Coverage Report - org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.web.DocumentSearchForm
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 2005-2007 The Kuali Foundation
  * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.web;
 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
 import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form.KualiForm;
  * Struts form for document search action
  * @author Kuali Rice Team (
 28  0
 public class DocumentSearchForm extends KualiForm {
 //FIXME: delete this class when doc search is fully moved over
 //    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8680419749805107805L;
 //    private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(DocumentSearchForm.class);
 ////        private DocSearchCriteriaDTO criteria = new DocSearchCriteriaDTO();
 //    private DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor criteriaProcessor = new StandardDocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor();
 //        private String searchTarget;
 //        private String searchIdValue;
 //        private String searchLabelValue;
 //        private String backIdPropName;
 //        private String backLabelPropName;
 //        private String backURL;
 //        private String searchAction;
 //        private String action;
 //        private String returnAction;
 //        private String namedSearch = "";
 //        private String lookupableImplServiceName;
 //        private String conversionFields = "";
 //        private String methodToCall = "";
 //        private String quickFinderLookupable;
 //        private String lookupType;
 //    private List searchableAttributeRows;
 //        private List searchableAttributeColumns;
 //        private List propertyFields;
 //        private boolean headerBarEnabled = true;
 //        private boolean searchCriteriaEnabled = true;
 //        private boolean initiatorUser = false;
 //        private String searchableAttributes = "";
 //        public DocumentSearchForm() {
 //                super();
 //                searchableAttributeRows = new ArrayList<DocumentSearchRow>();
 //                searchableAttributeColumns = new ArrayList();
 //                propertyFields = new ArrayList();
 //        }
 //        public DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor getCriteriaProcessor() {
 //        return this.criteriaProcessor;
 //    }
 //    public void setCriteriaProcessor(DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor criteriaProcessor) {
 //        this.criteriaProcessor = criteriaProcessor;
 //    }
 //    public DocSearchCriteriaDTO getCriteria() {
 //        if (this.criteriaProcessor == null) {
 //            return null;
 //        }
 //                return this.criteriaProcessor.getDocSearchCriteriaDTO();
 //        }
 ////    public void setCriteria(DocSearchCriteriaDTO criteria) {
 ////        if (criteria == null) {
 ////            throw new RuntimeException("Criteria should never be null");
 ////        }
 ////        this.criteriaProcessor.setDocSearchCriteriaDTO(criteria);
 ////    }
 //        public void setDocTypeFullName(String docTypeFullName) {
 //                getCriteria().setDocTypeFullName(docTypeFullName);
 //        }
 //        public String getDocTypeFullName() {
 //            return getCriteria().getDocTypeFullName();
 //        }
 //        public void clearSearchableAttributeProperties() {
 //                searchableAttributeRows = new ArrayList<DocumentSearchRow>();
 //                searchableAttributeColumns = new ArrayList();
 //        propertyFields = new ArrayList();
 //        }
 //        public void checkForAdditionalFields() {
 //                DocumentType documentType = getDocumentType();
 //                if (documentType != null) {
 //                        List<SearchableAttribute> searchableAttributes = documentType.getSearchableAttributes();
 //                        // we only want to initialize the searchable attribute fields, rows,
 //                        // and columns if this is the first time that they are being
 //                        // displayed
 //                        // on the form, therefore we check that each of the lists is empty.
 //                        // Originally, this code was clearing these lists out on every
 //                        // entry to the DocumentSearch screen which would only work in the
 //                        // case of a post of the entire form. In the case of lookups, this
 //                        // would result in the searchable attribute field values being
 //                        // cleared out, this fix resolves EN-122.
