Coverage Report - org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.registry.ServiceRegistry
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  * Copyright 2005-2011 The Kuali Foundation
  * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.registry;
 import org.kuali.rice.core.api.exception.RiceIllegalArgumentException;
 import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.jaxb.QNameAsStringAdapter;
 import org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.KsbApiConstants;
 import javax.jws.WebMethod;
 import javax.jws.WebParam;
 import javax.jws.WebResult;
 import javax.jws.WebService;
 import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper;
 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
 import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
 import java.util.List;
  * Defines the interface for a remotely accessible service registry.  Applications
  * can query for information about available services through the apis provided
  * as well as publishing their own services.
  * <p>The {@code ServiceRegistry} deals primarily with the concept of a
  * {@link ServiceEndpoint} which holds a {@link ServiceInfo}
  * and a {@link ServiceDescriptor}.  These pieces include information about the
  * service and it's configuration which might be needed by applications wishing to
  * invoke those services.
  * <p>Many of the operations on the {@code ServiceRegistry} only return the 
  * {@code ServiceInfo}.  This is because retrieving the full {@code ServiceDescriptor}
  * is a more expensive operation (since it consists of a serialized XML
  * representation of the service's configuration which needs to be unmarshaled
  * and processed) and typically the descriptor is only needed when the client
  * application actually wants to connect to the service.
  * <p>The {@link ServiceInfo} provides two important pieces of information which
  * help the registry (and the applications which interact with it) understand
  * who the owner of a service is.  The first of these is the "application id"
  * which identifies the application which owns the service.  In terms of
  * Kuali Rice, an "application" is an abstract concept and consist of multiple
  * instances of an application which are essentially mirrors of each other and
  * publish the same set of services.  Each of these individuals instances of
  * an application is identified by the "instance id" which is also available
  * from the {@code ServiceInfo}.
  * @see ServiceEndpoint
  * @see ServiceInfo
  * @see ServiceDescriptor
  * @author Kuali Rice Team (
 @WebService(name = "serviceRegistry", targetNamespace = KsbApiConstants.Namespaces.KSB_NAMESPACE_2_0)
 @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT, use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL, parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
 public interface ServiceRegistry {
          * Returns an unmodifiable list of {@link ServiceInfo} for all services that have a status
          * of {@link ServiceEndpointStatus#ONLINE} with the given name.  If there
          * are no services with the given name, this method should return an empty
          * list.
          * <p>It is typical in clustered environments and other situations that
          * more than one online service might be available for a given service name.
          * It is intended that a client of the registry will use an available endpoint
          * of their choosing to connect to and invoke the service.
          * @param serviceName the name of the service to locate
          * @return an unmodifiable list of {@code ServiceInfo} for online services with the given name.
          * If no services were found, an empty list will be returned, but this method should never
          * return null.
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if serviceName is null
         @WebMethod(operationName = "getOnlineServiceByName")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceInfos")
         @XmlElementWrapper(name = "serviceInfos", required = true)
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceInfo", required = false)
         List<ServiceInfo> getOnlineServicesByName(
                         @WebParam(name = "serviceName")
                         QName serviceName) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
          * Returns an unmodifiable list of {@link ServiceInfo} for all services in
          * the registry that have a status of {@link ServiceEndpointStatus#ONLINE}.
          * If there are no online services in the registry, this method will return
          * an empty list.
          * @return an unmodifiable list of {@code ServiceInfo} for all online services
          * in the registry. If no services were found, an empty list will be
          * returned, but this method should never return null.
         @WebMethod(operationName = "getAllOnlineServices")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceInfo")
         @XmlElementWrapper(name = "serviceInfos", required = true)
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceInfo", required = false)
         List<ServiceInfo> getAllOnlineServices();
          * Returns an unmodifiable list of {@link ServiceInfo} for all services in
          * the registry.  If there are no services in the registry, this method will
          * return an empty list.
          * @return an unmodifiable list of {@code ServiceInfo} for all services in the
          * registry. If no services were found, an empty list will be returned, but
          * this method should never return null.
         @WebMethod(operationName = "getAllServices")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceInfo")
         @XmlElementWrapper(name = "serviceInfos", required = true)
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceInfo", required = false)
         List<ServiceInfo> getAllServices();
          * Returns an unmodifiable list of {@link ServiceInfo} for all services that
          * have an instance id which matches the given instance id, regardless of
          * their status.  If there are no services published for the given instance,
          * this method should return an empty list.
