Interface IdentityService

All Known Implementing Classes:
IdentityCurrentAndArchivedServiceImpl, IdentityServiceImpl

public interface IdentityService

This service provides operations to query for principal and entity data.

A principal represents an entity that can authenticate. In essence, a principal can be thought of as an "account" or as an entity's authentication credentials. A principal has an id which is used to uniquely identify it. It also has a name which represents the principal's username and is typically what is entered when authenticating. All principals are associated with one and only one entity.

An entity represents a person or system. Additionally, other "types" of entities can be defined in KIM. Information like name, phone number, etc. is associated with an entity. It is the representation of a concrete person or system. While an entity will typically have a single principal associated with it, it is possible for an entity to have more than one principal or even no principals at all (in the case where the entity does not actually authenticate).

This service also provides operations for querying various pieces of reference data, such as address types, affiliation types, phone types, etc.

This service provides read-only operations. For write operations, see IdentityUpdateService.

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:

Method Summary
 AddressTypeInfo getAddressType(String code)
          Gets the address type for the given address type code.
 AffiliationTypeInfo getAffiliationType(String code)
          Gets the affiliation type for the given affiliation type code.
 CitizenshipStatusInfo getCitizenshipStatus(String code)
          Gets the citizenship status for the given citizenship status code.
 Map<String,KimEntityNameInfo> getDefaultNamesForEntityIds(List<String> entityIds)
          Gets the names for the entities with ids in the given list.
 Map<String,KimEntityNamePrincipalNameInfo> getDefaultNamesForPrincipalIds(List<String> principalIds)
          Gets the name for the principals with ids in the given List.
 EmailTypeInfo getEmailType(String code)
          Gets the email type for the given email type code.
 EmploymentStatusInfo getEmploymentStatus(String code)
          Gets the employment status for the given employment status code.
 EmploymentTypeInfo getEmploymentType(String code)
          Gets the employment type for the given employment type code.
 KimEntityDefaultInfo getEntityDefaultInfo(String entityId)
          Get the entity default info for the entity with the given id.
 KimEntityDefaultInfo getEntityDefaultInfoByPrincipalId(String principalId)
          Get the entity default info for the entity of the principal with the given principal id.
 KimEntityDefaultInfo getEntityDefaultInfoByPrincipalName(String principalName)
          Get the entity default info for the entity of the principal with the given principal name.
 KimEntityInfo getEntityInfo(String entityId)
          Get the entity info for the entity with the given id.
 KimEntityInfo getEntityInfoByPrincipalId(String principalId)
          Get the entity info for the entity of the principal with the given principal id.
 KimEntityInfo getEntityInfoByPrincipalName(String principalName)
          Get the entity info for the entity of the principal with the given principal name.
 EntityNameTypeInfo getEntityNameType(String code)
          Gets the entity name type for the given entity name type code.
 KimEntityPrivacyPreferencesInfo getEntityPrivacyPreferences(String entityId)
          Gets the privacy preferences for the entity with the given entity id.
 EntityTypeInfo getEntityType(String code)
          Gets the entity type for the given entity type code.
 ExternalIdentifierTypeInfo getExternalIdentifierType(String code)
          Gets the external identifier type for the given external identifier type code.
 int getMatchingEntityCount(Map<String,String> searchCriteria)
          Returns a count of the number of entities that match the given search criteria.
 PhoneTypeInfo getPhoneType(String code)
          Gets the phone type for the given phone type code.
 KimPrincipalInfo getPrincipal(String principalId)
          Get the principal with the given unique principal ID.
 KimPrincipalInfo getPrincipalByPrincipalName(String principalName)
          Get the principal with the given principalName.
 KimPrincipalInfo getPrincipalByPrincipalNameAndPassword(String principalName, String password)
          Get the principal with the given name and password.
 List<KimEntityDefaultInfo> lookupEntityDefaultInfo(Map<String,String> searchCriteria, boolean unbounded)
          Gets a List of entity default info for entities based on the given search criteria.
 List<KimEntityInfo> lookupEntityInfo(Map<String,String> searchCriteria, boolean unbounded)

Method Detail


KimPrincipalInfo getPrincipal(String principalId)
Get the principal with the given unique principal ID. Returns null if not found.


KimPrincipalInfo getPrincipalByPrincipalName(String principalName)
Get the principal with the given principalName.


KimPrincipalInfo getPrincipalByPrincipalNameAndPassword(String principalName,
                                                        String password)
Get the principal with the given name and password.


KimEntityDefaultInfo getEntityDefaultInfo(String entityId)
Get the entity default info for the entity with the given id.


KimEntityDefaultInfo getEntityDefaultInfoByPrincipalId(String principalId)
Get the entity default info for the entity of the principal with the given principal id.


KimEntityDefaultInfo getEntityDefaultInfoByPrincipalName(String principalName)
Get the entity default info for the entity of the principal with the given principal name.


KimEntityInfo getEntityInfo(String entityId)
Get the entity info for the entity with the given id.


KimEntityInfo getEntityInfoByPrincipalId(String principalId)
Get the entity info for the entity of the principal with the given principal id.


KimEntityInfo getEntityInfoByPrincipalName(String principalName)
Get the entity info for the entity of the principal with the given principal name.


List<KimEntityDefaultInfo> lookupEntityDefaultInfo(Map<String,String> searchCriteria,
                                                   boolean unbounded)
Gets a List of entity default info for entities based on the given search criteria.

If unbounded is set to false, then this method will return all results. If unbounded is set to true then the number of search results will be bounded based on default configuration for number of search results returned in a a bounded search.

The searchCriteria Map is a map of entity field names to search values.


List<KimEntityInfo> lookupEntityInfo(Map<String,String> searchCriteria,
                                     boolean unbounded)


int getMatchingEntityCount(Map<String,String> searchCriteria)
Returns a count of the number of entities that match the given search criteria.


KimEntityPrivacyPreferencesInfo getEntityPrivacyPreferences(String entityId)
Gets the privacy preferences for the entity with the given entity id.


Map<String,KimEntityNamePrincipalNameInfo> getDefaultNamesForPrincipalIds(List<String> principalIds)
Gets the name for the principals with ids in the given List.

The resulting Map contains the principalId as the key and the name information as the value. When fetching names by principal id, the resulting name info contains the entity's name info as well as the principal's name info.


Map<String,KimEntityNameInfo> getDefaultNamesForEntityIds(List<String> entityIds)
Gets the names for the entities with ids in the given list.


AddressTypeInfo getAddressType(String code)
Gets the address type for the given address type code.


AffiliationTypeInfo getAffiliationType(String code)
Gets the affiliation type for the given affiliation type code.


CitizenshipStatusInfo getCitizenshipStatus(String code)
Gets the citizenship status for the given citizenship status code.


EmailTypeInfo getEmailType(String code)
Gets the email type for the given email type code.


EmploymentStatusInfo getEmploymentStatus(String code)
Gets the employment status for the given employment status code.


EmploymentTypeInfo getEmploymentType(String code)
Gets the employment type for the given employment type code.


EntityNameTypeInfo getEntityNameType(String code)
Gets the entity name type for the given entity name type code.


EntityTypeInfo getEntityType(String code)
Gets the entity type for the given entity type code.


ExternalIdentifierTypeInfo getExternalIdentifierType(String code)
Gets the external identifier type for the given external identifier type code.


PhoneTypeInfo getPhoneType(String code)
Gets the phone type for the given phone type code.

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