 //                        if (searchableAttributeRows.isEmpty() && searchableAttributeColumns.isEmpty() && propertyFields.isEmpty()) {
 //                                Set alreadyProcessedFieldKeys = new HashSet();
 //                                for (SearchableAttribute searchableAttribute : searchableAttributes) {
 //                                        List<DocumentSearchRow> searchRows = searchableAttribute.getSearchingRows(
 //                                                        DocSearchUtils.getDocumentSearchContext("", documentType.getName(), ""));
 //                                        if (searchRows == null) {
 //                                                continue;
 //                                        }
 //                                        for (DocumentSearchRow row : searchRows) {
 //                                                for (org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.Field field : row.getFields()) {
 //                                                DocumentSearchField dsField = (DocumentSearchField)field;
 //                                                        if (!Utilities.isEmpty(dsField.getPropertyName())) {
 //                                if (dsField.MULTI_VALUE_FIELD_TYPES.contains(dsField.getFieldType())) {
 //                                    SearchAttributeFormContainer newFormContainer = new SearchAttributeFormContainer();
 //                                    newFormContainer.setKey(dsField.getPropertyName());
 //                                    newFormContainer.setValues(dsField.getPropertyValues());
 //                                    propertyFields.add(newFormContainer);
 //                                } else {
 //                                    propertyFields.add(new SearchAttributeFormContainer(dsField.getPropertyName(), dsField.getPropertyValue()));
 //                                }
 //                                                        }
 //                            // TODO delyea - check this... do we need it still?
 //                                                        if ( (dsField.getSavablePropertyName() == null) || (!alreadyProcessedFieldKeys.contains(dsField.getSavablePropertyName())) ) {
 //                                                                if (dsField.isColumnVisible()) {
 //                                                                        for (Iterator iter = dsField.SEARCH_RESULT_DISPLAYABLE_FIELD_TYPES.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
 //                                                                                String displayableFieldType = (String);
 //                                                                                if (dsField.getFieldType().equals(displayableFieldType)) {
 //                                                                                        searchableAttributeColumns.add(new DocumentSearchColumn(field.getFieldLabel(), DocumentSearchColumn.COLUMN_IS_SORTABLE_VALUE, "searchableAttribute(" + dsField.getSavablePropertyName() + ").label"));
 //                                                                                        if (dsField.getSavablePropertyName() != null) {
 //                                                                                                alreadyProcessedFieldKeys.add(dsField.getSavablePropertyName());
 //                                                                                        }
 //                                                                                        break;
 //                                                                                }
 //                                                                        }
 //                                                                }
 //                                                        }
 //                                                }
 //                                                addSearchableAttributeRow(row);
 //                                        }
 //                                }
 //                                // update any potential propertyFields to hold data already in searchable attributes
 //                                setupPropertyFieldsUsingCriteria();
 //                        } else {
 //                                updateSearchableAttributeData(documentType, searchableAttributes);
 //                        }
 //                }
 //        }
 //        /**
 //         * Updates the field valid values since they aren't submitted with the form.
