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package org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.action; |
14 | |
15 | |
import java.io.IOException; |
16 | |
17 | |
import javax.servlet.ServletException; |
18 | |
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; |
19 | |
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; |
20 | |
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; |
21 | |
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; |
22 | |
23 | |
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; |
24 | |
import org.apache.log4j.Logger; |
25 | |
import org.apache.log4j.MDC; |
26 | |
import org.apache.ojb.broker.OptimisticLockException; |
27 | |
import org.apache.struts.Globals; |
28 | |
import org.apache.struts.action.Action; |
29 | |
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm; |
30 | |
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward; |
31 | |
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping; |
32 | |
import org.apache.struts.action.InvalidCancelException; |
33 | |
import org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor; |
34 | |
import org.apache.struts.config.FormBeanConfig; |
35 | |
import org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig; |
36 | |
import org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils; |
37 | |
import org.kuali.rice.core.util.RiceConstants; |
38 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kew.util.KEWConstants; |
39 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kim.bo.entity.KimPrincipal; |
40 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kim.bo.types.dto.AttributeSet; |
41 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kim.service.IdentityManagementService; |
42 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kim.service.KIMServiceLocator; |
43 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kim.util.KimConstants; |
44 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.UserSession; |
45 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.document.Document; |
46 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.exception.FileUploadLimitExceededException; |
47 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.exception.ValidationException; |
48 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.BusinessObjectService; |
49 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.DataDictionaryService; |
50 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.KNSServiceLocator; |
51 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.SessionDocumentService; |
52 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.ErrorContainer; |
53 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.ExceptionUtils; |
54 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.GlobalVariables; |
55 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.Guid; |
56 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.InfoContainer; |
57 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.KNSConstants; |
58 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.MessageMap; |
59 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.RiceKeyConstants; |
60 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.WarningContainer; |
61 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.WebUtils; |
62 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form.KualiDocumentFormBase; |
63 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form.KualiForm; |
64 | |
import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.pojo.PojoForm; |
65 | |
import org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager; |
66 | |
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; |
67 | |
import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionCallback; |
68 | |
import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate; |
69 | |
import org.springmodules.orm.ojb.OjbOperationException; |
