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  * Copyright 2007 The Kuali Foundation
  * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import javax.jws.WebMethod;
 import javax.jws.WebParam;
 import javax.jws.WebService;
 import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
 import org.kuali.rice.core.jaxb.AttributeSetAdapter;
 import org.kuali.rice.core.jaxb.MapStringStringAdapter;
 import org.kuali.rice.core.xml.dto.AttributeSet;
  * This service provides operations for querying role and role qualification 
  * data.
  * <p>A role is where permissions and responsibilities are granted.  Roles have
  * a membership consisting of principals, groups or even other roles.  By
  * being assigned as members of a role, the associated principals will be
  * granted all permissions and responsibilities that have been granted to the
  * role.
  * <p>Each membership assignment on the role can have a qualification which 
  * defines extra information about that particular member of the role.  For 
  * example, one may have the role of "Dean" but that can be further qualified
  * by the school they are the dean of, such as "Dean of Computer Science".
  * Authorization checks that are then done in the permission service can pass
  * qualifiers as part of the operation if they want to restrict the subset of
  * the role against which the check is made.
  * <p>This service provides read-only operations.  For write operations, see
  * {@link RoleUpdateService}.
  * @see RoleUpdateService
  * @see PermissionService
  * @author Kuali Rice Team (
 @WebService(name = KIMWebServiceConstants.RoleService.WEB_SERVICE_NAME, targetNamespace = KIMWebServiceConstants.MODULE_TARGET_NAMESPACE)
 @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT, use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL, parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
 public interface RoleService {
     // --------------------
     // Role Data
     // --------------------
          * Get the KIM Role object with the given ID.
          * If the roleId is blank, this method returns <code>null</code>.
         KimRoleInfo getRole( @WebParam(name="roleId") String roleId );
          * Get the KIM Role objects for the role IDs in the given List.
         List<KimRoleInfo> getRoles( @WebParam(name="roleIds") List<String> roleIds );
         /** Get the KIM Role object with the unique combination of namespace, component,
          * and role name.
          * If any parameter is blank, this method returns <code>null</code>.
     KimRoleInfo getRoleByName( @WebParam(name="namespaceCode") String namespaceCode, @WebParam(name="roleName") String roleName );
          * Return the Role ID for the given unique combination of namespace,
          * component and role name.
         String getRoleIdByName( @WebParam(name="namespaceCode") String namespaceCode, @WebParam(name="roleName") String roleName );
          * Checks whether the role with the given role ID is active.
          * @param roleId
          * @return
     boolean isRoleActive( @WebParam(name="roleId") String roleId );
      * Returns a list of role qualifiers that the given principal has without taking into consideration
      * that the principal may be a member via an assigned group or role.  Use in situations where
      * you are only interested in the qualifiers that are directly assigned to the principal.
     @WebMethod(operationName = "getRoleQualifersForPrincipalRoleIds")
     List<AttributeSet> getRoleQualifiersForPrincipal( @WebParam(name="principalId") String principalId, @WebParam(name="roleIds") List<String> roleIds, @WebParam(name="qualification") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = AttributeSetAdapter.class) AttributeSet qualification );
      * Returns a list of role qualifiers that the given principal has without taking into consideration
      * that the principal may be a member via an assigned group or role.  Use in situations where
      * you are only interested in the qualifiers that are directly assigned to the principal.
     @WebMethod(operationName = "getRoleQualifersForPrincipalNamespaceRolename")
     List<AttributeSet> getRoleQualifiersForPrincipal( @WebParam(name="principalId") String principalId, @WebParam(name="namespaceCode") String namespaceCode, @WebParam(name="roleName") String roleName, @WebParam(name="qualification") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = AttributeSetAdapter.class) AttributeSet qualification );
      * Returns a list of role qualifiers that the given principal.  If the principal's membership
      * is via a group or role, that group or role's qualifier on the given role is returned.
     @WebMethod(operationName = "getRoleQualifersForPrincipalIncludingNestedNamespaceRolename")
         List<AttributeSet> getRoleQualifiersForPrincipalIncludingNested( @WebParam(name="principalId") String principalId, @WebParam(name="namespaceCode") String namespaceCode, @WebParam(name="roleName") String roleName, @WebParam(name="qualification") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = AttributeSetAdapter.class) AttributeSet qualification );
      * Returns a list of role qualifiers that the given principal.  If the principal's membership
      * is via a group or role, that group or role's qualifier on the given role is returned.
     @WebMethod(operationName = "getRoleQualifersForPrincipalIncludingNestedRoleIds")
         List<AttributeSet> getRoleQualifiersForPrincipalIncludingNested( @WebParam(name="principalId") String principalId, @WebParam(name="roleIds") List<String> roleIds, @WebParam(name="qualification") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = AttributeSetAdapter.class) AttributeSet qualification );
     // --------------------
     // Role Membership Checks
     // --------------------
      * Get all the role members (groups and principals) associated with the given list of roles
      * where their role membership/assignment matches the given qualification.