 //         *
 //         */
 //        private void updateSearchableAttributeData(DocumentType documentType, List<SearchableAttribute> searchableAttributes) {
 //                // searchableAttributeRows is a List containing rows from all attributes, so we need to keep a global row count
 //                int totalRowIndex = 0;
 //                for (SearchableAttribute searchableAttribute : searchableAttributes) {
 //                        List<DocumentSearchRow> rows = searchableAttribute.getSearchingRows(DocSearchUtils.getDocumentSearchContext("", documentType.getName(), ""));
 //                        for (DocumentSearchRow row : rows) {
 //                            DocumentSearchRow existingRow = (DocumentSearchRow)getSearchableAttributeRows().get(totalRowIndex++);
 //                                int fieldIndex = 0;
 //                                for (org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.Field field : row.getFields()) {
 //                                        // get existing field
 //                                        org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.Field existingField = existingRow.getFields().get(fieldIndex++);
 //                                        // now update the valid values
 //                                        existingField.setFieldValidValues(field.getFieldValidValues());
 //                                }
 //                        }
 //                }
 //        }
 //        public void addSearchableAttributesToCriteria() {
 //            DocSearchUtils.addSearchableAttributesToCriteria(getCriteria(), propertyFields, getSearchableAttributes());
 //            setSearchableAttributes(null);
 ////                DocumentType docType = getDocumentType();
 ////                if (docType == null) {
 ////                        return;
 ////                }
 ////                getCriteria().getSearchableAttributes().clear();
 ////                Map<String,SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent> urlParameterSearchAttributesByFormKey = new HashMap<String,SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent>();
 ////        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(getSearchableAttributes())) {
 ////            List<SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent> components = DocSearchUtils.buildSearchableAttributesFromString(getSearchableAttributes(), docType.getName());
 ////            for (SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent component : components) {
 ////                urlParameterSearchAttributesByFormKey.put(component.getFormKey(), component);
 ////                getCriteria().addSearchableAttribute(component);
 ////            }
 ////            setSearchableAttributes(null);
 ////        }
 ////                if (!propertyFields.isEmpty()) {
 ////                        Map criteriaComponentsByFormKey = new HashMap();
 ////                        for (SearchableAttribute searchableAttribute : docType.getSearchableAttributes()) {
 ////                                for (Row row : searchableAttribute.getSearchingRows()) {
 ////                                        for (Field field : row.getFields()) {
 ////                        SearchableAttributeValue searchableAttributeValue = DocSearchUtils.getSearchableAttributeValueByDataTypeString(field.getFieldDataType());
 ////                        SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent sacc = new SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent(field.getPropertyName(),null,field.getSavablePropertyName(),searchableAttributeValue);
 ////                        sacc.setRangeSearch(field.isMemberOfRange());
 ////                        sacc.setAllowWildcards(field.isAllowingWildcards());
 ////                        sacc.setAutoWildcardBeginning(field.isAutoWildcardAtBeginning());
 ////                        sacc.setAutoWildcardEnd(field.isAutoWildcardAtEnding());
 ////                        sacc.setCaseSensitive(field.isCaseSensitive());
 ////                        sacc.setSearchInclusive(field.isInclusive());
 ////                        sacc.setLookupableFieldType(field.getFieldType());
 ////                        sacc.setSearchable(field.isSearchable());
 ////                        sacc.setCanHoldMultipleValues(Field.MULTI_VALUE_FIELD_TYPES.contains(field.getFieldType()));
 ////                        criteriaComponentsByFormKey.put(field.getPropertyName(), sacc);
 ////                                        }
 ////                                }
 ////                        }
 ////                        for (Iterator iterator = propertyFields.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
 ////                SearchAttributeFormContainer propertyField = (SearchAttributeFormContainer);
 ////                                SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent sacc = (SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent) criteriaComponentsByFormKey.get(propertyField.getKey());
 ////                                if (sacc != null) {
 ////                                        if (sacc.getSearchableAttributeValue() == null) {