70 | |
71 | |
72 | |
73 | |
74 | |
75 | |
76 | 0 | public class KualiRequestProcessor extends RequestProcessor { |
77 | |
78 | |
private static final String MDC_USER_ALREADY_SET = "userAlreadySet"; |
79 | |
80 | |
private static final String MDC_USER = "user"; |
81 | |
82 | |
private static final String MDC_DOC_ID = "docId"; |
83 | |
84 | |
private static final String PREVIOUS_REQUEST_EDITABLE_PROPERTIES_GUID_PARAMETER_NAME = "actionEditablePropertiesGuid"; |
85 | |
86 | 0 | private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(KualiRequestProcessor.class); |
87 | |
88 | |
protected SessionDocumentService sessionDocumentService; |
89 | |
protected DataDictionaryService dataDictionaryService; |
90 | |
protected BusinessObjectService businessObjectService; |
91 | |
protected PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager; |
92 | |
protected IdentityManagementService identityManagementService; |
93 | |
94 | |
@Override |
95 | |
public void process(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { |
96 | 0 | if ( LOG.isInfoEnabled() ) { |
97 | 0 | LOG.info(new StringBuffer("Started processing request: '").append(request.getRequestURI()).append("' w/ query string: '").append(request.getQueryString()).append("'")); |
98 | |
} |
99 | |
100 | |
try { |
101 | 0 | super.process(request, response); |
102 | 0 | } catch (FileUploadLimitExceededException e) { |
103 | 0 | ActionForward actionForward = processException(request, response, e, e.getActionForm(), e.getActionMapping()); |
104 | 0 | processForwardConfig(request, response, actionForward); |
105 | 0 | } finally { |
106 | 0 | GlobalVariables.setKualiForm(null); |
107 | 0 | } |
108 | |
109 | |
try { |
110 | 0 | ActionForm form = WebUtils.getKualiForm(request); |
111 | |
112 | 0 | if (form != null && form instanceof KualiDocumentFormBase) { |
113 | 0 | String docId = ((KualiDocumentFormBase) form).getDocId(); |
114 | 0 | if (docId != null) { MDC.put(MDC_DOC_ID, docId); } |
115 | |
} |
116 | |
117 | 0 | String refreshCaller = request.getParameter(KNSConstants.REFRESH_CALLER); |
118 | 0 | if (form!=null && KualiDocumentFormBase.class.isAssignableFrom(form.getClass()) |
119 | |
&& !KNSConstants.QUESTION_REFRESH.equalsIgnoreCase(refreshCaller)) { |
120 | 0 | KualiDocumentFormBase docForm = (KualiDocumentFormBase) form; |
121 | 0 | Document document = docForm.getDocument(); |
122 | 0 | String docFormKey = docForm.getFormKey(); |
123 | |
124 | 0 | UserSession userSession = (UserSession) request.getSession().getAttribute(KNSConstants.USER_SESSION_KEY); |
125 | |
126 | 0 | if (WebUtils.isDocumentSession(document, docForm)) { |
127 | 0 | getSessionDocumentService().setDocumentForm(docForm, userSession, request.getRemoteAddr()); |
128 | |
} |
129 | |
130 | 0 | Boolean exitingDocument = (Boolean) request.getAttribute(KNSConstants.EXITING_DOCUMENT); |
131 | |
132 | 0 | if (exitingDocument != null && exitingDocument.booleanValue()) { |
133 | |
134 | |
135 | 0 | getSessionDocumentService().purgeDocumentForm(docForm.getDocument().getDocumentNumber(), docFormKey, userSession, request.getRemoteAddr()); |
136 | |
} |
137 | |
} |
138 | |
139 | 0 | if ( LOG.isInfoEnabled() ) { |
140 | 0 | LOG.info(new StringBuffer("Finished processing request: '").append(request.getRequestURI()).append("' w/ query string: '").append(request.getQueryString()).append("'")); |
141 | |
} |
142 | |
143 | 0 | } finally { |
144 | |
145 | 0 | MDC.remove(MDC_DOC_ID); |
146 | |
147 | 0 | if (MDC.get(MDC_USER_ALREADY_SET) == null) { |
148 | 0 | MDC.remove(MDC_USER); |
149 | |
} else { |
150 | 0 | MDC.remove(MDC_USER_ALREADY_SET); |
151 | |
} |
152 | 0 | } |
153 | |
154 | 0 | } |
155 | |
156 | |
157 | |
158 | |
159 | |
160 | |
161 | |
162 | |
@Override |
163 | |
protected boolean processPreprocess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { |
164 | 0 | UserSession userSession = null; |
