Coverage Report - org.kuali.rice.kns.service.PersistenceStructureService
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  * Copyright 2006-2007 The Kuali Foundation
  * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.kuali.rice.kns.service;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import org.kuali.rice.kns.exception.ClassNotPersistableException;
 import org.kuali.rice.kns.exception.ObjectNotABusinessObjectRuntimeException;
 import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.ForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState;
  * This interface defines methods that a Persistence Service must provide. PersistenceMetadataService provides access to
  * persistence-layer information about persistable classes.
 public interface PersistenceStructureService {
      * @param clazz
      * @return true if the given Class is persistable (is known to OJB)
     public boolean isPersistable(Class clazz);
      * @param clazz Class whose primary key field names you want to list
      * @return a List of field names for the given class which are designated as key fields in the OJB repository file
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Class is null
      * @throws ClassNotPersistableException if the given object is of a type not described in the OJB repository
     public List listPrimaryKeyFieldNames(Class clazz);
      * @param clazz Class whose field names you want to list
      * @return a List of field names for the given class in the OJB repository file
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Class is null
      * @throws ClassNotPersistableException if the given object is of a type not described in the OJB repository
     public List listFieldNames(Class clazz);
      * @param clazz whose primary key field name, anonymous key marking is requested for
      * @return a Map containing the primary key name as the key and Boolean indicating whether or not the pk is marked as anonymous
      *         in the obj repository file
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Object is null
      * @throws ClassNotPersistableException if the given object is of a type not described in the OJB repository
     /* No references -
     public Map getPrimaryKeyFieldAnonymousMarking(Class clazz);
      * This method returns a List of Strings, each containing the field name of one of the primary keys, as defined in the ORM
      * layer.
      * @param clazz - Class whose primary key field names are requested
      * @return A List of Strings, each containing the field name of the primary key
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Object is null
      * @throws ClassNotPersistableException if the given object is of a type not described in the OJB repository
     public List getPrimaryKeys(Class clazz);
      * @param persistableObject
      * @return true if all primary key fields of the string have a non-null (and non-empty, for Strings) value
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Object is null
      * @throws ClassNotPersistableException if the given object is of a type not described in the OJB repository
     public boolean hasPrimaryKeyFieldValues(Object persistableObject);
      * @param persistableObject object whose primary key fields need to be cleared
      * @return the object whose primary key fields have just been cleared
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Object is null
      * @throws ClassNotPersistableException if the given object is of a type not described in the OJB repository
     public Object clearPrimaryKeyFields(Object persistableObject);
      * @param superclazz class whose persistable subclasses (or interface whose implementors) will be returned
      * @return a List of persistable Classes which extend or implement the given Class
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given class is null
     public List listPersistableSubclasses(Class superclazz);
      * @param persistableClass
      * @param attributeName Name of an attribute used in the relationship
      * @return BusinessObjectRelationship object containing information about the object type related via the named relationship of the
      *         given class, or null if the persistence service can find no object type related via the named relationship
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Class is null
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given relationshipName is blanks
      * @throws ClassNotPersistableException if the given Class is a type not described in the OJB repository
     public Map<String,BusinessObjectRelationship> getRelationshipMetadata(Class persistableClass, String attributeName, String attributePrefix );
     public Map<String,BusinessObjectRelationship> getRelationshipMetadata(Class persistableClass, String attributeName);
     public String getForeignKeyFieldName(Class persistableObjectClass, String attributeName, String pkName);
      * Attempts to match the attribute name given for the class as a fk field to a reference class defined in the repository. Since
      * a fk field can have references to many tables, this returns a list of all found.
      * @param persistableObjectClass
      * @param attributeName
      * @return Map with attribue name as key of map and class as value
     public Map<String,Class> getReferencesForForeignKey(Class persistableObjectClass, String attributeName);
      * This method will return a Map of all the foreign key fields and the corresponding primary key fields for a given reference.
      * The Map structure is: Key(String fkFieldName) => Value(String pkFieldName)
      * @param clazz - Class that contains the named reference
      * @param attributeName - Name of the member that is the reference you want foreign keys for
      * @return returns a Map populated as described above, with one entry per foreign key field
     public Map getForeignKeysForReference(Class clazz, String attributeName);
      * This method is a PersistableBusinessObject specifific utility method. If the Class clazz passed in is a descendent of PersistableBusinessObject,
      * and if the attributeName specified exists on the object, then the class of this
      * attribute named will be returned.
