Uses of Class

Packages that use Note Core business objects including business object bases. 
org.kuali.rice.kns.dao Core dao interfaces 
org.kuali.rice.kns.dao.impl Core dao implementations using ojb. 
org.kuali.rice.kns.rule Interfaces for business rule classes. 
org.kuali.rice.kns.rule.event Classes that represent an event to be processed by the rules engine. 
org.kuali.rice.kns.rules Rule implementations for core objects. 
org.kuali.rice.kns.service Core service interfaces. 
org.kuali.rice.kns.service.impl Core service implementations. 
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.action Core actions including framework actions. 
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form Core action forms and form bases. 

Uses of Note in

Fields in declared as Note
private  Note Attachment.note

Methods in that return Note
 Note PersistableBusinessObjectBase.getBoNote(int nbr)
          return a note if in range, or an empty note if not
 Note PersistableBusinessObject.getBoNote(int nbr)
 Note Attachment.getNote()
          Gets the note attribute.

Methods in with parameters of type Note
 boolean PersistableBusinessObjectBase.addNote(Note note)
          This method adds a note
 boolean PersistableBusinessObject.addNote(Note note)
 boolean PersistableBusinessObjectBase.deleteNote(Note note)
 boolean PersistableBusinessObject.deleteNote(Note note)
 void Attachment.setNote(Note note)
          Sets the note attribute value.

Uses of Note in org.kuali.rice.kns.dao

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.dao that return Note
 Note NoteDao.getNoteByNoteId(Long noteId)
          Retrieve note by a given noteIdentifier

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.dao with parameters of type Note
 void NoteDao.deleteNote(Note note)
          Deletes a note from the DB.
 void note)
          Saves a note to the DB.

Uses of Note in org.kuali.rice.kns.dao.impl

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.dao.impl that return Note
 Note NoteDaoOjb.getNoteByNoteId(Long noteId)
 Note NoteDaoJpa.getNoteByNoteId(Long noteId)

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.dao.impl with parameters of type Note
 void NoteDaoOjb.deleteNote(Note note)
          Deletes a note from the DB using OJB.
 void NoteDaoJpa.deleteNote(Note note)
          Deletes a note from the DB using JPA.
 void note)
          Saves a note to the DB using OJB.
 void note)
          Saves a note to the DB using JPA.

Uses of Note in org.kuali.rice.kns.dao.proxy

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.dao.proxy that return Note
 Note NoteDaoProxy.getNoteByNoteId(Long noteId)

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.dao.proxy with parameters of type Note
 void NoteDaoProxy.deleteNote(Note note)
 void note)

Uses of Note in org.kuali.rice.kns.rule

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.rule with parameters of type Note
 boolean AddNoteRule.processAddNote(Document document, Note note)
          This method is responsible for housing business rules that need to be checked before a note is added to a document.

Uses of Note in org.kuali.rice.kns.rule.event

Fields in org.kuali.rice.kns.rule.event declared as Note
private  Note AddNoteEvent.note

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.rule.event that return Note
 Note AddNoteEvent.getNote()
          This method retrieves the note associated with this event.

Constructors in org.kuali.rice.kns.rule.event with parameters of type Note
AddNoteEvent(Document document, Note note)
          Constructs an AddNoteEvent with the given document
AddNoteEvent(String errorPathPrefix, Document document, Note note)
          Constructs an AddNoteEvent with the specified errorPathPrefix and document

Uses of Note in org.kuali.rice.kns.rules

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.rules with parameters of type Note
 boolean DocumentRuleBase.isNoteValid(Note note)
          Verifies that the note's fields are valid - it does required and format checks.
 boolean DocumentRuleBase.processAddNote(Document document, Note note)
          Runs all business rules needed prior to adding a document note.
protected  boolean DocumentRuleBase.processCustomAddNoteBusinessRules(Document document, Note note)
          This method should be overridden by children rule classes as a hook to implement document specific business rule checks for the "add document note" event.

Uses of Note in org.kuali.rice.kns.service

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.service that return Note
 Note NoteService.createNote(Note note, PersistableBusinessObject bo)
 Note DocumentService.createNoteFromDocument(Document document, String text)
          This method creates a note from a given document and note text
 Note NoteService.getNoteByNoteId(Long noteId)
          Retrieves the notes for a note identifier
 Note note)
          Saves a note

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.service that return types with arguments of type Note
 ArrayList<Note> NoteService.getByRemoteObjectId(String remoteObjectId)
          Retrieves a list of notes for a object id

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.service with parameters of type Note
 boolean DocumentService.addNoteToDocument(Document document, Note note)
          This method adds a note to a document
 Note NoteService.createNote(Note note, PersistableBusinessObject bo)
 void NoteService.deleteNote(Note note)
          Deletes a note
 String NoteService.extractNoteProperty(Note note)
 PersistableBusinessObject DocumentService.getNoteParent(Document document, Note newNote)
          This method gets the parent for a note from a document
 Note note)
          Saves a note
 void NoteService.sendNoteRouteNotification(Document document, Note note, Person sender)
          Builds an workflow notification request for the note and sends it to note recipient.

Uses of Note in org.kuali.rice.kns.service.impl

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.service.impl that return Note
 Note NoteServiceImpl.createNote(Note note, PersistableBusinessObject bo)
 Note DocumentServiceImpl.createNoteFromDocument(Document document, String text)
 Note NoteServiceImpl.getNoteByNoteId(Long noteId)
          Retrieves a Note by note identifier.
 Note note)
          Saves a Note to the DB.

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.service.impl with parameters of type Note
 boolean DocumentServiceImpl.addNoteToDocument(Document document, Note note)
 Note NoteServiceImpl.createNote(Note note, PersistableBusinessObject bo)
 void NoteServiceImpl.deleteNote(Note note)
          Deletes a Note from the DB.
 String NoteServiceImpl.extractNoteProperty(Note note)
          This method gets the property name for the note
 PersistableBusinessObject DocumentServiceImpl.getNoteParent(Document document, Note newNote)
 Note note)
          Saves a Note to the DB.
 void NoteServiceImpl.sendNoteRouteNotification(Document document, Note note, Person sender)

Uses of Note in org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.action

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.action with parameters of type Note
protected  String KualiDocumentActionBase.determineNoteWorkflowNotificationAction(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, KualiDocumentFormBase kualiDocumentFormBase, Note note)
          Override this to customize which routing action to take when sending a note.
private  PersistableBusinessObject KualiDocumentActionBase.getNoteParent(Document document, Note newNote)
          This method...

Uses of Note in org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form

Fields in org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form declared as Note
private  Note KualiDocumentFormBase.newNote

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form that return Note
 Note KualiDocumentFormBase.getNewNote()

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form with parameters of type Note
 void KualiDocumentFormBase.setNewNote(Note newNote)

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