165 | 0 | if (!isUserSessionEstablished(request)) { |
166 | 0 | String principalName = getIdentityManagementService().getAuthenticatedPrincipalName(request); |
167 | 0 | if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank(principalName) ) { |
168 | 0 | KimPrincipal principal = getIdentityManagementService().getPrincipalByPrincipalName( principalName ); |
169 | 0 | if ( principal != null ) { |
170 | 0 | AttributeSet qualification = new AttributeSet(); |
171 | 0 | qualification.put( "principalId", principal.getPrincipalId() ); |
172 | |
173 | 0 | if ( getIdentityManagementService().isAuthorized( |
174 | |
principal.getPrincipalId(), |
175 | |
176 | |
KimConstants.PermissionNames.LOG_IN, |
177 | |
null, |
178 | |
qualification ) ) { |
179 | |
180 | |
181 | |
182 | 0 | userSession = new UserSession(principalName); |
183 | 0 | if ( userSession.getPerson() == null ) { |
184 | 0 | LOG.warn("Unknown User: " + principalName); |
185 | 0 | throw new RuntimeException("Invalid User: " + principalName); |
186 | |
} |
187 | |
188 | 0 | String kualiSessionId = this.getKualiSessionId(request, response); |
189 | 0 | if (kualiSessionId == null) { |
190 | 0 | kualiSessionId = new Guid().toString(); |
191 | 0 | response.addCookie(new Cookie(KNSConstants.KUALI_SESSION_ID, kualiSessionId)); |
192 | |
} |
193 | 0 | userSession.setKualiSessionId(kualiSessionId); |
194 | 0 | } else { |
195 | 0 | LOG.warn("Principal is Inactive: " + principalName); |
196 | 0 | throw new RuntimeException("You cannot log in, because you are not an active Kuali user.\nPlease ask someone to activate your account, if you need to use Kuali Systems.\nThe user id provided was: " + principalName + ".\n"); |
197 | |
} |
198 | 0 | } else { |
199 | 0 | LOG.warn("Principal Name not found in IdentityManagementService: " + principalName); |
200 | 0 | throw new RuntimeException("Unknown User: " + principalName); |
201 | |
} |
202 | 0 | } else { |
203 | 0 | LOG.error( "Principal Name from the authentication service was blank!" ); |
204 | 0 | throw new RuntimeException( "Blank User from AuthenticationService - This should never happen." ); |
205 | |
} |
206 | 0 | } else { |
207 | 0 | userSession = (UserSession) request.getSession().getAttribute(KNSConstants.USER_SESSION_KEY); |
208 | |
} |
209 | |
210 | 0 | request.getSession().setAttribute(KNSConstants.USER_SESSION_KEY, userSession); |
211 | 0 | GlobalVariables.setUserSession(userSession); |
212 | 0 | GlobalVariables.clear(); |
213 | 0 | if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( request.getParameter(KNSConstants.BACKDOOR_PARAMETER) ) ) { |
214 | 0 | if ( !KNSServiceLocator.getKualiConfigurationService().isProductionEnvironment() ) { |
215 | 0 | if ( KNSServiceLocator.getParameterService().getIndicatorParameter(KNSConstants.KUALI_RICE_WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE, KNSConstants.DetailTypes.BACKDOOR_DETAIL_TYPE, KEWConstants.SHOW_BACK_DOOR_LOGIN_IND) ) { |
216 | 0 | userSession.setBackdoorUser(request.getParameter(KNSConstants.BACKDOOR_PARAMETER)); |
217 | 0 | org.kuali.rice.kew.web.session.UserSession.getAuthenticatedUser().establishBackdoorWithPrincipalName(request.getParameter(KNSConstants.BACKDOOR_PARAMETER)); |
218 | |
} |
219 | |
} |
220 | |
} |
221 | |
222 | 0 | if (MDC.get(MDC_USER) != null) { |
223 | |
224 | 0 | MDC.put(MDC_USER_ALREADY_SET, Boolean.TRUE); |
225 | |
} else { |
226 | 0 | MDC.put(MDC_USER, userSession.getPrincipalId()); |
227 | |
} |
228 | |
229 | 0 | return true; |
230 | |
} |
231 | |
232 | |
233 | |
234 | |
235 | |
236 | |
237 | |
238 | |
239 | |
private String getDocumentNumber(HttpServletRequest request) { |
240 | 0 | String documentNumber = request.getParameter(KNSConstants.DOCUMENT_DOCUMENT_NUMBER); |
241 | |
242 | |
243 | 0 | if (documentNumber == null) { |
244 | 0 | documentNumber = request.getParameter(KNSConstants.DOC_NUM); |
245 | |
} |
246 | |
247 | 0 | if (documentNumber == null) { |
