Class Summary | |
AbstractStaticConfigurationServiceImpl | |
ActionRequestTypePermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
AlwaysSucceedParameterEvaluatorImpl | This implementation of ParameterEvaluator is returned by ParameterServiceImpl when evaluation involves a constraining value and neither the allow nor deny parameter have restrictions for that value. |
AttachmentServiceImpl | Attachment service implementation |
BusinessObjectAuthorizationServiceImpl | |
BusinessObjectDictionaryServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for the BusinessObjectDictionary. |
BusinessObjectMetaDataServiceImpl | Implementation of the BusinessObjectMetaDataService which uses
the following services to gather its meta data: |
BusinessObjectSerializerServiceImpl | |
BusinessObjectServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for the BusinessObjectService structure. |
ButtonPermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
CampusGroupTypeServiceImpl | This is a description of what this class does - kellerj don't forget to fill this in. |
CampusRoleTypeServiceImpl | |
ComponentFieldPermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
ComponentSectionPermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
ConfigurableDateTimeServiceImpl | |
CountryServiceImpl | |
CountyServiceImpl | This class... |
DataDictionaryServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for a DataDictionary. |
DateTimeServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for a DateTime structure. |
DictionaryValidationServiceImpl | Validates Documents, Business Objects, and Attributes against the data dictionary. |
DocumentAdHocServiceImpl | Implementation for DocumentAdHocService . |
DocumentHeaderServiceImpl | This is an implementation of DocumentHeaderService that facilitates
document header management and customization |
DocumentHelperServiceImpl | This class is a utility service intended to help retrieve objects related to particular documents. |
DocumentSerializerServiceImpl | Default implementation of the DocumentSerializerService . |
DocumentServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for the Document structure. |
DocumentTypeAndAttachmentTypePermissionTypeService | |
DocumentTypeAndEditModePermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
DocumentTypeAndExistingRecordsOnlyPermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
DocumentTypeAndNodeAndFieldsPermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
DocumentTypeAndNodeOrStatePermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
DocumentTypeAndRelationshipToNoteAuthorPermissionTypeService | |
DocumentTypePermissionTypeServiceImpl | This is a description of what this class does - mpham don't forget to fill this in. |
InactivateableFromToServiceImpl | Implementation of InactivateableFromToService that uses the lookup service for query implementation |
InactivationBlockingDetectionServiceImpl | Performs checking of inactivation blocking |
InactivationBlockingDisplayServiceImpl | This is a description of what this class does - wliang don't forget to fill this in. |
KeyValuesServiceImpl | This class provides collection retrievals to populate key value pairs of business objects. |
KNSModuleService | This is a description of what this class does - jjhanso don't forget to fill this in. |
KualiConfigurationServiceImpl | |
KualiExceptionIncidentServiceImpl | This is a basic implementation of the KualiReporterService. |
KualiModuleServiceImpl | |
KualiRuleServiceImpl | This class represents a rule evaluator for Kuali. |
LookupServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for the Lookup structure. |
MailServiceImpl | |
MaintenanceDocumentDictionaryServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for the MaintenanceDocumentDictionary structure. |
MaintenanceDocumentServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for the MaintenanceDocument structure. |
ModuleServiceBase | This class implements ModuleService interface. |
NamespacePermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
NamespaceServiceImpl | Kuali Rice Namespace Service Standard Implementation |
NamespaceWildcardAllowedAndOrStringExactMatchPermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
NoteServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for the Note structure. |
ParameterEvaluatorImpl | |
ParameterPermissionTypeServiceImpl | |
ParameterServiceBase | This is a description of what this class does - tom don't forget to fill this in. |
ParameterServiceImpl | See ParameterService. |
ParameterServiceProxyImpl | ParameterServiceProxyImpl is an implementation of ParameterServiceProxy that performs simple proxying of storage/retrieval calls to a remoted ParameterService implementation. |
PersistenceServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for the Persistence structure. |
PersistenceServiceImplBase | |
PersistenceServiceJpaImpl | This class is the service implementation for the Persistence structure. |
PersistenceServiceOjbImpl | This class is the service implementation for the Persistence structure. |
PersistenceServiceStructureImplBase | |
PersistenceStructureServiceImpl | This class is now a proxy, which uses the @Entity annotation to decide whether to use the JPA or OJB underlying services to perform an action. |
PersistenceStructureServiceJpaImpl | |
PersistenceStructureServiceOjbImpl | |
PessimisticLockServiceImpl | This is a service implementation for pessimistic locking |
PostalCodeServiceImpl | |
PostDataLoadEncryptionServiceImpl | |
PostProcessorServiceImpl | This class is the postProcessor for the Kuali application, and it is responsible for plumbing events up to documents using the built into the document methods for handling route status and other routing changes that take place asyncronously and potentially on a different server. |
RiceApplicationConfigurationMediationServiceImpl | |
RiceApplicationConfigurationServiceImpl | |
SequenceAccessorServiceImpl | |
SerializerServiceBase | Default implementation of the DocumentSerializerService . |
SessionDocumentServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for a SessionDocument. |
SessionDocumentServiceImpl.CachedObject | |
StateServiceImpl | |
TransactionalDocumentDictionaryServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for the TransactionalDocumentDictionary structure. |
XmlObjectSerializerServiceImpl | This class is the service implementation for the XmlObjectSerializer structure. |
Core service implementations.