          * @param instanceId the instance id of the services to locate
          * @return an unmodifiable listof {@code ServiceInfo} for all services in the
          * registry for the given instance id
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if instanceId is a null or blank value
         @WebMethod(operationName = "getAllServicesForInstance")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceInfos")
         @XmlElementWrapper(name = "serviceInfos", required = true)
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceInfo", required = false)
         List<ServiceInfo> getAllServicesForInstance(@WebParam(name = "instanceId") String instanceId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
          * Returns the {@link ServiceDescriptor} which has the given id.  If there
          * is no descriptor for the id, this method will return null.
          * @param serviceDescriptorId
          * @return
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
         @WebMethod(operationName = "getServiceDescriptor")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceDescriptor")
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceDescriptor", required = false)
         ServiceDescriptor getServiceDescriptor(@WebParam(name = "serviceDescriptorId") String serviceDescriptorId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
          * Returns an unmodifiable list of {@link ServiceDescriptor} which match the
          * given list of service descriptor ids.  The list that is returned from this
          * method may be smaller than the list of ids that were supplied.  This
          * happens in cases where a service descriptor for a given id in the list
          * could not be found.
          * @param serviceDescriptorIds the list of service descriptor ids for which to
          * locate the corresponding service descriptor
          * @return an unmodifiable list of the service descriptors that could be
          * located for the given list of ids.  This list may be smaller than the
          * original list of ids that was supplied if the corresponding descriptor
          * could not be located for a given id in the registry.  If no service
          * descriptors could be located, this method will return an empty list. It
          * should never return null. 
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if serviceDescriptorIds is null
         @WebMethod(operationName = "getServiceDescriptors")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceDescriptors")
         @XmlElementWrapper(name = "serviceDescriptors", required = true)
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceDescriptor", required = false)
         List<ServiceDescriptor> getServiceDescriptors(@WebParam(name = "serviceDescriptorId") List<String> serviceDescriptorIds) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
          * Publishes the given {@link ServiceEndpoint} to the registry.  If there
          * is no service id on the {@code ServiceInfo} then this constitutes a new
          * registry endpoint, so it will be added to the registry.  If the given
          * endpoint already has a {@code ServiceInfo} with a service id, then the
          * corresponding entry in the registry will be updated instead.  
          * @param serviceEndpoint the service endpoint to publish
          * @return the result of publishing the endpoint, if this is a new registry
          * entry, then the service endpoint that is returned will contain access to
          * both the service id and service descriptor id that were generated for
          * this entry in the registry.  This method will never return null.
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if serviceEndpoint is null
         @WebMethod(operationName = "publishService")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceEndpoint")
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceEndpoint", required = true)
         ServiceEndpoint publishService(@WebParam(name = "serviceEndpoint") ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
          * Publishes the list of {@link ServiceEndpoint}s to the registry.  This
          * functions the same way as executing {@link #publishService(ServiceEndpoint)}
          * on each individual {@code ServiceEndpoint}.  However, it performs this as
          * an atomic operation, so if there is an error when publishing one service
          * endpoint in the list, then none of the endpoints will be published.
          * @param serviceEndpoints the list of service endpoints to publish
          * @return the result of publishing the endpoints (see {@link #publishService(ServiceEndpoint)}
          * for details).  This list will always be the same size and in the same
          * order as the list of service endpoints that were supplied for publshing.
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if serviceEndpoints is null or if any
          * {@code ServiceEndpoint} within the list is null
         @WebMethod(operationName = "publishServices")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceEndpoints")
         @XmlElementWrapper(name = "serviceEndpoints", required = true)
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceEndpoint", required = false)
         List<ServiceEndpoint> publishServices(@WebParam(name = "serviceEndpoint") List<ServiceEndpoint> serviceEndpoints) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
          * Removes the service from the registry with the given service id if it
          * exists.  If the service with the given id exists and was successfully
          * removed, a copy of the removed {@link ServiceEndpoint} entry will be
          * returned.  Otherwise, this method will return null.
          * @param serviceId the id of the service to remove
          * @return the removed {@link ServiceEndpoint} if a service with the given
          * id exists in the registry, if no such service exists, this method will
          * return null
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if serviceId is null or a blank value
         @WebMethod(operationName = "removeServiceEndpoint")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceEndpoint")
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceEndpoint", required = false)
         ServiceEndpoint removeServiceEndpoint(@WebParam(name = "serviceId") String serviceId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
          * As {@link #removeServiceEndpoint(String)} but removes all services that
          * match the given list of service ids.  It could be the case that some of
          * the given ids do not match a service in the registry, in this case that
          * {@link ServiceEndpoint} would not be included in the resulting list of
          * services that were removed.  Because of this, the list that is returned
          * from this method may be smaller then the list of ids that were supplied.