248 | 0 | documentNumber = request.getParameter("routeHeaderId"); |
249 | |
} |
250 | |
251 | 0 | return documentNumber; |
252 | |
} |
253 | |
254 | |
255 | |
256 | |
257 | |
258 | |
259 | |
260 | |
261 | |
private boolean isUserSessionEstablished(HttpServletRequest request) { |
262 | 0 | boolean result = (request.getSession().getAttribute(KNSConstants.USER_SESSION_KEY) != null); |
263 | 0 | return result; |
264 | |
} |
265 | |
266 | |
267 | |
268 | |
269 | |
270 | |
@Override |
271 | |
protected void processPopulate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionForm form, ActionMapping mapping) throws ServletException { |
272 | 0 | if (form instanceof KualiForm) { |
273 | |
274 | |
275 | |
276 | |
277 | |
278 | 0 | GlobalVariables.setKualiForm((KualiForm) form); |
279 | |
} |
280 | |
281 | |
282 | 0 | if (!(form instanceof PojoForm)) { |
283 | 0 | super.processPopulate(request, response, form, mapping); |
284 | 0 | return; |
285 | |
} |
286 | |
287 | 0 | final String previousRequestGuid = request.getParameter(KualiRequestProcessor.PREVIOUS_REQUEST_EDITABLE_PROPERTIES_GUID_PARAMETER_NAME); |
288 | |
289 | 0 | ((PojoForm)form).clearEditablePropertyInformation(); |
290 | 0 | ((PojoForm)form).registerStrutsActionMappingScope(mapping.getScope()); |
291 | |
292 | 0 | String multipart = mapping.getMultipartClass(); |
293 | 0 | if (multipart != null) { |
294 | 0 | request.setAttribute(Globals.MULTIPART_KEY, multipart); |
295 | |
} |
296 | |
297 | 0 | form.setServlet(this.servlet); |
298 | 0 | form.reset(mapping, request); |
299 | |
300 | 0 | ((PojoForm)form).setPopulateEditablePropertiesGuid(previousRequestGuid); |
301 | |
302 | 0 | ((PojoForm) form).populate(request); |
303 | 0 | request.setAttribute("UnconvertedValues", ((PojoForm) form).getUnconvertedValues().keySet()); |
304 | 0 | request.setAttribute("UnconvertedHash", ((PojoForm) form).getUnconvertedValues()); |
305 | 0 | } |
306 | |
307 | |
308 | |
309 | |
310 | |
311 | |
@Override |
312 | |
protected boolean processValidate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionForm form, ActionMapping mapping) throws IOException, ServletException, InvalidCancelException { |
313 | |
314 | |
315 | 0 | if (GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().hasNoErrors()) { |
316 | 0 | if (form == null) { |
317 | 0 | return (true); |
318 | |
} |
319 | |
320 | 0 | if (request.getAttribute(Globals.CANCEL_KEY) != null) { |
321 | 0 | if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { |
322 | 0 | LOG.debug(" Cancelled transaction, skipping validation"); |
323 | |
} |
324 | 0 | return (true); |
325 | |
} |
326 | |
327 | |
328 | 0 | if (!mapping.getValidate()) { |
329 | 0 | return (true); |
330 | |
} |
331 | |
332 | |
333 | 0 | super.processValidate(request, response, form, mapping); |
334 | |
} |
335 | |
336 | 0 | publishMessages(request); |
337 | 0 | if (!GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().hasNoErrors()) { |
338 | |
339 | 0 | if (form.getMultipartRequestHandler() != null) { |
340 | 0 | if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { |
341 | 0 | LOG.debug(" Rolling back multipart request"); |
342 | |
} |
343 | 0 | form.getMultipartRequestHandler().rollback(); |
344 | |
} |
345 | |
346 | |
347 | 0 | if (form instanceof PojoForm) |
348 | 0 | ((PojoForm) form).processValidationFail(); |
349 | |
350 | |
351 | 0 | String input = mapping.getInput(); |
352 | 0 | if (input == null) { |
353 | 0 | if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { |
354 | 0 | LOG.debug(" Validation failed but no input form available"); |
355 | |
} |
356 | 0 | response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, getInternal().getMessage("noInput", mapping.getPath())); |
357 | 0 | return (false); |
358 | |
} |
359 | |
360 | 0 | if (moduleConfig.getControllerConfig().getInputForward()) { |
361 | 0 | ForwardConfig forward = mapping.findForward(input); |
