Interface PojoForm

All Known Implementing Classes:
ActionListFilterForm, ActionListForm, AuthorizationExceptionForm, BackdoorForm, DelegateRuleForm, DisplayInactivationBlockersForm, DocHandlerForm, DocumentConfigurationViewForm, DocumentOperationForm, DocumentSearchForm, FeedbackForm, HelpForm, IdentityManagementDocumentFormBase, IdentityManagementGroupDocumentForm, IdentityManagementPersonDocumentForm, IdentityManagementRoleDocumentForm, IngesterForm, InquiryForm, KewRoutingKualiForm, KualiDocumentFormBase, KualiExceptionIncidentForm, KualiForm, KualiHelpForm, KualiMaintenanceForm, KualiTransactionalDocumentFormBase, LookupForm, MultipleValueLookupForm, NoteForm, PojoFormBase, PreferencesForm, QuestionPromptForm, QuickLinksForm, RemoveReplaceForm, RouteLogForm, RoutingReportForm, RuleForm, RuleQuickLinksForm, StatsForm, SuperUserForm, TravelDocumentForm2

public interface PojoForm

begin Kuali Foundation modification This interface defines methods that Pojo Forms must provide. end Kuali Foundation modification

Method Summary
 void addRequiredNonEditableProperties()
          This method adds the required property names, that are not directly editable by user on the html page, to a list, regardless of the context in which they appear.
 void clearEditablePropertyInformation()
          Reinitializes the form to allow it to register the editable properties of the currently processing request.
 Object formatValue(Object value, String keypath, Class type)
 Set<String> getEditableProperties()
 boolean getIsNewForm()
 Set<String> getMethodToCallsToBypassSessionRetrievalForGETRequests()
          Returns a set of methodToCalls for which the system will bypass the session.
 Set<String> getRequiredNonEditableProperties()
 Map getUnconvertedValues()
 void populate(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
 void postprocessRequestParameters(Map requestParameters)
 void processValidationFail()
 void registerEditableProperty(String editablePropertyName)
 void registerIsNewForm(boolean isNewForm)
 void registerStrutsActionMappingScope(String scope)
          Sets the value of the "scope" attribute for the Struts action mapping corresponding to this form instance.
 void setActionEditablePropertiesGuid(String guid)
          Sets the guid associated with the edited properties associated with the action
 void setPopulateEditablePropertiesGuid(String guid)
          Sets the editable properties guid for this form
 boolean shouldPropertyBePopulatedInForm(String requestParameterName, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Returns whether a request parameter should be populated as a property of the form, assuming that the request parameter name corresponds to a property on the form.

Method Detail


void populate(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)


void postprocessRequestParameters(Map requestParameters)


Map getUnconvertedValues()


Object formatValue(Object value,
                   String keypath,
                   Class type)


void processValidationFail()


Set<String> getRequiredNonEditableProperties()


void registerEditableProperty(String editablePropertyName)


void clearEditablePropertyInformation()
Reinitializes the form to allow it to register the editable properties of the currently processing request.


Set<String> getEditableProperties()


void addRequiredNonEditableProperties()
This method adds the required property names, that are not directly editable by user on the html page, to a list, regardless of the context in which they appear. Request parameter names corresponding to these properties will be populated into the form.


void registerStrutsActionMappingScope(String scope)
Sets the value of the "scope" attribute for the Struts action mapping corresponding to this form instance. Note that this method name is NOT in the syntax of the conventional POJO setter; this is to prevent clients from maliciously altering the value of this parameter

scope -


void registerIsNewForm(boolean isNewForm)


boolean getIsNewForm()


boolean shouldPropertyBePopulatedInForm(String requestParameterName,
                                        javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Returns whether a request parameter should be populated as a property of the form, assuming that the request parameter name corresponds to a property on the form. This method makes no determination whether the request parameter is a property of the form, but rather from a security perspective, whether the framework should attempt to set the form property with the same name as the request parameter.

requestParameterName - the name of the request parameter
request - the HTTP request
whether the parameter should be


Set<String> getMethodToCallsToBypassSessionRetrievalForGETRequests()
Returns a set of methodToCalls for which the system will bypass the session. The return value of this method may depend ONLY upon the type of the class implementing it. Each instance of an implementation of this interface must return the same result. More formally, for 2 instances of this interfaces a1 and a2, if a1.getClass().equals(a2.getClass()), then a1.getMethodToCallsToBypassSessionRetrievalForGETRequests().equals(a2.getMethodToCallsToBypassSessionRetrievalForGETRequests()) NOTE: read Javadoc of PojoFormBase.getMethodToCallsToBypassSessionRetrievalForGETRequests() for important implementation details.



void setPopulateEditablePropertiesGuid(String guid)
Sets the editable properties guid for this form

guid - the key to the editable properties for this form


void setActionEditablePropertiesGuid(String guid)
Sets the guid associated with the edited properties associated with the action

guid - the guid of the action editable properties

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