Interface Summary | |
BusinessObject | |
Campus | Campus Externalizable Business Object |
CampusType | Interface for CampusType. |
Country | |
County | |
Defaultable | Interface for items that are often used in sets where one should be used if no explicit one is requested. |
DefaultableInactivateable | Helper interface (for use by generics) when objects are both Defaultable and Inactivateable. |
Exporter | An Exporter provides the ability to export a List of BusinessObjects to a supported ExportFormat. |
ExternalizableBusinessObject | |
GlobalBusinessObject | This is a marker interface used to determine whether we are dealing with a GlobalBusinessObject or something else
If implementations of this class implement PersistableBusinessObject as well, then it is strongly recommended that
classes override PersistableBusinessObject.buildListOfDeletionAwareLists() as well. |
GlobalBusinessObjectDetail | Detail objects included as part of globals should implement this interface to facilitate proper storage of data and record locking. |
Inactivateable | This interface is used to tag business objects as inactivateable, so that the framework will automatically handle special processing related to active indicator, e.g. |
InactivateableFromTo | Business objects that have effective dating (from to dates) should implement this interface. |
KualiCode | Represents a simple code-description business object |
PersistableAttachment | This is a description of what this class does - chitra07 don't forget to fill this in. |
PersistableBusinessObject | Declares common methods for all persistable objects. |
PersistableBusinessObjectExtension | |
PostalCode | |
State |
Class Summary | |
AdHocRoutePerson | Ad Hoc Route Person Business Object |
AdHocRoutePersonId | This Compound Primary Class has been generated by the rice ojb2jpa Groovy script. |
AdHocRouteRecipient | TODO we should not be referencing kew constants from this class and wedding ourselves to that workflow application Ad Hoc Route Recipient Business Object |
AdHocRouteRecipientId | This Compound Primary Class has been generated by the rice ojb2jpa Groovy script. |
AdHocRouteWorkgroup | Ad Hoc Route Workgroup Business Object |
AdHocRouteWorkgroupId | This Compound Primary Class has been generated by the rice ojb2jpa Groovy script. |
Attachment | |
AttributeReferenceDummy | Attribute Reference Dummy Business Object |
AttributeReferenceElements | Attribute Reference Dummy Business Object |
BusinessObjectAttributeEntry | Business Object Attribute Entry Business Object |
BusinessObjectBase | Transient Business Object Base Business Object |
BusinessObjectRelationship | This class represents a parentClass/child relationship between two objects
This is used primarily by the BusinessObjectMetaDataService |
CampusImpl | |
CampusTypeImpl | |
ConcurrentLockId | This Compound Primary Class has been generated by the rice ojb2jpa Groovy script. |
CountryImpl | |
CountyImpl | |
DocumentAttachment | |
DocumentHeader | Interface for DocumentHeaderBase |
GlobalBusinessObjectDetailBase | |
InactivatableFromToImpl | |
JpaToDdl | This is a description of what this class does - kellerj don't forget to fill this in. |
JpaToOjbMetadata | This is a description of what this class does - kellerj don't forget to fill this in. |
KualiCodeBase | |
LookupResults | |
ModuleConfiguration | This is a description of what this class does - bhargavp don't forget to fill this in. |
MultipleValueLookupMetadata | |
Namespace | |
Note | Represents a user note in the system. |
NoteType | |
Parameter | |
ParameterDetailType | |
ParameterDetailTypeId | This Compound Primary Class has been generated by the rice ojb2jpa Groovy script. |
ParameterId | This Compound Primary Class has been generated by the rice ojb2jpa Groovy script. |
ParameterType | |
PersistableAttachmentBase | This is a description of what this class does - chitra07 don't forget to fill this in. |
PersistableBusinessObjectBase | Business Object Base Business Object |
PersistableBusinessObjectExtensionBase | |
PostalCodeImpl | |
SelectedObjectIds | |
SessionDocument | |
StateImpl | |
TransientBusinessObjectBase | Transient Business Object Base Business Object |
Core business objects including business object bases.