362 | 0 | processForwardConfig(request, response, forward); |
363 | 0 | } else { |
364 | 0 | internalModuleRelativeForward(input, request, response); |
365 | |
} |
366 | |
367 | 0 | return (false); |
368 | |
} else { |
369 | 0 | return true; |
370 | |
} |
371 | |
372 | |
} |
373 | |
374 | |
375 | |
376 | |
377 | |
378 | |
@Override |
379 | |
protected ActionForm processActionForm(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionMapping mapping) { |
380 | |
381 | 0 | String documentNumber = getDocumentNumber(request); |
382 | 0 | if (documentNumber != null) { MDC.put(MDC_DOC_ID, documentNumber); } |
383 | |
384 | 0 | UserSession userSession = (UserSession) request.getSession().getAttribute(KNSConstants.USER_SESSION_KEY); |
385 | |
386 | 0 | String docFormKey = request.getParameter(KNSConstants.DOC_FORM_KEY); |
387 | 0 | String methodToCall = request.getParameter(KNSConstants.DISPATCH_REQUEST_PARAMETER); |
388 | 0 | String refreshCaller = request.getParameter(KNSConstants.REFRESH_CALLER); |
389 | |
390 | 0 | String documentWebScope = request.getParameter(KNSConstants.DOCUMENT_WEB_SCOPE); |
391 | |
392 | 0 | if (mapping.getPath().startsWith(KNSConstants.REFRESH_MAPPING_PREFIX) || KNSConstants.RETURN_METHOD_TO_CALL.equalsIgnoreCase(methodToCall) || |
393 | |
KNSConstants.QUESTION_REFRESH.equalsIgnoreCase(refreshCaller) || KNSConstants.TEXT_AREA_REFRESH.equalsIgnoreCase(refreshCaller) || KNSConstants.SESSION_SCOPE.equalsIgnoreCase(documentWebScope)) { |
394 | 0 | ActionForm form = null; |
395 | |
396 | 0 | GlobalVariables.getUserSession().removeObjectsByPrefix(KNSConstants.SEARCH_LIST_KEY_PREFIX); |
397 | |
398 | |
399 | |
400 | |
401 | 0 | if (userSession.retrieveObject(docFormKey) != null) { |
402 | 0 | LOG.debug("getDecomentForm KualiDocumentFormBase from session"); |
403 | 0 | form = (ActionForm) userSession.retrieveObject(docFormKey); |
404 | |
} else { |
405 | 0 | form = (ActionForm) getSessionDocumentService().getDocumentForm(documentNumber, docFormKey, userSession, request.getRemoteAddr()); |
406 | |
} |
407 | 0 | request.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), form); |
408 | 0 | if (!KNSConstants.SESSION_SCOPE.equalsIgnoreCase(documentWebScope)) { |
409 | 0 | userSession.removeObject(docFormKey); |
410 | |
} |
411 | |
412 | |
413 | |
414 | 0 | String contentType = request.getContentType(); |
415 | 0 | String method = request.getMethod(); |
416 | 0 | if (("POST".equalsIgnoreCase(method) && contentType != null && contentType.startsWith("multipart/form-data"))) { |
417 | |
418 | |
419 | 0 | WebUtils.getMultipartParameters(request, null, form, mapping); |
420 | |
} |
421 | |
422 | 0 | if (form != null) { |
423 | 0 | return form; |
424 | |
} |
425 | |
} |
426 | |
427 | |
428 | |
429 | |
430 | |
431 | |
432 | 0 | ActionForm form = super.processActionForm(request, response, mapping); |
433 | |
434 | |
435 | 0 | String contentType = request.getContentType(); |
436 | 0 | String method = request.getMethod(); |
437 | |
438 | 0 | if ("GET".equalsIgnoreCase(method) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(methodToCall) && form instanceof PojoForm && |
439 | |
((PojoForm) form).getMethodToCallsToBypassSessionRetrievalForGETRequests().contains(methodToCall)) { |
440 | 0 | return createNewActionForm(mapping, request); |
441 | |
} |
442 | |
443 | |
444 | |
445 | |
446 | |
447 | |
448 | |
449 | |
450 | |
451 | |
452 | |
453 | 0 | if (("POST".equalsIgnoreCase(method) && contentType != null && contentType.startsWith("multipart/form-data"))) { |
454 | 0 | WebUtils.getMultipartParameters(request, null, form, mapping); |
455 | 0 | docFormKey = request.getParameter(KNSConstants.DOC_FORM_KEY); |
456 | 0 | documentWebScope = request.getParameter(KNSConstants.DOCUMENT_WEB_SCOPE); |
457 | |
458 | 0 | documentNumber = getDocumentNumber(request); |
459 | |
460 | 0 | if (KNSConstants.SESSION_SCOPE.equalsIgnoreCase(documentWebScope) || |
461 | |