 ////                                                String errorMsg = "Searchable attribute with form field key " + sacc.getFormKey() + " does not have a valid SearchableAttributeValue";
 ////                                                LOG.error("addSearchableAttributesToCriteria() " + errorMsg);
 ////                                                throw new RuntimeException(errorMsg);
 ////                                        }
 ////                                        // if the url parameter has already set up the search attribute change the propertyField
 ////                                        if (urlParameterSearchAttributesByFormKey.containsKey(sacc.getFormKey())) {
 ////                                            setupPropertyField(urlParameterSearchAttributesByFormKey.get(sacc.getFormKey()));
 ////                                        } else {
 ////                        if ( (Field.CHECKBOX_YES_NO.equals(sacc.getLookupableFieldType())) && (!propertyField.isValueSet()) ) {
 ////                            // value was not set on the form so we must use the alternate value which for checkbox is the 'unchecked' value
 ////                            sacc.setValue(propertyField.getAlternateValue());
 ////                        } else if (Field.MULTI_VALUE_FIELD_TYPES.contains(sacc.getLookupableFieldType())) {
 ////                            // set the multivalue lookup indicator
 ////                            sacc.setCanHoldMultipleValues(true);
 ////                            if (propertyField.getValues() == null) {
 ////                                sacc.setValues(new ArrayList<String>());
 ////                            } else {
 ////                                sacc.setValues(Arrays.asList(propertyField.getValues()));
 ////                            }
 ////                        } else {
 ////                            sacc.setValue(propertyField.getValue());
 ////                        }
 ////                        getCriteria().addSearchableAttribute(sacc);
 ////                                        }
 ////                                }
 ////                        }
 ////                }
 //        }
 //    public void setupPropertyFieldsUsingCriteria() {
 //        for (Iterator iter = getCriteria().getSearchableAttributes().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
 //            SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent searchableAttribute = (SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent);
 //            DocSearchUtils.setupPropertyField(searchableAttribute, propertyFields);
 ////            setupPropertyField(searchableAttribute);
 //        }
 //    }
 ////    public void setupPropertyField(SearchAttributeCriteriaComponent searchableAttribute) {
 ////        SearchAttributeFormContainer propertyField = getPropertyField(searchableAttribute.getFormKey());
 ////        if (propertyField != null) {
 ////            propertyField.setValue(searchableAttribute.getValue());
 ////            if (searchableAttribute.getValues() != null) {
 ////                propertyField.setValues(searchableAttribute.getValues().toArray(new String[searchableAttribute.getValues().size()]));
 ////            }
 ////        }
 ////    }
 //        public String getDocTypeDisplayName() {
 //                DocumentType docType = getDocumentType();
 //                if (docType != null) {
 //                        return docType.getLabel();
 //                }
 //                return null;
 //        }
 //        private DocumentType getDocumentType() {
 //                if ( (getCriteria() != null) && (getCriteria().getDocTypeFullName() != null && !"".equals(getCriteria().getDocTypeFullName())) ) {
 //                    return ((DocumentTypeService) KEWServiceLocator.getService(KEWServiceLocator.DOCUMENT_TYPE_SERVICE)).findByName(getCriteria().getDocTypeFullName());
 //                }
 //                return null;
 //        }
 //        public String getRouteLogPopup() {
 //                return new Boolean(Utilities.getKNSParameterBooleanValue(KEWConstants.KEW_NAMESPACE, KNSConstants.DetailTypes.DOCUMENT_SEARCH_DETAIL_TYPE, KEWConstants.DOCUMENT_SEARCH_ROUTE_LOG_POPUP_IND)).toString();
 //        }
 //        public String getDocumentPopup() {
 //                return new Boolean(Utilities.getKNSParameterBooleanValue(KEWConstants.KEW_NAMESPACE, KNSConstants.DetailTypes.DOCUMENT_SEARCH_DETAIL_TYPE, KEWConstants.DOCUMENT_SEARCH_DOCUMENT_POPUP_IND)).toString();
 //        }
 //        public void setInitiator(String initiator) {
 //                getCriteria().setInitiator(initiator);
 //        }
 //        public void setApprover(String approver) {
 //                getCriteria().setApprover(approver);
 //        }
 //        public void setViewer(String viewer) {
 //                getCriteria().setViewer(viewer);
 //        }
 //    /*
 //     * the super user search methods used to live here but were moved to the criteria so search
 //     * context could be saved along with search data.  I kept these methods here to minimize impact on jsp.
 //     * Feel free to remove this call through methods and modify the jsp.