      * @param clazz - class to be examined for the attribute's class
      * @param attributeName - name of the class' attribute to be examined
      * @return the class of the named attribute, if no exceptions occur
      * @throws ObjectNotABusinessObjectRuntimeException - if the class specified is not a descendent of PersistableBusinessObject, or the class of the
      *         named attribute is not descended from PersistableBusinessObject
     public Class getBusinessObjectAttributeClass(Class clazz, String attributeName) throws ObjectNotABusinessObjectRuntimeException;
      * Builds a map of reference pk attributes back to the foreign key.
      * @param persistableObjectClass
      * @return
     public Map getNestedForeignKeyMap(Class persistableObjectClass);
      * This method checks the foreign keys for a reference on a given BO, and tests that all fk fields are populated if any are
      * populated.
      * In other words, for a given reference, it finds all the attributes of the BO that make up the foreign keys, and checks to see
      * if they all have values. It also keeps a list of all the fieldNames that do not have values.
      * @param bo - A populated BusinessObject descendent. Must contain an attributed named referenceName.
      * @param referenceName - The name of the field that is a reference we are analyzing.
      * @return A populated ForeignKeyFieldsPopulation object which represents the state of population for the foreign key fields.
     public ForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState getForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState(PersistableBusinessObject bo, String referenceName);
      * This method uses the persistence layer to determine the list of reference objects contained within this parent object. For
      * example, an Account object contains sub-objects such as Chart, as well as the key that connects the two, String
      * chartOfAccountsCode.
      * The return structure is: Map<referenceName, referenceClass>.
      * As an example, an Account object passed into this would return:
      * 0:['chartOfAccounts',] 1:['organization',] etc.
      * @param boClass Class that would like to be analyzed for reference names
      * @return Map containing the reference name for the key as a string, and the class of the reference as the value. If the object
      *         contains no references, then this Map will be empty.
     public Map<String, Class> listReferenceObjectFields(Class boClass);
      * This method uses the persistence layer to determine the list of reference objects contained within this parent object. For
      * example, an Account object contains sub-objects such as Chart, as well as the key that connects the two, String
      * chartOfAccountsCode.
      * The return structure is: Map<referenceName, referenceClass>.
      * As an example, an Account object passed into this would return:
      * 0:['chartOfAccounts',] 1:['organization',] etc.
      * @param bo BusinessObject (or subclass) instance that would like to be analyzed for reference names
      * @return Map containing the reference name for the key as a string, and the class of the reference as the value. If the object
      *         contains no references, then this Map will be empty.
     public Map<String, Class> listReferenceObjectFields(PersistableBusinessObject bo);
     public Map<String, Class> listCollectionObjectTypes(Class boClass);
     public Map<String, Class> listCollectionObjectTypes(PersistableBusinessObject bo);
      * Returns whether there is a reference defined in the persistence layer with the given name.
      * Depending on the type of underlying persistence mechanism, this method may or may not return true
      * when the referenceName really refers to a collection type.
      * To determine whether a reference is a collection, use the hasCollection method instead.
      * In OJB, this method will return false for collection references.
      * @param boClass
      * @param referenceName
      * @return
     public boolean hasReference(Class boClass, String referenceName);
      * Returns whether BOs of the given class have a collection defined within them with the given collection name.
      * @param boClass
      * @param collectionName
      * @return
     public boolean hasCollection(Class boClass, String collectionName);
     public boolean isReferenceUpdatable(Class boClass, String referenceName);
     public boolean isCollectionUpdatable(Class boClass, String collectionName);
      * Returns a listing of the FK field mappings between a BO and the elements in a collection. Since this is in effect a 
      * 1:n relationship, only the complete primary key set of the parent BO will be returned.
      * for example, assume Account BO has an "acctNbrForAcct" PK, and it has a list of subAccounts, 
      * each of which has a ("acctNbrForSubAcct", "subAcctNbr") PK pair.
      * the Account PK will be mapped to some of the PK fields of the element list.  
      * When called on the Account BO class with the "subAccounts" collection name, his method should return
      * a map with a mapping of "acctNbrForAcct" (key) => "acctNbrForSubAcct"
      * @param boClass
      * @param collectionName
      * @return
     public Map<String, String> getInverseForeignKeysForCollection(Class boClass, String collectionName);
      * Returns the name of the table underlying the business object class
      * @param boClass
      * @return
     public String getTableName(Class<? extends PersistableBusinessObject> boClass);