Package org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.remotedservices

Interface Summary
BaseballCardCollectionService JAX-RS annotated interface for a baseball card collection service which might track the cards in a collection.
ChainedRequestService A simple service which we can use to effectively "touch" the servers in a system
InboxResource RESTful service interface for an inbox
JaxWsEchoService This is a jaxws annotated web service, used for testing web services on the ksb.
MessageResource RESTful service interface for working with a Message
TestServiceInterface Interface to write test services against that's in all test webapps classpath.

Class Summary
BaseballCard data bean used by the BaseballCardCollectionService
Inbox Interface for an inbox
Message A Message
ServiceCallInformationHolder Used for services deployed in the test harness and client applications to call.
TesetHarnessExplodingQueue A service that throws exceptions

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