Class DocumentSecurityDirective

  extended by

public final class DocumentSecurityDirective
extends Object

Defines a directive for processing a list of security attributes against a supplied list of documents. The names of these security attributes represent the name of an ExtensionDefinition which will be used to load the appropriate DocumentSecurityAttribute implementation in order to perform the security filtering.

The actual directive is supplied to the appropriate application that is responsible for the given security attributes by invoking that applications DocumentSecurityHandlerService. This class primarily functions as a form of data transport in order to package and send the required information.

See Also:
DocumentSecurityAttribute, DocumentSecurityHandlerService, ExtensionDefinition

Method Summary
static DocumentSecurityDirective create(List<String> documentSecurityAttributeNames, List<Document> documents)
          Creates a new security directive from the given list of document secruity attribute names and documents.
 List<Document> getDocuments()
          Returns the list of documents on this security directive.
 List<String> getDocumentSecurityAttributeNames()
          Returns the list of document security attribute names on this security directive.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static DocumentSecurityDirective create(List<String> documentSecurityAttributeNames,
                                               List<Document> documents)
Creates a new security directive from the given list of document secruity attribute names and documents.

documentSecurityAttributeNames - the list of document security attribute names with which to create this security directive
documents - the list of documents with which to create this security directive
a new document security directive instance
IllegalArgumentException - if the given list of security attribute names is null or empty


public List<String> getDocumentSecurityAttributeNames()
Returns the list of document security attribute names on this security directive. Will never return a null or empty list.

the list of document security attribute names on this security directive


public List<Document> getDocuments()
Returns the list of documents on this security directive. Will never return null, but may return an empty list.

the list of documents on this security directive

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