          * @param serviceIds the list of service ids to remove from the registry
          * @return a list of all service endpoints that were successfully removed,
          * if no such endpoints were removed, this list will be empty, but it will
          * never be null
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if serviceIds is null or if one of
          * the ids in the list is null or blank
         @WebMethod(operationName = "removeServiceEndpoints")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceEndpoints")
         @XmlElementWrapper(name = "serviceEndpoints", required = true)
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceEndpoint", required = false)
         List<ServiceEndpoint> removeServiceEndpoints(@WebParam(name = "serviceId") List<String> serviceIds) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
          * Performs a single atomic operation of removing and publishing a set of
          * services in the registry.  This operation is useful in situations where
          * a client application contains apis to manage the services they are
          * publishing on the bus and they want to ensure the registry is kept in
          * a consistent state in terms of what they have published.
          * <p>Behaviorally, this operation is equivalent to performing a
          * {@link #removeServiceEndpoints(List)} followed by a
          * {@link #publishServices(List)}, except that a null list is valid for
          * either {@code removeServiceIds} or {@code publishServiceEndpoints}.  In
          * the case that a null or empty list is passed for either of these, that
          * particular portion of the operation will not be performed.
          * <p>This method returns a {@link RemoveAndPublishResult} which contains
          * a list of the services that were successfully removed as well as those
          * that were published.
          * @param removeServiceIds the list of ids of the services to remove, if
          * this parameter is null or an empty list, then no remove operation will
          * be executed
          * @param publishServiceEndpoints the list of service endpoints to publish,
          * if this parameter is null or an empty list, then no publish operation
          * will be executed
          * @return the result of the operation which contains information on which
          * services were successfully removed as well as published, this method will
          * never return null
         @WebMethod(operationName = "removeAndPublish")
         @WebResult(name = "removeAndPublishResult")
         @XmlElement(name = "removeAndPublishResult", required = true)
         RemoveAndPublishResult removeAndPublish(@WebParam(name = "removeServiceId") List<String> removeServiceIds,
                         @WebParam(name = "publishServiceEndpoint") List<ServiceEndpoint> publishServiceEndpoints);
          * Updates the status for the service with the given id to the given
          * {@link ServiceEndpointStatus}.
          * @param serviceId the id of the service for which to update the status
          * @param status the status to update this service to
          * @return true if the service with the given id exists in the registry and
          * was updated, false otherwise
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if serviceId is null or a blank value
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if status is null
         @WebMethod(operationName = "updateStatus")
         @WebResult(name = "statusUpdated")
         boolean updateStatus(@WebParam(name = "serviceId") String serviceId, @WebParam(name = "status") ServiceEndpointStatus status) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
          * As per {@link #updateStatus(String, ServiceEndpointStatus)} but updates
          * mutliple statuses as part of a single operation.
          * <p>This method returns a List of ids of the services that were updated.
          * If a given service id does not exist in the registry, that id won't be
          * included in the result.  So the resuling list of updated ids may be
          * smaller than the given list of service ids (though it will never be
          * null).
          * @param serviceIds the list of ids of the services for which to update the status
          * @param status the status to update the services to
          * @return an unmodifiable list containing the ids of the services that
          * were successfully updated, since it's possible some of the supplied ids
          * might not exist in the registry this list could be smaller than the
          * given serviceIds list
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if serviceIds is null or if any of
          * the entries in the list is null or has a blank value
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if status is null
         @WebMethod(operationName = "updateStatuses")
         @WebResult(name = "serviceIds")
         @XmlElementWrapper(name = "serviceIds", required = true)
         @XmlElement(name = "serviceId", required = false)
         List<String> updateStatuses(@WebParam(name = "serviceId") List<String> serviceIds, @WebParam(name = "status") ServiceEndpointStatus status) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;
          * Flips the status of all services that match the given instance id to the
          * status of {@link ServiceEndpointStatus#OFFLINE.  It is intended that this
          * operation will be used by a registry client who is going offline for
          * maintenance or other reasons and wants to ensure that the state of the
          * registry is consistent with the application's state.
          * @param instanceId the id of the instance for which to set all services to
          * the offline status
          * @throws RiceIllegalArgumentException if instanceId is null or a blank value
         @WebMethod(operationName = "takeInstanceOffline")
         void takeInstanceOffline(@WebParam(name = "instanceId") String instanceId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException;