaintenanceDocumentRule, AddAdHocRoutePersonRule, AddAdHocRouteWorkgroupRule, AddNoteRule, ApproveDocumentRule, BusinessRule, RouteDocumentRule, SaveDocumentRule, SendAdHocRequestsRule
Direct Known Subclasses:
AgendaEditorBusRule, AuthorMaintenanceDocumentRule, ContextBusRule, ParameterRule, TermBusRule, TermSpecBusRule, TravelAccountRules

public class MaintenanceDocumentRuleBase
extends DocumentRuleBase
implements MaintenanceDocumentRule

Contains all of the business rules that are common to all maintenance documents

Kuali Rice Team (

Field Summary
protected static org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG
protected  List priorErrorPath
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor a
Method Summary
protected  boolean checkEmptyBOField(String propertyName, Object valueToTest, String parameter)
          This method accepts an object, and attempts to determine whether it is empty by this method's definition.
protected  boolean checkEmptyDocumentField(String propertyName, Object valueToTest, String parameter)
          This method accepts document field (such as , and attempts to determine whether it is empty by this method's definition.
protected  boolean checkEmptyValue(Object valueToTest)
          This method accepts document field (such as , and attempts to determine whether it is empty by this method's definition.
protected  boolean checkForPartiallyFilledOutReferenceForeignKeys(String referenceName)
          This method checks to make sure that if the foreign-key fields for the given reference attributes have any fields filled out,that all fields are filled out.
protected  void clearErrorPath()
          This method is used to deal with error paths that are not what we expect them to be.
protected  StringBuffer consolidateFieldNames(List fieldNames, String delimiter)
          This method turns a list of field property names, into a delimited string of the human-readable names.
protected  boolean dataDictionaryValidate(MaintenanceDocument document)
          Executes the DataDictionary Validation against the document.
protected  boolean errorAlreadyExists(String propertyName, String errorConstant)
          Convenience method to determine whether the field already has the message indicated.
protected  BusinessObjectService getBoService()
protected  ConfigurationService getConfigService()
 DataObjectAuthorizationService getDataObjectAuthorizationService()
protected  DataObjectMetaDataService getDataObjectMetaDataService()
 DateTimeService getDateTimeService()
protected  DataDictionaryService getDdService()
protected  DictionaryValidationService getDictionaryValidationService()
protected  String getFieldLabel(Class dataObjectClass, String fieldName)
          This method translates the passed in field name into a human-readable attribute label.
protected  String getFieldLabel(String fieldName)
          This method translates the passed in field name into a human-readable attribute label.
protected  String getHumanReadablePrimaryKeyFieldNames(Class<?> dataObjectClass)
          This method creates a human-readable string of the class' primary key field names, as designated by the DataDictionary.
protected  Object getNewDataObject()
          Gets the newDataObject attribute.
protected  Object getOldDataObject()
          Gets the oldDataObject attribute.
protected  PersistenceStructureService getPersistenceStructureService()
 PersonService getPersonService()
protected  RoleService getRoleService()
 WorkflowDocumentService getWorkflowDocumentService()
protected  boolean isCorrectMaintenanceClass(MaintenanceDocument document, Class clazz)
          This method tests to make sure the MaintenanceDocument passed in is based on the class you are expecting.
protected  boolean isDocumentInactivatingBusinessObject(MaintenanceDocument maintenanceDocument)
          Determines whether a document is inactivating the record being maintained
protected  boolean isDocumentValidForSave(MaintenanceDocument maintenanceDocument)
          This method checks to see if the document is in a state that it can be saved without causing exceptions.
protected  boolean primaryKeyCheck(MaintenanceDocument document)
          This method checks the two major cases that may violate primary key integrity.
 boolean processApproveDocument(ApproveDocumentEvent approveEvent)
          Runs all business rules needed prior to approving.
 boolean processCustomAddCollectionLineBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document, String collectionName, PersistableBusinessObject line)
protected  boolean processCustomApproveDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
          This method should be overridden to provide custom rules for processing document approval.
protected  boolean processCustomRouteDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
          This method should be overridden to provide custom rules for processing document routing
protected  boolean processCustomSaveDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
          This method should be overridden to provide custom rules for processing document saving
protected  boolean processGlobalApproveDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
          This method enforces all business rules that are common to all maintenance documents which must be tested before doing an approval.
protected  boolean processGlobalRouteDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
          This method enforces all business rules that are common to all maintenance documents which must be tested before doing a route.
protected  boolean processGlobalSaveDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
          This method enforces all business rules that are common to all maintenance documents which must be tested before doing a save.
protected  boolean processInactivationBlockChecking(MaintenanceDocument maintenanceDocument)
          Determines whether this document has been inactivation blocked
protected  boolean processInactivationBlockChecking(MaintenanceDocument maintenanceDocument, InactivationBlockingMetadata inactivationBlockingMetadata)