(form instanceof KualiDocumentFormBase && WebUtils.isDocumentSession(((KualiDocumentFormBase) form).getDocument(), (KualiDocumentFormBase) form))) { |
462 | |
463 | 0 | Object userSessionObject = userSession.retrieveObject(docFormKey); |
464 | 0 | if ( userSessionObject != null && userSessionObject instanceof ActionForm ) { |
465 | 0 | LOG.debug("getDocumentForm KualiDocumentFormBase from session"); |
466 | 0 | form = (ActionForm) userSessionObject; |
467 | |
} else { |
468 | 0 | ActionForm tempForm = (ActionForm)getSessionDocumentService().getDocumentForm(documentNumber, docFormKey, userSession, request.getRemoteAddr()); |
469 | 0 | if ( tempForm != null ) { |
470 | 0 | form = tempForm; |
471 | |
} |
472 | |
} |
473 | |
474 | 0 | request.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), form); |
475 | 0 | if (form != null) { |
476 | 0 | return form; |
477 | |
} |
478 | |
} |
479 | |
} |
480 | 0 | return form; |
481 | |
} |
482 | |
483 | |
484 | |
485 | |
486 | |
487 | |
488 | |
489 | |
490 | |
491 | |
492 | |
493 | |
@Override |
494 | |
protected ActionForward processActionPerform(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final Action action, final ActionForm form, final ActionMapping mapping) throws IOException, ServletException { |
495 | |
try { |
496 | 0 | TransactionTemplate template = new TransactionTemplate(getTransactionManager()); |
497 | 0 | ActionForward forward = null; |
498 | |
try { |
499 | 0 | forward = (ActionForward) template.execute(new TransactionCallback() { |
500 | |
public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { |
501 | 0 | ActionForward actionForward = null; |
502 | |
try { |
503 | 0 | actionForward = action.execute(mapping, form, request, response); |
504 | 0 | } catch (Exception e) { |
505 | |
506 | |
507 | |
508 | |
509 | |
510 | |
511 | |
512 | |
513 | 0 | throw new WrappedRuntimeException(e); |
514 | 0 | } |
515 | 0 | if (status.isRollbackOnly()) { |
516 | |
517 | |
518 | |
519 | |
520 | |
521 | |
522 | 0 | throw new WrappedActionForwardRuntimeException(actionForward); |
523 | |
} |
524 | 0 | return actionForward; |
525 | |
} |
526 | |
}); |
527 | 0 | } catch (WrappedActionForwardRuntimeException e) { |
528 | 0 | forward = e.getActionForward(); |
529 | 0 | } |
530 | |
531 | |
532 | 0 | publishMessages(request); |
533 | 0 | saveMessages(request); |
534 | 0 | saveAuditErrors(request); |
535 | |
536 | 0 | if (form instanceof PojoForm) { |
537 | 0 | if (((PojoForm)form).getEditableProperties() == null |
538 | |
|| ((PojoForm)form).getEditableProperties().isEmpty()) { |
539 | 0 | final String guid = GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getEditablePropertiesHistoryHolder().addEditablePropertiesToHistory(((PojoForm)form).getEditableProperties()); |
540 | 0 | ((PojoForm)form).setActionEditablePropertiesGuid(guid); |
541 | |
} |
542 | |
} |
543 | |
544 | 0 | return forward; |
545 | |
546 | 0 | } catch (Exception e) { |
547 | 0 | if (e instanceof WrappedRuntimeException) { |
548 | 0 | e = (Exception) e.getCause(); |
549 | |
} |
550 | 0 | if (e instanceof ValidationException) { |
551 | |
552 | 0 | if (GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().hasNoErrors()) { |
553 | |
554 | 0 | GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError(KNSConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, RiceKeyConstants.ERROR_CUSTOM, e.getMessage()); |
555 | |
} |
556 | |
557 | 0 | if (form instanceof PojoForm) { |
558 | 0 | if (((PojoForm)form).getEditableProperties() == null |
559 | |
|| ((PojoForm)form).getEditableProperties().isEmpty()) { |
560 | 0 | final String guid = GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getEditablePropertiesHistoryHolder().addEditablePropertiesToHistory(((PojoForm)form).getEditableProperties()); |
561 | 0 | ((PojoForm)form).setActionEditablePropertiesGuid(guid); |
562 | |
} |
563 | |
} |
564 | |
565 | 0 | publishMessages(request); |
