Class ConcurrentJob<T>

  extended by org.kuali.rice.ken.service.impl.ConcurrentJob<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
NotificationMessageDeliveryAutoRemovalServiceImpl, NotificationMessageDeliveryResolverServiceImpl

public abstract class ConcurrentJob<T>
extends Object

Base class for jobs that must obtain a set of work items atomically

Kuali Rice Team (

Field Summary
protected  ExecutorService executor
protected  org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG
private static int ORACLE_00054
          Oracle's "ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified"
private static int ORACLE_00060
          Oracle's "ORA-00060 deadlock detected while waiting for resource"
protected  org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager txManager
Constructor Summary
ConcurrentJob(org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager txManager, ExecutorService executor)
          Constructs a ConcurrentJob instance.
Method Summary
protected createNewTransaction()
          Helper method for creating a TransactionTemplate initialized to create a new transaction
protected  Collection<Collection<T>> groupWorkItems(Collection<T> workItems, ProcessingResult result)
          Template method that subclasses should override to group work items into units of work
protected abstract  Collection<?> processWorkItems(Collection<T> items)
          Template method that subclasses should override to process a given work item and mark it as untaken afterwards
 ProcessingResult run()
          Main processing method which invokes subclass implementations of template methods to obtain available work items, and process them concurrently
protected abstract  Collection<T> takeAvailableWorkItems()
          Template method that subclasses should override to obtain a set of available work items and mark them as taken
protected abstract  void unlockWorkItem(T item)
          Template method that subclasses should override to unlock a given work item when procesing has failed.
protected  void unlockWorkItemAtomically(T workItem)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final int ORACLE_00054
Oracle's "ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int ORACLE_00060
Oracle's "ORA-00060 deadlock detected while waiting for resource"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected final org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG


protected ExecutorService executor


protected org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager txManager
Constructor Detail


public ConcurrentJob(org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager txManager,
                     ExecutorService executor)
Constructs a ConcurrentJob instance.

txManager - PlatformTransactionManager to use for transactions
executor - the ExecutorService to use to process work items
Method Detail


protected createNewTransaction()
Helper method for creating a TransactionTemplate initialized to create a new transaction

a TransactionTemplate initialized to create a new transaction


protected abstract Collection<T> takeAvailableWorkItems()
Template method that subclasses should override to obtain a set of available work items and mark them as taken

a collection of available work items that have been marked as taken


protected Collection<Collection<T>> groupWorkItems(Collection<T> workItems,
                                                   ProcessingResult result)
Template method that subclasses should override to group work items into units of work

workItems - list of work items to break into groups
result - ProcessingResult to modify if there are any failures...this is sort of a hack because previously failure to obtain a deliverer was considered a work item failure, and now this method has been factored out... but the tests still want to see the failure
a collection of collection of work items


protected abstract Collection<?> processWorkItems(Collection<T> items)
Template method that subclasses should override to process a given work item and mark it as untaken afterwards

item - the work item
a collection of success messages


protected abstract void unlockWorkItem(T item)
Template method that subclasses should override to unlock a given work item when procesing has failed.

item - the work item to unlock


public ProcessingResult run()
Main processing method which invokes subclass implementations of template methods to obtain available work items, and process them concurrently

a ProcessingResult object containing the results of processing


protected void unlockWorkItemAtomically(T workItem)

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