          Given a InactivationBlockingMetadata, which represents a relationship that may block inactivation of a BO, it determines whether there is a record that violates the blocking definition
 boolean processRouteDocument(Document document)
          Runs all business rules needed prior to routing.
 boolean processSaveDocument(Document document)
          Runs all business rules needed prior to saving.
protected  void putDocumentError(String propertyName, String errorConstant, String parameter)
          This method is a convenience method to add a property-specific document error to the global errors list.
protected  void putDocumentError(String propertyName, String errorConstant, String[] parameters)
          This method is a convenience method to add a property-specific document error to the global errors list.
protected  void putFieldError(String propertyName, String errorConstant)
          This method is a convenience method to add a property-specific error to the global errors list.
protected  void putFieldError(String propertyName, String errorConstant, String parameter)
          This method is a convenience method to add a property-specific error to the global errors list.
protected  void putFieldError(String propertyName, String errorConstant, String[] parameters)
          This method is a convenience method to add a property-specific error to the global errors list.
protected  void putFieldErrorWithShortLabel(String propertyName, String errorConstant)
          Adds a property-specific error to the global errors list, with the DD short label as the single argument.
protected  void putGlobalError(String errorConstant)
          This method is a convenience method to easily add a Document level error (ie, one not tied to a specific field, but applicable to the whole document).
protected  void putGlobalError(String errorConstant, String parameter)
          This method is a convenience method to easily add a Document level error (ie, one not tied to a specific field, but applicable to the whole document).
protected  void putGlobalError(String errorConstant, String[] parameters)
          This method is a convenience method to easily add a Document level error (ie, one not tied to a specific field, but applicable to the whole document).
protected  void putGlobalsError(String propertyName, String errorConstant)
          This method specifically doesn't put any prefixes before the error so that the developer can do things specific to the globals errors (like newDelegateChangeDocument errors)
protected  void putGlobalsError(String propertyName, String errorConstant, String parameter)
          This method specifically doesn't put any prefixes before the error so that the developer can do things specific to the globals errors (like newDelegateChangeDocument errors)
protected  void putInactivationBlockingErrorOnPage(MaintenanceDocument document, InactivationBlockingMetadata inactivationBlockingMetadata)
          If there is a violation of an InactivationBlockingMetadata, it prints out an appropriate error into the error map
protected  void resumeErrorPath()
          This method is used to deal with error paths that are not what we expect them to be.
 void setBoService(BusinessObjectService boService)
 void setConfigService(ConfigurationService configService)
 void setDataObjectAuthorizationService(DataObjectAuthorizationService dataObjectAuthorizationService)
 void setDataObjectMetaDataService(DataObjectMetaDataService dataObjectMetaDataService)
 void setDdService(DataDictionaryService ddService)
 void setDictionaryValidationService(DictionaryValidationService dictionaryValidationService)
protected  void setNewDataObject(Object newDataObject)
 void setPersistenceStructureService(PersistenceStructureService persistenceStructureService)
 void setPersonService(PersonService personService)
 void setupBaseConvenienceObjects(MaintenanceDocument document)
          Sets the convenience objects like newAccount and oldAccount, so you have short and easy handles to the new and old objects contained in the maintenance document.
 void setupConvenienceObjects()
          Should always be overriden if a subclass is created.
 void setWorkflowDocumentService(WorkflowDocumentService workflowDocumentService)
protected  void showErrorMap()
          This method is used during debugging to dump the contents of the error map, including the key names.
protected  boolean validateDocumentStructure(Document document)
          This method makes sure the document itself is valid, and has the necessary fields populated to be routable.
protected  boolean validateGlobalBusinessObjectPersistable(MaintenanceDocument document)
          This method checks whether this maint doc contains Global Business Objects, and if so, whether the GBOs are in a persistable state.
protected  boolean validateMaintenanceDocument(MaintenanceDocument maintenanceDocument)
          This method checks to make sure the document is a valid maintenanceDocument, and has the necessary values populated such that it will not cause exceptions in later routing or business rules testing.
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.rules.DocumentRuleBase
getDataDictionaryService, getDocumentDictionaryService, getGroupService, getKualiConfigurationService, getMaxDictionaryValidationDepth, getPermissionService, isAddHocRoutePersonValid, isAddHocRouteWorkgroupValid, isAdHocRouteRecipientsValid, isDocumentAttributesValid, isDocumentOverviewValid, isNoteValid, processAddAdHocRoutePerson, processAddAdHocRouteWorkgroup, processAddNote, processCustomAddAdHocRoutePersonBusinessRules, processCustomAddAdHocRouteWorkgroupBusinessRules, processCustomAddNoteBusinessRules, processCustomApproveDocumentBusinessRules, processCustomRouteDocumentBusinessRules, processCustomSaveDocumentBusinessRules, processCustomSendAdHocRequests, processSendAdHocRequests, setDocumentDictionaryService, setMaxDictionaryValidationDepth, validateSensitiveDataValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG


public static final String MAINTAINABLE_ERROR_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DOCUMENT_ERROR_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MAINTAINABLE_ERROR_PATH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected List priorErrorPath
Constructor Detail


public MaintenanceDocumentRuleBase()
Default constructor a

Method Detail


public boolean processSaveDocument(Document document)
Description copied from class: DocumentRuleBase
Runs all business rules needed prior to saving. This includes both common rules for all documents, plus class-specific business rules. This method will only return false if it fails the isValidForSave() test. Otherwise, it will always return positive regardless of the outcome of the business rules. However, any error messages resulting from the business rules will still be populated, for display to the consumer of this service.

Specified by:
processSaveDocument in interface MaintenanceDocumentRule
Specified by:
processSaveDocument in interface SaveDocumentRule
processSaveDocument in class DocumentRuleBase
false if the rule fails
See Also:


public boolean processRouteDocument(Document document)
Description copied from class: DocumentRuleBase
Runs all business rules needed prior to routing. This includes both common rules for all maintenance documents, plus class-specific business rules. This method will return false if any business rule fails, or if the document is in an invalid state, and not routable (see isDocumentValidForRouting()).

Specified by:
processRouteDocument in interface MaintenanceDocumentRule
Specified by:
processRouteDocument in interface RouteDocumentRule
processRouteDocument in class DocumentRuleBase
false if the rule fails
See Also:


protected boolean isDocumentInactivatingBusinessObject(MaintenanceDocument maintenanceDocument)
Determines whether a document is inactivating the record being maintained

maintenanceDocument -
true iff the document is inactivating the business object; false otherwise


protected boolean processInactivationBlockChecking(MaintenanceDocument maintenanceDocument)
Determines whether this document has been inactivation blocked

maintenanceDocument -
true iff there is NOTHING that blocks this record


protected boolean processInactivationBlockChecking(MaintenanceDocument maintenanceDocument,
                                                   InactivationBlockingMetadata inactivationBlockingMetadata)
Given a InactivationBlockingMetadata, which represents a relationship that may block inactivation of a BO, it determines whether there is a record that violates the blocking definition

maintenanceDocument -
inactivationBlockingMetadata -
true iff, based on the InactivationBlockingMetadata, the maintenance document should be allowed to route


protected void putInactivationBlockingErrorOnPage(MaintenanceDocument document,
                                                  InactivationBlockingMetadata inactivationBlockingMetadata)
If there is a violation of an InactivationBlockingMetadata, it prints out an appropriate error into the error map

document -
inactivationBlockingMetadata -


public boolean processApproveDocument(ApproveDocumentEvent approveEvent)
Description copied from class: DocumentRuleBase
Runs all business rules needed prior to approving. This includes both common rules for all documents, plus class-specific business rules. This method will return false if any business rule fails, or if the document is in an invalid state, and not approveble.

Specified by:
processApproveDocument in interface MaintenanceDocumentRule
Specified by:
processApproveDocument in interface ApproveDocumentRule
processApproveDocument in class DocumentRuleBase
false if the rule fails
See Also:


protected void putGlobalError(String errorConstant)
This method is a convenience method to easily add a Document level error (ie, one not tied to a specific field, but applicable to the whole document).

errorConstant - - Error Constant that can be mapped to a resource for the actual text message.


protected void putGlobalError(String errorConstant,
                              String parameter)
This method is a convenience method to easily add a Document level error (ie, one not tied to a specific field, but applicable to the whole document).

errorConstant - - Error Constant that can be mapped to a resource for the actual text message.
parameter - - Replacement value for part of the error message.


