Interface ConstraintProcessor<T,C extends Constraint>

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasePrerequisiteConstraintProcessor, CaseConstraintProcessor, CollectionSizeConstraintProcessor, DataTypeConstraintProcessor, ExistenceConstraintProcessor, LengthConstraintProcessor, MandatoryElementConstraintProcessor, MustOccurConstraintProcessor, OptionalElementConstraintProcessor, PrerequisiteConstraintProcessor, RangeConstraintProcessor, ValidCharactersConstraintProcessor

public interface ConstraintProcessor<T,C extends Constraint>

This interface must be implemented by constraint processors, which validate individual constraints in the data dictionary. The idea is that each constraint has its own processor, and that the validation service can be configured via dependency injection with a list of processors. This gives institutions the ability to easily modify how validation should be handled and to add arbitrary new constraints and constraint processors. An alternative might have been to put the process() method into the Constraint marker interface and have each Constraint define its own processing, but that would have forced business logic into what are naturally API classes (classes that implement Constraint). This strategy separates the two functions.

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 Class<? extends Constraint> getConstraintType()
 String getName()
 boolean isOptional()
          This method return true if the processing of this constraint is something that can be opted out of by some pieces of code.
 ProcessorResult process(DictionaryValidationResult result, T value, C constraint, AttributeValueReader attributeValueReader)

Method Detail


ProcessorResult process(DictionaryValidationResult result,
                        T value,
                        C constraint,
                        AttributeValueReader attributeValueReader)
                        throws AttributeValidationException


String getName()


Class<? extends Constraint> getConstraintType()


boolean isOptional()
This method return true if the processing of this constraint is something that can be opted out of by some pieces of code. The only example of this in the version under development (1.1) is the existence constraint.

true if this processor can be turned off by some pieces of code, false otherwise

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