Class RemotableAttributeLookupSettings.Builder

  extended by org.kuali.rice.core.api.uif.RemotableAttributeLookupSettings.Builder
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ModelBuilder, AttributeLookupSettings
Enclosing class:

public static final class RemotableAttributeLookupSettings.Builder
extends Object
implements Serializable, ModelBuilder, AttributeLookupSettings

A builder which can be used to construct RemotableAttributeLookupSettings instances. Enforces the constraints of the AttributeLookupSettings.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
 RemotableAttributeLookupSettings build()
          Returns an instance of the object being built by this builder based on the current state of the builder.
static RemotableAttributeLookupSettings.Builder create()
static RemotableAttributeLookupSettings.Builder create(AttributeLookupSettings contract)
 String getLowerBoundLabel()
          Returns the label to use for the lower bound of the range.
 String getLowerBoundName()
          Returns the name to assign to the lower bound of the range.
 String getUpperBoundLabel()
          Returns the label to use for the upper bound of the range.
 String getUpperBoundName()
          Returns the name to assign to the upper bound of the range.
 Boolean isCaseSensitive()
          Indicates if lookups which use this attribute should execute the lookup against this attribute in a case sensitive fashion.
 boolean isInCriteria()
          Returns true if this field should be included as part of the lookup criteria, false if not.
 boolean isInResults()
          Returns true if this field should be included in the result set of the lookup, false if not.
 boolean isLowerBoundInclusive()
          Returns true if the lower bound should be treated as inclusive when executing a ranged lookup against the attribute, false if it should be treated as exclusive.
 boolean isRanged()
          Returns true if lookups against this field should be handled as a lookup operation supporting a range-based search of data against the field.
 boolean isUpperBoundInclusive()
          Returns true if the upper bound should be treated as inclusive when executing a ranged lookup against the attribute, false if it should be treated as exclusive.
 void setCaseSensitive(Boolean caseSensitive)
 void setInCriteria(boolean inCriteria)
 void setInResults(boolean inResults)
 void setLowerBoundInclusive(boolean lowerBoundInclusive)
 void setLowerBoundLabel(String lowerBoundLabel)
 void setLowerBoundName(String lowerBoundName)
 void setRanged(boolean ranged)
 void setUpperBoundInclusive(boolean upperBoundInclusive)
 void setUpperBoundLabel(String upperBoundLabel)
 void setUpperBoundName(String upperBoundName)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static RemotableAttributeLookupSettings.Builder create()


public static RemotableAttributeLookupSettings.Builder create(AttributeLookupSettings contract)


public RemotableAttributeLookupSettings build()
Description copied from interface: ModelBuilder
Returns an instance of the object being built by this builder based on the current state of the builder. It should be possible to invoke this method more than once on the same builder. It should never return null;

Specified by:
build in interface ModelBuilder
an instance of the object being built by this builder, should never return null


public boolean isInCriteria()
Description copied from interface: AttributeLookupSettings
Returns true if this field should be included as part of the lookup criteria, false if not.

Specified by:
isInCriteria in interface AttributeLookupSettings
true if this field should be included as part of the lookup criteria, false if not


public boolean isInResults()
Description copied from interface: AttributeLookupSettings
Returns true if this field should be included in the result set of the lookup, false if not.

Specified by:
isInResults in interface AttributeLookupSettings
true if this field should be included in the result set of the lookup, false if not


public boolean isRanged()
Description copied from interface: AttributeLookupSettings
Returns true if lookups against this field should be handled as a lookup operation supporting a range-based search of data against the field.

Specified by:
isRanged in interface AttributeLookupSettings
true if lookups against this attribute should allow for ranged lookup fields, false otherwise


public String getLowerBoundName()
Description copied from interface: AttributeLookupSettings
Returns the name to assign to the lower bound of the range. It is important to ensure that this does not conflict with any other attribute names being used on the lookup.

Specified by:
getLowerBoundName in interface AttributeLookupSettings
the name of the lower bound of the range


public String getLowerBoundLabel()
Description copied from interface: AttributeLookupSettings
Returns the label to use for the lower bound of the range. If no label is defined, then the framework will generate one.

Specified by:
getLowerBoundLabel in interface AttributeLookupSettings
the label of the lower bound of the range


public boolean isLowerBoundInclusive()
Description copied from interface: AttributeLookupSettings
Returns true if the lower bound should be treated as inclusive when executing a ranged lookup against the attribute, false if it should be treated as exclusive.

Specified by:
isLowerBoundInclusive in interface AttributeLookupSettings
true if the lower bound is inclusive, false if it is exclusive


public String getUpperBoundName()
Description copied from interface: AttributeLookupSettings
Returns the name to assign to the upper bound of the range. It is important to ensure that this does not conflict with any other attribute names being used on the lookup.

Specified by:
getUpperBoundName in interface AttributeLookupSettings
the name of the upper bound of the range


public String getUpperBoundLabel()
Description copied from interface: AttributeLookupSettings
Returns the label to use for the upper bound of the range. If no label is defined, then the framework will generate one.

Specified by:
getUpperBoundLabel in interface AttributeLookupSettings
the label of the upper bound of the range


public boolean isUpperBoundInclusive()
Description copied from interface: AttributeLookupSettings
Returns true if the upper bound should be treated as inclusive when executing a ranged lookup against the attribute, false if it should be treated as exclusive.

Specified by:
isUpperBoundInclusive in interface AttributeLookupSettings
true if the upper bound is inclusive, false if it is exclusive


public Boolean isCaseSensitive()
Description copied from interface: AttributeLookupSettings
Indicates if lookups which use this attribute should execute the lookup against this attribute in a case sensitive fashion. If this method returns null, it means that the system-level default for case sensitivity of attributes on lookups should be used.

Specified by:
isCaseSensitive in interface AttributeLookupSettings
true if the attribute should be case sensitive on lookups, false if it should not, and null if the system-level default should be used


public void setInCriteria(boolean inCriteria)


public void setInResults(boolean inResults)


public void setRanged(boolean ranged)


public void setLowerBoundName(String lowerBoundName)


public void setLowerBoundLabel(String lowerBoundLabel)


public void setLowerBoundInclusive(boolean lowerBoundInclusive)


public void setUpperBoundName(String upperBoundName)


public void setUpperBoundLabel(String upperBoundLabel)


public void setUpperBoundInclusive(boolean upperBoundInclusive)


public void setCaseSensitive(Boolean caseSensitive)

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