 //     */
 //        public String getSuperUserSearch() {
 //                return getCriteria().getSuperUserSearch();
 //        }
 //        public void setSuperUserSearch(String superUserSearch) {
 //                getCriteria().setSuperUserSearch(superUserSearch);
 //        }
 //        public void setSearchTarget(String searchTarget) {
 //                this.searchTarget = searchTarget;
 //        }
 //        public String getSearchTarget() {
 //                return searchTarget;
 //        }
 //        public void setSearchIdValue(String searchIdValue) {
 //                this.searchIdValue = searchIdValue;
 //        }
 //        public String getSearchIdValue() {
 //                return searchIdValue;
 //        }
 //        public void setSearchLabelValue(String searchLabelValue) {
 //                this.searchLabelValue = searchLabelValue;
 //        }
 //        public String getSearchLabelValue() {
 //                return searchLabelValue;
 //        }
 //        public void setBackIdPropName(String backIdPropName) {
 //                this.backIdPropName = backIdPropName;
 //        }
 //        public String getBackIdPropName() {
 //                return backIdPropName;
 //        }
 //        public void setBackLabelPropName(String backLabelPropName) {
 //                this.backLabelPropName = backLabelPropName;
 //        }
 //        public String getBackLabelPropName() {
 //                return backLabelPropName;
 //        }
 //        public void setBackURL(String backURL) {
 //                this.backURL = backURL;
 //        }
 //        public String getBackURL() {
 //                return backURL;
 //        }
 //        public void setSearchAction(String searchAction) {
 //                this.searchAction = searchAction;
 //        }
 //        public String getSearchAction() {
 //                return searchAction;
 //        }
 //        public void setAction(String action) {
 //                this.action = action;
 //        }
 //        public String getAction() {
 //                return action;
 //        }
 //    /*
 //     * the IsAdvancedSearch methods used to live here but were moved to the crieteria so search
 //     * context could be saved along with search data.  I kept these methods here to minimize impact on jsp.
 //     * Feel free to remove this call through methods and modify the jsp.
 //     */
 //        public String getIsAdvancedSearch() {
 //                return getCriteria().getIsAdvancedSearch();
 //        }
 //        public void setIsAdvancedSearch(String string) {
 //        getCriteria().setIsAdvancedSearch(string);
 //        }
 //        public String getReturnAction() {
 //                return returnAction;
 //        }
 //        public void setReturnAction(String returnAction) {
 //                this.returnAction = returnAction;
 //        }
 //        public void setFromDateCreated(String fromDateCreated) {
 //                getCriteria().setFromDateCreated(fromDateCreated);
 //        }
 //        public void setToDateCreated(String toDateCreated) {
 //                getCriteria().setToDateCreated(toDateCreated);
 //        }
 //        public String getFromDateCreated() {
 //                return getCriteria().getFromDateCreated();
 //        }
 //        public String getToDateCreated() {
 //                return getCriteria().getToDateCreated();
 //        }
 //        public void setFromDateLastModified(String fromDateLastModified) {
 //                getCriteria().setFromDateLastModified(fromDateLastModified);
 //        }
 //        public void setToDateLastModified(String toDateLastModified) {
 //                getCriteria().setToDateLastModified(toDateLastModified);
 //        }
 //        public String getFromDateLastModified() {
 //                return getCriteria().getFromDateLastModified();
 //        }
 //        public String getToDateLastModified() {
 //                return getCriteria().getToDateLastModified();
 //        }
 //        public void setFromDateApproved(String fromDateApproved) {
 //                getCriteria().setFromDateApproved(fromDateApproved);
 //        }
 //        public void setToDateApproved(String toDateApproved) {
 //                getCriteria().setToDateApproved(toDateApproved);
 //        }
 //        public String getFromDateApproved() {
 //                return getCriteria().getFromDateApproved();
 //        }
 //        public String getToDateApproved() {
 //                return getCriteria().getToDateApproved();
 //        }
 //        public void setFromDateFinalized(String fromDateFinalized) {
 //                getCriteria().setFromDateFinalized(fromDateFinalized);
 //        }
 //        public void setToDateFinalized(String toDateFinalized) {
 //                getCriteria().setToDateFinalized(toDateFinalized);
 //        }
 //        public String getFromDateFinalized() {
 //                return getCriteria().getFromDateFinalized();
 //        }
 //        public String getToDateFinalized() {
 //                return getCriteria().getToDateFinalized();
 //        }
 //        public String getNamedSearch() {
 //                return namedSearch;
 //        }
 //        public void setNamedSearch(String namedSearch) {
 //                this.namedSearch = namedSearch;
 //        }
 //        public String getLookupableImplServiceName() {
 //                return lookupableImplServiceName;
 //        }
 //        public void setLookupableImplServiceName(String lookupableImplServiceName) {
 //                this.lookupableImplServiceName = lookupableImplServiceName;
 //        }
 //        /**
 //         * @param conversionFields
 //         *            The conversionFields to set.
