Interface DocumentSecurityAttribute

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DocumentSecurityAttribute
extends Serializable

This is an attribute used to implement custom document security for document search and the route log. SecurityAttributes are configured to be associated with the document type against which they should be applied. For each route log or row that is returned from a document search, this authorization methods will be executed.

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 boolean isAuthorizedForDocument(String principalId, Document document)
          Determines whether or not a principal is authorized to see information about a given document.

Method Detail


boolean isAuthorizedForDocument(String principalId,
                                Document document)
Determines whether or not a principal is authorized to see information about a given document.

principalId - the principalId for which to check authorization
document - the document for which to check security
true if the principal is authorized to view the document, false otherwise

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