566 | 0 | return mapping.findForward(RiceConstants.MAPPING_BASIC); |
567 | |
} |
568 | |
569 | 0 | publishMessages(request); |
570 | |
571 | 0 | return (processException(request, response, e, form, mapping)); |
572 | |
} |
573 | |
} |
574 | |
575 | |
576 | |
577 | |
578 | |
579 | |
580 | |
581 | |
@Override |
582 | |
protected ActionForward processException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Exception exception, ActionForm form, ActionMapping mapping) throws IOException, ServletException { |
583 | 0 | ActionForward actionForward = null; |
584 | |
585 | |
try { |
586 | 0 | actionForward = super.processException(request, response, exception, form, mapping); |
587 | 0 | } catch (IOException e) { |
588 | 0 | logException(e); |
589 | 0 | throw e; |
590 | 0 | } catch (ServletException e) { |
591 | |
592 | 0 | Throwable rootCause = e.getRootCause(); |
593 | 0 | if (rootCause instanceof OjbOperationException) { |
594 | 0 | OjbOperationException ooe = (OjbOperationException) rootCause; |
595 | |
596 | 0 | Throwable subcause = ooe.getCause(); |
597 | 0 | if (subcause instanceof OptimisticLockException) { |
598 | 0 | OptimisticLockException ole = (OptimisticLockException) subcause; |
599 | |
600 | 0 | StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(e.getMessage()); |
601 | |
602 | 0 | Object sourceObject = ole.getSourceObject(); |
603 | 0 | if (sourceObject != null) { |
604 | 0 | message.append(" (sourceObject is "); |
605 | 0 | message.append(sourceObject.getClass().getName()); |
606 | 0 | message.append(")"); |
607 | |
} |
608 | |
609 | 0 | e = new ServletException(message.toString(), rootCause); |
610 | |
} |
611 | |
} |
612 | |
613 | 0 | logException(e); |
614 | 0 | throw e; |
615 | 0 | } |
616 | 0 | return actionForward; |
617 | |
} |
618 | |
619 | |
private void logException(Exception e) { |
620 | 0 | LOG.error("unhandled exception thrown by KualiRequestProcessor.processActionPerform"); |
621 | |
622 | 0 | if (e.getCause() != null) { |
623 | 0 | ExceptionUtils.logStackTrace(LOG, e.getCause()); |
624 | |
} else { |
625 | 0 | ExceptionUtils.logStackTrace(LOG, e); |
626 | |
} |
627 | 0 | } |
628 | |
629 | |
630 | |
631 | |
632 | |
633 | |
private void publishMessages(HttpServletRequest request) { |
634 | 0 | MessageMap errorMap = GlobalVariables.getMessageMap(); |
635 | 0 | if (!errorMap.hasNoErrors()) { |
636 | 0 | ErrorContainer errorContainer = new ErrorContainer(errorMap); |
637 | |
638 | 0 | request.setAttribute("ErrorContainer", errorContainer); |
639 | 0 | request.setAttribute(Globals.ERROR_KEY, errorContainer.getRequestErrors()); |
640 | 0 | request.setAttribute("ErrorPropertyList", errorContainer.getErrorPropertyList()); |
641 | |
} |
642 | |
643 | 0 | if (errorMap.hasWarnings()) { |
644 | 0 | WarningContainer warningsContainer = new WarningContainer(errorMap); |
645 | |
646 | 0 | request.setAttribute("WarningContainer", warningsContainer); |
647 | 0 | request.setAttribute("WarningActionMessages", warningsContainer.getRequestMessages()); |
648 | 0 | request.setAttribute("WarningPropertyList", warningsContainer.getMessagePropertyList()); |
649 | |
} |
650 | |
651 | 0 | if (errorMap.hasInfo()) { |
652 | 0 | InfoContainer infoContainer = new InfoContainer(errorMap); |
653 | |
654 | 0 | request.setAttribute("InfoContainer", infoContainer); |
655 | 0 | request.setAttribute("InfoActionMessages", infoContainer.getRequestMessages()); |
656 | 0 | request.setAttribute("InfoPropertyList", infoContainer.getMessagePropertyList()); |
657 | |
} |
658 | 0 | } |
659 | |
660 | |
661 | |
662 | |
663 | |
664 | |
private void saveMessages(HttpServletRequest request) { |
665 | 0 | if (!GlobalVariables.getMessageList().isEmpty()) { |
666 | 0 | request.setAttribute(KNSConstants.GLOBAL_MESSAGES, GlobalVariables.getMessageList().toActionMessages()); |
667 | |
} |
668 | 0 | } |
669 | |
670 | |
671 | |
672 | |
673 | |
674 | |