protected void putGlobalError(String errorConstant,
                              String[] parameters)
This method is a convenience method to easily add a Document level error (ie, one not tied to a specific field, but applicable to the whole document).

errorConstant - - Error Constant that can be mapped to a resource for the actual text message.
parameters - - Array of replacement values for part of the error message.


protected void putFieldError(String propertyName,
                             String errorConstant)
This method is a convenience method to add a property-specific error to the global errors list. This method makes sure that the correct prefix is added to the property name so that it will display correctly on maintenance documents.

propertyName - - Property name of the element that is associated with the error. Used to mark the field as errored in the UI.
errorConstant - - Error Constant that can be mapped to a resource for the actual text message.


protected void putFieldError(String propertyName,
                             String errorConstant,
                             String parameter)
This method is a convenience method to add a property-specific error to the global errors list. This method makes sure that the correct prefix is added to the property name so that it will display correctly on maintenance documents.

propertyName - - Property name of the element that is associated with the error. Used to mark the field as errored in the UI.
errorConstant - - Error Constant that can be mapped to a resource for the actual text message.
parameter - - Single parameter value that can be used in the message so that you can display specific values to the user.


protected void putFieldError(String propertyName,
                             String errorConstant,
                             String[] parameters)
This method is a convenience method to add a property-specific error to the global errors list. This method makes sure that the correct prefix is added to the property name so that it will display correctly on maintenance documents.

propertyName - - Property name of the element that is associated with the error. Used to mark the field as errored in the UI.
errorConstant - - Error Constant that can be mapped to a resource for the actual text message.
parameters - - Array of strings holding values that can be used in the message so that you can display specific values to the user.


protected void putFieldErrorWithShortLabel(String propertyName,
                                           String errorConstant)
Adds a property-specific error to the global errors list, with the DD short label as the single argument.

propertyName - - Property name of the element that is associated with the error. Used to mark the field as errored in the UI.
errorConstant - - Error Constant that can be mapped to a resource for the actual text message.


protected void putDocumentError(String propertyName,
                                String errorConstant,
                                String parameter)
This method is a convenience method to add a property-specific document error to the global errors list. This method makes sure that the correct prefix is added to the property name so that it will display correctly on maintenance documents.

propertyName - - Property name of the element that is associated with the error. Used to mark the field as errored in the UI.
errorConstant - - Error Constant that can be mapped to a resource for the actual text message.
parameter - - Single parameter value that can be used in the message so that you can display specific values to the user.


protected void putDocumentError(String propertyName,
                                String errorConstant,
                                String[] parameters)
This method is a convenience method to add a property-specific document error to the global errors list. This method makes sure that the correct prefix is added to the property name so that it will display correctly on maintenance documents.

propertyName - - Property name of the element that is associated with the error. Used to mark the field as errored in the UI.
errorConstant - - Error Constant that can be mapped to a resource for the actual text message.
parameters - - Array of String parameters that can be used in the message so that you can display specific values to the user.


protected boolean errorAlreadyExists(String propertyName,
                                     String errorConstant)
Convenience method to determine whether the field already has the message indicated. This is useful if you want to suppress duplicate error messages on the same field.

propertyName - - propertyName you want to test on
errorConstant - - errorConstant you want to test
returns True if the propertyName indicated already has the errorConstant indicated, false otherwise


protected void putGlobalsError(String propertyName,
                               String errorConstant)
This method specifically doesn't put any prefixes before the error so that the developer can do things specific to the globals errors (like newDelegateChangeDocument errors)

propertyName -
errorConstant -


protected void putGlobalsError(String propertyName,
                               String errorConstant,
                               String parameter)
This method specifically doesn't put any prefixes before the error so that the developer can do things specific to the globals errors (like newDelegateChangeDocument errors)

propertyName -
errorConstant -
parameter -


protected void clearErrorPath()
This method is used to deal with error paths that are not what we expect them to be. This method, along with resumeErrorPath() are used to temporarily clear the errorPath, and then return it to the original state after the rule is executed. This method is called at the very beginning of rule enforcement and pulls a copy of the contents of the errorPath ArrayList to a local arrayList for temporary storage.


protected void resumeErrorPath()
This method is used to deal with error paths that are not what we expect them to be. This method, along with clearErrorPath() are used to temporarily clear the errorPath, and then return it to the original state after the rule is executed. This method is called at the very end of the rule enforcement, and returns the temporarily stored copy of the errorPath to the global errorPath, so that no other classes are interrupted.


protected boolean dataDictionaryValidate(MaintenanceDocument document)
Executes the DataDictionary Validation against the document.

