Class KualiPostProcessor

  extended by org.kuali.rice.kns.workflow.postprocessor.KualiPostProcessor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KualiPostProcessor
extends Object
implements PostProcessorRemote

This class is the public entry point by which workflow communicates status changes, level changes, and other useful changes. Note that this class delegates all of these activities to the PostProcessorService, which does the actual work. This is done to ensure proper transaction scoping, and to resolve some issues present otherwise. Because of this, its important to understand that a transaction will be started at the PostProcessorService method call, so any work that needs to be done within the same transaction needs to happen inside that service implementation, rather than in here.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean afterProcess(AfterProcessEventDTO afterProcessEvent)
          The document has just completed processing by the Workflow engine.
 boolean beforeProcess(BeforeProcessEventDTO beforeProcessEvent)
          The document is about to be processed by the Workflow engine.
 boolean doActionTaken(ActionTakenEventDTO event)
          KEW is signaling that the document has had an action taken on it by a user
 boolean doDeleteRouteHeader(DeleteEventDTO event)
          KEW is signaling that the document should be deleted.
 boolean doRouteLevelChange(DocumentRouteLevelChangeDTO levelChangeEvent)
          The document has changed route level.
 boolean doRouteStatusChange(DocumentRouteStatusChangeDTO statusChangeEvent)
          The document has changed route status.
 Long[] getDocumentIdsToLock(DocumentLockingEventDTO documentLockingEvent)
          Executed prior to document locking in the workflow engine.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public KualiPostProcessor()
Method Detail


public boolean doRouteStatusChange(DocumentRouteStatusChangeDTO statusChangeEvent)
                            throws RemoteException
Description copied from interface: PostProcessorRemote
The document has changed route status. The docEvent contains the information about the change. This method should do what ever is appropriate for various route status changes to a document. The method should return true if the change is correct and all application actions as a result of the change are successful. It should return false if the application considers this an incorrect change. The method can throw a ResourceUnavailableException in order to requeue the document and try again later.

Specified by:
doRouteStatusChange in interface PostProcessorRemote
true if the status change is correct and application actions are successful later if this exception is thrown
See Also:


public boolean doActionTaken(ActionTakenEventDTO event)
                      throws RemoteException
Description copied from interface: PostProcessorRemote
KEW is signaling that the document has had an action taken on it by a user

Specified by:
doActionTaken in interface PostProcessorRemote
See Also:


public boolean doDeleteRouteHeader(DeleteEventDTO event)
                            throws RemoteException
Description copied from interface: PostProcessorRemote
KEW is signaling that the document should be deleted. The application can reject this by returning false. If an Exception is thrown the docuemnt will go to exception routing. If a ResourceUnavailableException is thrown, the doc will be requeued and will try again later to delete the document.

Specified by:
doDeleteRouteHeader in interface PostProcessorRemote
See Also:


public boolean doRouteLevelChange(DocumentRouteLevelChangeDTO levelChangeEvent)
                           throws RemoteException
Description copied from interface: PostProcessorRemote
The document has changed route level. The docEvent contains the information about the change. This method should do what ever is appropriate for various route level changes to a document. The method should return true if the change is correct and all application actions as a result of the change are successful. It should return false if the application considers this an incorrect change. The method can throw a ResourceUnavailableException in order to requeue the document and try again later.

Specified by:
doRouteLevelChange in interface PostProcessorRemote
true if the status change is correct and application actions are successful
See Also:


public boolean beforeProcess(BeforeProcessEventDTO beforeProcessEvent)
                      throws Exception
Description copied from interface: PostProcessorRemote
The document is about to be processed by the Workflow engine.

Specified by:
beforeProcess in interface PostProcessorRemote
beforeProcessEvent - - holder for data from the engine's process
true if the method is successful, false otherwise
Exception - A general Exception will put the document into Exception routing
See Also:


public boolean afterProcess(AfterProcessEventDTO afterProcessEvent)
                     throws Exception
Description copied from interface: PostProcessorRemote
The document has just completed processing by the Workflow engine.

Specified by:
afterProcess in interface PostProcessorRemote
afterProcessEvent - - holder for data from the engine's process including whether the engine was successful or not
true if the method is successful, false otherwise
Exception - A general Exception will put the document into Exception routing
See Also:


public Long[] getDocumentIdsToLock(DocumentLockingEventDTO documentLockingEvent)
                            throws Exception
Description copied from interface: PostProcessorRemote
Executed prior to document locking in the workflow engine. This method returns an array of document ids to lock prior to execution of the document in the workflow engine. If the engine processing is going to result in updates to any other documents, they should be locked at the beginning of the engine processing transaction. This method facilitates that.

Note that, by default, the id of the document that is being processed by the engine is always locked. So there is no need to return that document id in the array of document ids to lock.

Specified by:
getDocumentIdsToLock in interface PostProcessorRemote
an array of document ids to lock prior to execution of the workflow engine
See Also:

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