Interface ViewHelperService

All Known Subinterfaces:
Lookupable, Maintainable, Maintainable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AgendaEditorMaintainable, AgendaLookupableHelperServiceImpl, AuthorMaintainable, BookMaintainable, ComponentInquirableImpl, DocumentTypeMaintainable, DocumentViewHelperServiceImpl, FiscalOfficerInfoInquiryViewHelperServiceImpl, FiscalOfficerInfoLookupViewHelperServiceImpl, FiscalOfficerInfoMaintainableImpl, GenericPermissionMaintainable, GroupInquirableImpl, GroupLookupableImpl, InquirableImpl, KimTypeInquirableImpl, KualiGlobalMaintainableImpl, KualiInquirableImpl, KualiMaintainableImpl, LookupableImpl, MaintainableImpl, PeopleFlowInquirableImpl, PeopleFlowMaintainableImpl, PermissionInquirableImpl, PersonInquirableImpl, PersonLookupableImpl, ResponsibilityInquirableImpl, ReviewResponsibilityMaintainable, RoleInquirableImpl, RoleLookupableImpl, RoleMemberInquirableImpl, RoutingRuleDelegationMaintainable, RoutingRuleMaintainable, RuleBaseValuesInquirableImpl, RuleDelegationInquirableImpl, TermMaintainable, TermSpecificationMaintainable, UIfComponentsViewHelperServiceImpl, ViewHelperServiceImpl

public interface ViewHelperService

Provides methods for implementing the various phases of a View

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 void applyDefaultValuesForCollectionLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, Object line)
          Applies configured default values for the line fields to the line instance
 void buildInquiryLink(Object dataObject, String propertyName, Inquiry inquiry)
          Invoked by the Inquiry widget to build the inquiry link
 void performApplyModel(View view, Object model)
          Executes the ApplyModel phase.
 void performComponentInitialization(View view, Object model, Component component)
          Performs the Initialization phase for the given Component
 void performComponentLifecycle(View view, Object model, Component component, String origId)
          Performs the complete component lifecycle on the component passed in for use during a refresh process
 void performFinalize(View view, Object model)
          The last phase before the view is rendered.
 void performInitialization(View view, Object model)
          Performs the Initialization phase for the View.
 void populateViewFromRequestParameters(View view, Map<String,String> parameters)
          Populates the View properties from the given request parameters
 void processCollectionAddLine(View view, Object model, String collectionPath)
          Invoked when the add line action is chosen for a collection.
 void processCollectionDeleteLine(View view, Object model, String collectionPath, int lineIndex)
          Invoked when the delete line action is chosen for a collection.
 void processMultipleValueLookupResults(View view, Object model, String collectionPath, String lookupResultValues)
          Process the results returned from a multi-value lookup populating the lines for the collection given by the path

Method Detail


void populateViewFromRequestParameters(View view,
                                       Map<String,String> parameters)
Populates the View properties from the given request parameters

The View instance is inspected for fields that have the RequestParameter annotation and if corresponding parameters are found in the request parameter map, the request value is used to set the view property. The Map of parameter name/values that match are placed in the view so they can be later retrieved to rebuild the view. Custom ViewServiceHelper implementations can add additional parameter key/value pairs to the returned map if necessary.

See Also:


void performInitialization(View view,
                           Object model)
Performs the Initialization phase for the View. During this phase each component of the tree is invoked to setup state based on the configuration and request options.

The initialize phase is only called once per View lifecycle

Note the View instance also contains the context Map that was created based on the parameters sent to the view service

view - - View instance that should be initialized
model - - object instance containing the view data


void performComponentInitialization(View view,
                                    Object model,
                                    Component component)
Performs the Initialization phase for the given Component

Can be called for component instances constructed via code or prototypes to initialize the constructed component

view - - view instance the component belongs to
model - - object instance containing the view data
component - - component instance that should be initialized


void performApplyModel(View view,
                       Object model)
Executes the ApplyModel phase. During this phase each component of the tree if invoked to setup any state based on the given model data

Part of the view lifecycle that applies the model data to the view. Should be called after the model has been populated before the view is rendered. The main things that occur during this phase are:

The update phase can be called multiple times for the view's lifecycle (typically only once per request)

view - - View instance that the model should be applied to
model - - Top level object containing the data (could be the form or a top level business object, dto)


void performFinalize(View view,
                     Object model)
The last phase before the view is rendered. Here final preparations can be made based on the updated view state

The finalize phase runs after the apply model phase and can be called multiple times for the view's lifecylce (however typically only once per request)

view - - view instance that should be finalized for rendering
model - - top level object containing the data


void performComponentLifecycle(View view,
                               Object model,
                               Component component,
                               String origId)
Performs the complete component lifecycle on the component passed in for use during a refresh process

Runs the three lifecycle phases on the component passed in. Some adjustments are made to account for the component being processed without its parent. The component within the view (contained on the form) is retrieved to obtain the context to use (such as parent). The created components id is then updated to match the current id within the view.

view - - view instance the component belongs to
model - - object containing the full view data
component - - component instance to perform lifecycle for
origId - - id of the component within the view, used to pull the current component from the view


void processCollectionAddLine(View view,
                              Object model,
                              String collectionPath)
Invoked when the add line action is chosen for a collection. The collection path gives the full path to the collection that action was selected for. Here validation can be performed on the line as well as further processing on the line such as defaults. If the action is valid the line should be added to the collection, otherwise errors should be added to the global MessageMap

view - - view instance that is being presented (the action was taken on)
model - - Top level object containing the view data including the collection and new line
collectionPath - - full path to the collection on the model


void processCollectionDeleteLine(View view,
                                 Object model,
                                 String collectionPath,
                                 int lineIndex)
Invoked when the delete line action is chosen for a collection. The collection path gives the full path to the collection that action was selected for. Here validation can be performed to make sure the action is allowed. If the action is valid the line should be deleted from the collection, otherwise errors should be added to the global MessageMap

view - - view instance that is being presented (the action was taken on)
model - - Top level object containing the view data including the collection
collectionPath - - full path to the collection on the model
lineIndex - - index of the collection line that was selected for removal


void processMultipleValueLookupResults(View view,
                                       Object model,
                                       String collectionPath,
                                       String lookupResultValues)
Process the results returned from a multi-value lookup populating the lines for the collection given by the path

view - - view instance the collection belongs to
model - - object containing the view data
collectionPath - - binding path to the collection to populated
lookupResultValues - - String containing the selected line values


void buildInquiryLink(Object dataObject,
                      String propertyName,
                      Inquiry inquiry)
Invoked by the Inquiry widget to build the inquiry link

Note this is used primarily for custom Inquirable implementations to customize the inquiry class or parameters for an inquiry. Instead of building the full inquiry link, implementations can make a callback to org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget.Inquiry.buildInquiryLink(Object, String, Class, Map) given an inquiry class and parameters to build the link field.

dataObject - - parent object for the inquiry property
propertyName - - name of the property the inquiry is being built for
inquiry - - instance of the inquiry widget being built for the property


void applyDefaultValuesForCollectionLine(View view,
                                         Object model,
                                         CollectionGroup collectionGroup,
                                         Object line)
Applies configured default values for the line fields to the line instance

view - - view instance the collection line belongs to
model - - object containing the full view data
collectionGroup - - collection group component the line belongs to
line - - line instance to apply default values to

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