document -
true if it passes DD validation, false otherwise


protected boolean primaryKeyCheck(MaintenanceDocument document)
This method checks the two major cases that may violate primary key integrity. 1. Disallow changing of the primary keys on an EDIT maintenance document. Other fields can be changed, but once the primary keys have been set, they are permanent. 2. Disallow creating a new object whose primary key values are already present in the system on a CREATE NEW maintenance document. This method also will add new Errors to the Global Error Map.

document - - The Maintenance Document being tested.
Returns false if either test failed, otherwise returns true.


protected String getHumanReadablePrimaryKeyFieldNames(Class<?> dataObjectClass)
This method creates a human-readable string of the class' primary key field names, as designated by the DataDictionary.

dataObjectClass -


protected boolean processGlobalApproveDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
This method enforces all business rules that are common to all maintenance documents which must be tested before doing an approval. It can be overloaded in special cases where a MaintenanceDocument has very special needs that would be contrary to what is enforced here.

document - - a populated MaintenanceDocument instance
true if the document can be approved, false if not


protected boolean processGlobalRouteDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
This method enforces all business rules that are common to all maintenance documents which must be tested before doing a route. It can be overloaded in special cases where a MaintenanceDocument has very special needs that would be contrary to what is enforced here.

document - - a populated MaintenanceDocument instance
true if the document can be routed, false if not


protected boolean processGlobalSaveDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
This method enforces all business rules that are common to all maintenance documents which must be tested before doing a save. It can be overloaded in special cases where a MaintenanceDocument has very special needs that would be contrary to what is enforced here. Note that although this method returns a true or false to indicate whether the save should happen or not, this result may not be followed by the calling method. In other words, the boolean result will likely be ignored, and the document saved, regardless.

document - - a populated MaintenanceDocument instance
true if all business rules succeed, false if not


protected boolean processCustomSaveDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
This method should be overridden to provide custom rules for processing document saving

document -


protected boolean processCustomRouteDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
This method should be overridden to provide custom rules for processing document routing

document -


protected boolean processCustomApproveDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document)
This method should be overridden to provide custom rules for processing document approval.

document -


protected boolean isDocumentValidForSave(MaintenanceDocument maintenanceDocument)
This method checks to see if the document is in a state that it can be saved without causing exceptions. Note that Business Rules are NOT enforced here, only validity checks. This method will only return false if the document is in such a state that routing it will cause RunTimeExceptions.

maintenanceDocument - - a populated MaintenaceDocument instance.
boolean - returns true unless the object is in an invalid state.


protected boolean validateDocumentStructure(Document document)
This method makes sure the document itself is valid, and has the necessary fields populated to be routable. This is not a business rules test, rather its a structure test to make sure that the document will not cause exceptions before routing.

document - - document to be tested
false if the document is missing key values, true otherwise


protected boolean validateMaintenanceDocument(MaintenanceDocument maintenanceDocument)
This method checks to make sure the document is a valid maintenanceDocument, and has the necessary values populated such that it will not cause exceptions in later routing or business rules testing. This is not a business rules test.

maintenanceDocument - - document to be tested
whether maintenance doc passes


protected boolean validateGlobalBusinessObjectPersistable(MaintenanceDocument document)
This method checks whether this maint doc contains Global Business Objects, and if so, whether the GBOs are in a persistable state. This will return false if this method determines that the GBO will cause a SQL Exception when the document is persisted.

document -
False when the method determines that the contained Global Business Object will cause a SQL Exception, and the document should not be saved. It will return True otherwise.


protected boolean isCorrectMaintenanceClass(MaintenanceDocument document,
                                            Class clazz)
This method tests to make sure the MaintenanceDocument passed in is based on the class you are expecting. It does this based on the NewMaintainableObject of the MaintenanceDocument.

document - - MaintenanceDocument instance you want to test
clazz - - class you are expecting the MaintenanceDocument to be based on
true if they match, false if not


protected boolean checkEmptyBOField(String propertyName,
                                    Object valueToTest,
                                    String parameter)
This method accepts an object, and attempts to determine whether it is empty by this method's definition. OBJECT RESULT null false empty-string false whitespace false otherwise true If the result is false, it will add an object field error to the Global Errors.

valueToTest - - any object to test, usually a String
propertyName - - the name of the property being tested
true or false, by the description above


protected boolean checkEmptyDocumentField(String propertyName,
                                          Object valueToTest,
                                          String parameter)
This method accepts document field (such as , and attempts to determine whether it is empty by this method's definition. OBJECT RESULT null false empty-string false whitespace false otherwise true If the result is false, it will add document field error to the Global Errors.

