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  * Copyright 2007-2008 The Kuali Foundation
  * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.List;
  * This is a service interface that must be used for a service related to a role type.
  * Is it used to interpret the qualifiers which may be attached.
  * @author Kuali Rice Team (
 public interface KimRoleTypeService extends KimTypeService {
     /** Return whether a role assignment with the given qualifier is applicable for the given qualification. 
      * For example, the qualifier for a role could be as follows:
      *   chartOfAccountsCode = BL
      *   organizationCode = ARSC
      *   descendsHierarchy = true
      * The qualification could be:
      *   chartOfAccountsCode = BL
      *   organizationCode = PSY    (reports to BL-ARSC)
      * This method would return true for this set of arguments.  This would require a query of 
      * the KFS organization hierarchy, so an implementation of this sort must be done by
      * a service which lives within KFS and will be called remotely by KIM.
      * The contents of the passed in attribute sets should not be modified as they may be used in future calls by
      * the role service.
     boolean doesRoleQualifierMatchQualification( AttributeSet qualification, AttributeSet roleQualifier );
     /** Same as {@link #doesRoleQualifierMatchQualification(AttributeSet, AttributeSet)} except that it takes a list of qualifiers to check.
     List<RoleMembershipInfo> doRoleQualifiersMatchQualification( AttributeSet qualification, List<RoleMembershipInfo> roleMemberList );
      * Returns true if this role type represents an "application" role type.  That is, the members of the 
      * role are known to the host application, not to KIM.  This is needed for cases like the KFS
      * Fiscal Officer, where the members of the role are in the Account table in the KFS database. 
     boolean isApplicationRoleType();
      * Returns a list of principal IDs corresponding to the given application role.  These principal IDs 
      * would be returned from the implementing application.
      * Continuing the example from {@link #isApplicationRoleType()}, the qualification in that case would be
      * a chart code and account number.  This service would use that information to retrieve the Fiscal Officer
      * from the account table.
      * The contents of the passed in attribute sets should not be modified as they may be used in future calls by
      * the role service.
      * @see #isApplicationRoleType()
     List<RoleMembershipInfo> getRoleMembersFromApplicationRole( String namespaceCode, String roleName, AttributeSet qualification );
      * This method can be used to check if the given principal has this application role.  It is designed to be used in case
      * there is a more efficient way to check for whether a principal is in a role rather than retrieving all the
      * members of the role and checking against that.
      * The groupIds parameter is intended to be the complete list of groups to which the principal belongs.  If either the
      * principalId or the groupIds parameters are blank/empty, that parameter should be ignored.
      * @see #isApplicationRoleType()
      * @see #getRoleMembersFromApplicationRole(String, String, AttributeSet)
     boolean hasApplicationRole( String principalId, List<String> groupIds, String namespaceCode, String roleName, AttributeSet qualification );
      * For roles where the order of members returned may be meaningful,
      * this method provides a hook to sort the results before they
      * are returned from getRoleMembers on the RoleService.
      * This method may alter the passed in list directly and return it rather than
      * allocating a new list.
      * This is also the place where the roleSortingCode property on the RoleMembershipInfo objects can be
      * populated in preparation for routing if not all members of this role should be group as separate
      * units for routing.
     List<RoleMembershipInfo> sortRoleMembers( List<RoleMembershipInfo> roleMembers );
      * Takes the passed in qualifications and converts them, if necessary, for any downstream roles which may be present.
     AttributeSet convertQualificationForMemberRoles( String namespaceCode, String roleName, String memberRoleNamespaceCode, String memberRoleName, AttributeSet qualification );
      * Called by the role service when it is notified that a principal has been inactivated.  Can be used 
      * to perform local data cleanup by application roles.
     void principalInactivated( String principalId, String namespaceCode, String roleName );
      * Determines if the role specified by the given namespace and role name should have membership queries cached
      * @param namespaceCode the namespace code of the role to determine caching on
      * @param roleName the name of the role to determine caching on
      * @return true if the membership results of the Role should be cached, false otherwise
     boolean shouldCacheRoleMembershipResults(String namespaceCode, String roleName);
     /** For roles whose memberships may be matched exactly by qualifiers,
      * this method returns the list of such qualifiers 
      * @return list of qualifier names that can be used for exact match
     List<String> getQualifiersForExactMatch();