Interface CriteriaValue<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the value stored by this CriteriaValue
All Known Implementing Classes:
CriteriaDateTimeValue, CriteriaDecimalValue, CriteriaIntegerValue, CriteriaStringValue

public interface CriteriaValue<T>

A wrapper for values that are used on a Criteria. This wrapper allows for single parameterized type for all criteria values and aids primarily in mapping these values to a message format for use on a remotable service (i.e. with marhaling to XML using JAXB)

Has a single method getValue() which simply returns the wrapped value.

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 T getValue()
          Returns the stored value.

Method Detail


T getValue()
Returns the stored value. This value should never be null.

the stored value, should never be null

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