 //         */
 //        public void setConversionFields(String conversionFields) {
 //                this.conversionFields = conversionFields;
 //        }
 //        /**
 //         * @return Returns the conversionFields.
 //         */
 //        public String getConversionFields() {
 //                return conversionFields;
 //        }
 //        public String getMethodToCall() {
 //                return methodToCall;
 //        }
 //        public void setMethodToCall(String methodToCall) {
 //                this.methodToCall = methodToCall;
 //        }
 //        public String getQuickFinderLookupable() {
 //                return quickFinderLookupable;
 //        }
 //        public void setQuickFinderLookupable(String quickFinderLookupable) {
 //                this.quickFinderLookupable = quickFinderLookupable;
 //        }
 //        public String getLookupType() {
 //                return lookupType;
 //        }
 //        public void setLookupType(String lookupType) {
 //                this.lookupType = lookupType;
 //        }
 //        public List<DocumentSearchRow> getProcessedSearchableAttributeRows() {
 //            if (isAdvancedSearch()) {
 //                return this.criteriaProcessor.processSearchableAttributeRowsForAdvancedSearch(getSearchableAttributeRows());
 //            } else {
 //            return this.criteriaProcessor.processSearchableAttributeRowsForBasicSearch(getSearchableAttributeRows());
 //            }
 //        }
 //        public void setSearchableAttributeRows(List searchableAttributeRows) {
 //            this.searchableAttributeRows = searchableAttributeRows;
 //        }
 //        public List getSearchableAttributeRows() {
 //            return this.searchableAttributeRows;
 //        }
 //        public void addSearchableAttributeRow(DocumentSearchRow row) {
 //            getSearchableAttributeRows().add(row);
 //        }
 //        public DocumentSearchRow getSearchableAttributeRow(int index) {
 //        while (getSearchableAttributeRows().size() <= index) {
 //            DocumentSearchRow row = new DocumentSearchRow(new ArrayList<org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.Field>());
 //            getSearchableAttributeRows().add(row);
 //        }
 //        return (DocumentSearchRow) getSearchableAttributeRows().get(index);
 //        }
 //        public void setSearchableAttributeRow(int index, DocumentSearchRow row) {
 //            getSearchableAttributeRows().set(index, row);
 //        }
 //        /**
 //         * @param searchableAttributeColumns
 //         *            The searchableAttributeColumns to set.
 //         */
 //        public void setSearchableAttributeColumns(List searchableAttributeColumns) {
 //                this.searchableAttributeColumns = searchableAttributeColumns;
 //        }
 //        /**
 //         * @return Returns the searchableAttributeColumns.
 //         */
 //        public List getSearchableAttributeColumns() {
 //                return searchableAttributeColumns;
 //        }
 //        public void addSearchableAttributeColumn(DocumentSearchColumn column) {
 //                searchableAttributeColumns.add(column);
 //        }
 //        public DocumentSearchColumn getSearchableAttributeColumn(int index) {
 //                while (getSearchableAttributeColumns().size() <= index) {
 //                    DocumentSearchColumn column = new DocumentSearchColumn("", "", "");
 //                        getSearchableAttributeColumns().add(column);
 //                }
 //                return (DocumentSearchColumn) getSearchableAttributeColumns().get(index);
 //        }
 //        public void setSearchableAttributeColumn(int index, DocumentSearchColumn column) {
 //                searchableAttributeColumns.set(index, column);
 //        }
 //        /**
 //         * @param propertyFields
 //         *            The propertyFields to set.