valueToTest - - any object to test, usually a String
propertyName - - the name of the property being tested
true or false, by the description above


protected boolean checkEmptyValue(Object valueToTest)
This method accepts document field (such as , and attempts to determine whether it is empty by this method's definition. OBJECT RESULT null false empty-string false whitespace false otherwise true It will the result as a boolean

valueToTest - - any object to test, usually a String


protected void showErrorMap()
This method is used during debugging to dump the contents of the error map, including the key names. It is not used by the application in normal circumstances at all.


public void setupBaseConvenienceObjects(MaintenanceDocument document)
Description copied from interface: MaintenanceDocumentRule
Sets the convenience objects like newAccount and oldAccount, so you have short and easy handles to the new and old objects contained in the maintenance document. It also calls the BusinessObjectBase.refresh(), which will attempt to load all sub-objects from the DB by their primary keys, if available.

Specified by:
setupBaseConvenienceObjects in interface MaintenanceDocumentRule
document - - the maintenanceDocument being evaluated
See Also:


public void setupConvenienceObjects()
Description copied from interface: MaintenanceDocumentRule
Should always be overriden if a subclass is created. The goal for this is to cast the oldBo and newBo into the correct types of the subclass.

Specified by:
setupConvenienceObjects in interface MaintenanceDocumentRule


protected boolean checkForPartiallyFilledOutReferenceForeignKeys(String referenceName)
This method checks to make sure that if the foreign-key fields for the given reference attributes have any fields filled out,that all fields are filled out. If any are filled out, but all are not, it will return false and add a global error message about the problem.

referenceName - - The name of the reference object, whose foreign-key fields must be all-or-none filled out.
true if this is the case, false if not


protected StringBuffer consolidateFieldNames(List fieldNames,
                                             String delimiter)
This method turns a list of field property names, into a delimited string of the human-readable names.

fieldNames - - List of fieldNames
A filled StringBuffer ready to go in an error message


protected String getFieldLabel(String fieldName)
This method translates the passed in field name into a human-readable attribute label. It assumes the existing newDataObject's class as the class to examine the fieldName for.

fieldName - The fieldName you want a human-readable label for.
A human-readable label, pulled from the DataDictionary.


protected String getFieldLabel(Class dataObjectClass,
                               String fieldName)
This method translates the passed in field name into a human-readable attribute label. It assumes the existing newDataObject's class as the class to examine the fieldName for.

dataObjectClass - The class to use in combination with the fieldName.
fieldName - The fieldName you want a human-readable label for.
A human-readable label, pulled from the DataDictionary.


protected final Object getNewDataObject()
Gets the newDataObject attribute.

Returns the newDataObject.


protected void setNewDataObject(Object newDataObject)


protected final Object getOldDataObject()
Gets the oldDataObject attribute.

Returns the oldDataObject.


public boolean processCustomAddCollectionLineBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document,
                                                           String collectionName,
                                                           PersistableBusinessObject line)


protected final BusinessObjectService getBoService()


public final void setBoService(BusinessObjectService boService)


protected final ConfigurationService getConfigService()


public final void setConfigService(ConfigurationService configService)


protected final DataDictionaryService getDdService()


public final void setDdService(DataDictionaryService ddService)


protected final DictionaryValidationService getDictionaryValidationService()
getDictionaryValidationService in class DocumentRuleBase


public final void setDictionaryValidationService(DictionaryValidationService dictionaryValidationService)


public PersonService getPersonService()
getPersonService in class DocumentRuleBase


public void setPersonService(PersonService personService)


public DateTimeService getDateTimeService()


protected RoleService getRoleService()


protected DataObjectMetaDataService getDataObjectMetaDataService()


public void setDataObjectMetaDataService(DataObjectMetaDataService dataObjectMetaDataService)


protected final PersistenceStructureService getPersistenceStructureService()


public final void setPersistenceStructureService(PersistenceStructureService persistenceStructureService)


public WorkflowDocumentService getWorkflowDocumentService()


public void setWorkflowDocumentService(WorkflowDocumentService workflowDocumentService)


public DataObjectAuthorizationService getDataObjectAuthorizationService()


public void setDataObjectAuthorizationService(DataObjectAuthorizationService dataObjectAuthorizationService)

Copyright © 2005-2011 The Kuali Foundation. All Rights Reserved.