      * The return object will have each membership relationship along with the delegations
     List<RoleMembershipInfo> getRoleMembers( @WebParam(name="roleIds") List<String> roleIds, @WebParam(name="qualification") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = AttributeSetAdapter.class) AttributeSet qualification );
          * This method gets all the members, then traverses down into members of type role and group to obtain the nested principal ids
          * @return list of member principal ids
     Collection<String> getRoleMemberPrincipalIds(@WebParam(name="namespaceCode") String namespaceCode, @WebParam(name="roleName") String roleName, @WebParam(name="qualification") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = AttributeSetAdapter.class) AttributeSet qualification);
      * Returns whether the given principal has any of the passed role IDs with the given qualification.
     boolean principalHasRole( @WebParam(name="principalId") String principalId, @WebParam(name="roleIds") List<String> roleIds, @WebParam(name="qualification") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = AttributeSetAdapter.class) AttributeSet qualification );
      * Returns the subset of the given principal ID list which has the given role and qualification.
      * This is designed to be used by lookups of people by their roles.
     List<String> getPrincipalIdSubListWithRole( @WebParam(name="principalIds") List<String> principalIds, @WebParam(name="roleNamespaceCode") String roleNamespaceCode, @WebParam(name="roleName") String roleName, @WebParam(name="qualification") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = AttributeSetAdapter.class) AttributeSet qualification );
          * This method get search results for role lookup
         List<? extends Role> getRolesSearchResults(@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = MapStringStringAdapter.class) @WebParam(name = "fieldValues") java.util.Map<String,String> fieldValues);
          * Notifies all of a principal's roles and role types that the principal has been inactivated.
         void principalInactivated( @WebParam(name="principalId") String principalId );
          * Notifies the role service that the role with the given id has been inactivated. 
         void roleInactivated(@WebParam(name="roleId") String roleId);
          * Notifies the role service that the group with the given id has been inactivated. 
     void groupInactivated(@WebParam(name="groupId") String groupId);
      * Gets all direct members of the roles that have ids within the given list
      * of role ids.  This method does not recurse into any nested roles.
      *  <p>The resulting List of role membership will contain membership for
      *  all the roles with the specified ids.  The list is not guaranteed to be
      *  in any particular order and may have membership info for the
      *  different roles interleaved with each other.
         List<RoleMembershipInfo> getFirstLevelRoleMembers(@WebParam(name="roleIds") List<String> roleIds);
          * Gets role member information based on the given search criteria.  The
          * map of criteria contains attributes of RoleMembershipInfo as it's
          * key and the values to search on as the value.
         List<RoleMembershipInfo> findRoleMembers(@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = MapStringStringAdapter.class) @WebParam(name="fieldValues") java.util.Map<String, String> fieldValues);
          * Gets a list of Roles that the given member belongs to.  
         List<String> getMemberParentRoleIds(String memberType, String memberId);
         List<RoleMemberCompleteInfo> findRoleMembersCompleteInfo(@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = MapStringStringAdapter.class) @WebParam(name="fieldValues") java.util.Map<String, String> fieldValues);
         List<DelegateMemberCompleteInfo> findDelegateMembersCompleteInfo(@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = MapStringStringAdapter.class) @WebParam(name="fieldValues") java.util.Map<String, String> fieldValues);
          * Gets delegation member information based on the given search criteria.  The
          * map of criteria contains attributes of DelegateInfo as it's
          * key and the values to search on as the value.
         List<DelegateMemberCompleteInfo> getDelegationMembersByDelegationId(@WebParam(name="delegationId") String delegationId);
         DelegateMemberCompleteInfo getDelegationMemberByDelegationAndMemberId(@WebParam(name="delegationId") String delegationId, @WebParam(name="memberId") String memberId);
         DelegateMemberCompleteInfo getDelegationMemberById(@WebParam(name="delegationMemberId") String delegationMemberId);
         List<RoleResponsibilityInfo> getRoleResponsibilities(@WebParam(name="roleId") String roleId);
         List<RoleResponsibilityActionInfo> getRoleMemberResponsibilityActionInfo( @WebParam(name="roleMemberId") String roleMemberId);
         DelegateTypeInfo getDelegateTypeInfo( @WebParam(name="roleId") String roleId, @WebParam(name="delegationTypeCode") String delegationTypeCode);
         DelegateTypeInfo getDelegateTypeInfoById( @WebParam(name="delegationId") String delegationId);
         void applicationRoleMembershipChanged( @WebParam(name="roleId") String roleId );
         List<KimRoleInfo> lookupRoles(@WebParam(name="searchCriteria") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = MapStringStringAdapter.class) Map<String, String> searchCriteria);
          * Flushes an internal role cache used by the base implementation to prevent repeated database I/O.
         void flushInternalRoleCache();
          * Flushes an internal role member cache used by the base implementation to prevent repeated database I/O.
         void flushInternalRoleMemberCache();
          * Flushes an internal delegation cache used by the base implementation to prevent repeated database I/O.
         void flushInternalDelegationCache();
          * Flushes an internal delegation member cache used by the base implementation to prevent repeated database I/O.
         void flushInternalDelegationMemberCache();