private void saveAuditErrors(HttpServletRequest request) { |
675 | 0 | if (!GlobalVariables.getAuditErrorMap().isEmpty()) { |
676 | 0 | request.setAttribute(KNSConstants.AUDIT_ERRORS, GlobalVariables.getAuditErrorMap()); |
677 | |
} |
678 | 0 | } |
679 | |
680 | |
681 | |
682 | |
683 | |
684 | |
@SuppressWarnings("serial") |
685 | |
private static class WrappedRuntimeException extends RuntimeException { |
686 | |
public WrappedRuntimeException(Exception e) { |
687 | 0 | super(e); |
688 | 0 | } |
689 | |
} |
690 | |
691 | 0 | @SuppressWarnings("serial") |
692 | |
private static class WrappedActionForwardRuntimeException extends RuntimeException { |
693 | |
private ActionForward actionForward; |
694 | |
695 | 0 | public WrappedActionForwardRuntimeException(ActionForward actionForward) { |
696 | 0 | this.actionForward = actionForward; |
697 | 0 | } |
698 | |
699 | |
public ActionForward getActionForward() { |
700 | 0 | return actionForward; |
701 | |
} |
702 | |
} |
703 | |
704 | |
private String getKualiSessionId(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { |
705 | 0 | String kualiSessionId = null; |
706 | 0 | Cookie[] cookies = (Cookie[]) request.getCookies(); |
707 | 0 | if (cookies != null) { |
708 | 0 | for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { |
709 | 0 | Cookie cookie = cookies[i]; |
710 | 0 | if (KNSConstants.KUALI_SESSION_ID.equals(cookie.getName())) |
711 | 0 | kualiSessionId = cookie.getValue(); |
712 | |
} |
713 | |
} |
714 | 0 | return kualiSessionId; |
715 | |
} |
716 | |
717 | |
718 | |
719 | |
720 | |
public SessionDocumentService getSessionDocumentService() { |
721 | 0 | if ( sessionDocumentService == null ) { |
722 | 0 | sessionDocumentService = KNSServiceLocator.getSessionDocumentService(); |
723 | |
} |
724 | 0 | return this.sessionDocumentService; |
725 | |
} |
726 | |
727 | |
728 | |
729 | |
730 | |
public DataDictionaryService getDataDictionaryService() { |
731 | 0 | if ( dataDictionaryService == null ) { |
732 | 0 | dataDictionaryService = KNSServiceLocator.getDataDictionaryService(); |
733 | |
} |
734 | 0 | return this.dataDictionaryService; |
735 | |
} |
736 | |
737 | |
738 | |
739 | |
740 | |
public BusinessObjectService getBusinessObjectService() { |
741 | 0 | if ( businessObjectService == null ) { |
742 | 0 | businessObjectService = KNSServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService(); |
743 | |
} |
744 | 0 | return this.businessObjectService; |
745 | |
} |
746 | |
747 | |
748 | |
749 | |
750 | |
public PlatformTransactionManager getTransactionManager() { |
751 | 0 | if ( transactionManager == null ) { |
752 | 0 | transactionManager = KNSServiceLocator.getTransactionManager(); |
753 | |
} |
754 | 0 | return this.transactionManager; |
755 | |
} |
756 | |
757 | |
758 | |
public IdentityManagementService getIdentityManagementService() { |
759 | 0 | if ( identityManagementService == null ) { |
760 | 0 | identityManagementService = KIMServiceLocator.getIdentityManagementService(); |
761 | |
} |
762 | 0 | return this.identityManagementService; |
763 | |
} |
764 | |
765 | |
private ActionForm createNewActionForm(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { |
766 | 0 | String name = mapping.getName(); |
767 | 0 | FormBeanConfig config = moduleConfig.findFormBeanConfig(name); |
768 | 0 | if (config == null) { |
769 | 0 | log.warn("No FormBeanConfig found under '" + name + "'"); |
770 | 0 | return (null); |
771 | |
} |
772 | 0 | ActionForm instance = RequestUtils.createActionForm(config, servlet); |
773 | 0 | if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope())) { |
774 | 0 | request.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), instance); |
775 | |
} else { |
776 | 0 | HttpSession session = request.getSession(); |
777 | 0 | session.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), instance); |
778 | |
} |
779 | 0 | return instance; |
780 | |
} |
781 | |
} |