 //         */
 //        public void setPropertyFields(List propertyFields) {
 //                this.propertyFields = propertyFields;
 //        }
 //        /**
 //         * @return Returns the propertyFields.
 //         */
 //        public List getPropertyFields() {
 //                return propertyFields;
 //        }
 //        public void addPropertyField(SearchAttributeFormContainer attributeContainer) {
 //                propertyFields.add(attributeContainer);
 //        }
 //    public SearchAttributeFormContainer getPropertyField(int index) {
 //        while (getPropertyFields().size() <= index) {
 //            SearchAttributeFormContainer attributeContainer = new SearchAttributeFormContainer();
 //            addPropertyField(attributeContainer);
 //        }
 //        return (SearchAttributeFormContainer) getPropertyFields().get(index);
 //    }
 //    public SearchAttributeFormContainer getPropertyField(String key) {
 //        if (StringUtils.isBlank(key)) {
 //            return null;
 //        }
 //        for (Iterator iter = propertyFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
 //            SearchAttributeFormContainer container = (SearchAttributeFormContainer);
 //            if (key.equals(container.getKey())) {
 //                return container;
 //            }
 //        }
 //        return null;
 //    }
 //        public void setPropertyField(int index, SearchAttributeFormContainer attributeContainer) {
 //                propertyFields.set(index, attributeContainer);
 //        }
 //    public boolean isAdvancedSearch() {
 //        return (StringUtils.equals(DocSearchCriteriaDTO.ADVANCED_SEARCH_INDICATOR_STRING,getCriteria().getIsAdvancedSearch()));
 //    }
 //        public StandardDocSearchCriteriaManager getDocumentSearchCriteriaManager() {
 //            if (isAdvancedSearch()) {
 //                return this.criteriaProcessor.getAdvancedSearchManager();
 //            } else {
 //                return this.criteriaProcessor.getBasicSearchManager();
 //            }
 //        }
 //        public boolean isHeaderBarEnabled() {
 //                return headerBarEnabled;
 //        }
 //        public void setHeaderBarEnabled(boolean headerBarEnabled) {
 //                this.headerBarEnabled = headerBarEnabled;
 //        }
 //        public boolean isSearchCriteriaEnabled() {
 //                return searchCriteriaEnabled;
 //        }
 //        public void setSearchCriteriaEnabled(boolean searchCriteriaEnabled) {
 //                this.searchCriteriaEnabled = searchCriteriaEnabled;
 //        }
 //        public boolean isShowSearchCriteria() {
 //                if (!isSearchCriteriaEnabled()) {
 //                        return false;
 //                }
 //                if (isAdvancedSearch()) {
 //                    return this.criteriaProcessor.isAdvancedSearchCriteriaDisplayed();
 //                } else {
 //                    return this.criteriaProcessor.isBasicSearchCriteriaDisplayed();
 //                }
 //        }
 //        public boolean isShowHeaderBar() {
 //                if (!isHeaderBarEnabled()) {
 //                        return false;
 //                }
 //                return this.criteriaProcessor.isHeaderBarDisplayed();
 //        }
 //        public String getSearchableAttributes() {
 //                return searchableAttributes;
 //        }
 //        public void setSearchableAttributes(String secureAttributes) {
 //                this.searchableAttributes = secureAttributes;
 //        }
 //        public boolean isInitiatorUser() {
 //                return initiatorUser;
 //        }
 //        public void setInitiatorUser(boolean secureInitiatorSearch) {
 //                this.initiatorUser = secureInitiatorSearch;
 //        }