Coverage Report - org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.web.DocumentSearchAction
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 2005-2007 The Kuali Foundation
  * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.web;
  * Document search struts action
  * @author Kuali Rice Team (
 25  0
 public class DocumentSearchAction {
 //FIXME: delete this when doc search is fully moved over
 //extends WorkflowAction {
 //    private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(DocumentSearchAction.class);
 //    public static final Map<String,String> SEARCH_RESULT_LABEL_KEYS_BY_COLUMN_KEY = new HashMap<String,String>();
 //    static {
 //        SEARCH_RESULT_LABEL_KEYS_BY_COLUMN_KEY.put(KEWPropertyConstants.DOC_SEARCH_RESULT_PROPERTY_NAME_ROUTE_HEADER_ID,"docSearch.DocumentSearch.results.label.documentId");
 //        SEARCH_RESULT_LABEL_KEYS_BY_COLUMN_KEY.put(KEWPropertyConstants.DOC_SEARCH_RESULT_PROPERTY_NAME_DOC_TYPE_LABEL,"docSearch.DocumentSearch.results.label.type");
 //        SEARCH_RESULT_LABEL_KEYS_BY_COLUMN_KEY.put(KEWPropertyConstants.DOC_SEARCH_RESULT_PROPERTY_NAME_DOCUMENT_TITLE,"docSearch.DocumentSearch.results.label.title");
 //        SEARCH_RESULT_LABEL_KEYS_BY_COLUMN_KEY.put(KEWPropertyConstants.DOC_SEARCH_RESULT_PROPERTY_NAME_ROUTE_STATUS_DESC,"docSearch.DocumentSearch.results.label.routeStatus");
 //        SEARCH_RESULT_LABEL_KEYS_BY_COLUMN_KEY.put(KEWPropertyConstants.DOC_SEARCH_RESULT_PROPERTY_NAME_INITIATOR,"docSearch.DocumentSearch.results.label.initiator");
 //        SEARCH_RESULT_LABEL_KEYS_BY_COLUMN_KEY.put(KEWPropertyConstants.DOC_SEARCH_RESULT_PROPERTY_NAME_DATE_CREATED,"docSearch.DocumentSearch.results.label.dateCreated");
 //        SEARCH_RESULT_LABEL_KEYS_BY_COLUMN_KEY.put(KEWPropertyConstants.DOC_SEARCH_RESULT_PROPERTY_NAME_ROUTE_LOG,"docSearch.DocumentSearch.results.label.routeLog");
 //    }
 //    public static final List<KeyValue> DOCUMENT_SEARCH_SEARCHABLE_DOCUMENT_STATUSES = Arrays.asList(new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("I", "Initiated"),
 //            new KeyValue("R", "Enroute"),
 //            new KeyValue("S", "Saved"),
 //            new KeyValue("F", "Final"),
 //            new KeyValue("A", "Approved"),
 //            new KeyValue("X", "Canceled"),
 //            new KeyValue("E", "Exception"),
 //            new KeyValue("P", "Processed"),
 //            new KeyValue("D", "Disapproved") });
 //    public ActionForward start(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        docSearchForm.setupPropertyFieldsUsingCriteria();
 //        adjustStateAndForm(getCurrentState(request), docSearchForm, getUserSession(request));
 //        // if there's no search criteria, just execute the search
 //        if (!docSearchForm.isShowSearchCriteria()) {
 //            return doDocSearch(mapping, form, request, response);
 //        }
 //        return mapping.findForward("success");
 //    }
 //    public ActionForward performLookup(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() + request.getContextPath() + mapping.getModuleConfig().getPrefix();
 //        StringBuffer lookupUrl = new StringBuffer(basePath);
 //        String lookupType = docSearchForm.getLookupType();
 //        docSearchForm.setLookupType(null);
 //        String docFormKey = getUserSession(request).addObject(form);
 //        lookupUrl.append("/").append(docFormKey).append("&lookupableImplServiceName=").append(request.getParameter("lookupableImplServiceName"));
 //        StringBuffer conversionFields = new StringBuffer();
 //        if (lookupType != null && !lookupType.equals("")) {
 //            lookupUrl.append("&conversionFields=");
 //            //WorkflowLookupable workflowLookupable = (WorkflowLookupable) GlobalResourceLoader.getService(request.getParameter("lookupableImplServiceName"));
 //            //for (Iterator iterator = workflowLookupable.getDefaultReturnType().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
 //            //    String returnType = (String);
 //            //    conversionFields.append(returnType).append(":").append(lookupType);
 //            //}
 //            lookupUrl.append(conversionFields);
 //        } else if (!Utilities.isEmpty(docSearchForm.getConversionFields())) {
 //            lookupUrl.append("&conversionFields=");
 //            lookupUrl.append(docSearchForm.getConversionFields());
 //            conversionFields.append(docSearchForm.getConversionFields());
 //        }
 //        lookupUrl.append("&returnLocation=").append(basePath).append(mapping.getPath()).append(".do");
 //        /*
 //        * Code below added by Jeremy and Eric - 12-10-2008
 //        *
 //        * Temporarily,  until Document Search is converted to a proper lookup, let's have our outgoing lookup links
 //        * for the Document Type lookup
 //        * generated in here, instead of using the KNS tags to generate our lookup links
 //        */
 //       String lookupableImplServiceName = request.getParameter("lookupableImplServiceName");
 //       if (lookupableImplServiceName.equals(DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor.DOC_TYP_LOOKUPABLE)) {
 //           lookupUrl = new StringBuffer();
 //           lookupUrl.append("../kr/" +
 //               docFormKey +
 //               "&returnLocation=" +
 //               basePath +
 //               mapping.getPath() +
 //               ".do" +
 //               "&conversionFields=" +
 //               conversionFields.toString());
 //       }
 //        return new ActionForward(lookupUrl.toString(), true);
 //    }
 //    public ActionForward basic(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        docSearchForm.setIsAdvancedSearch("NO");
 //        return mapping.findForward("success");
 //    }
 //    public ActionForward resetNamedSearches(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException, RuntimeException {
 //        getDocumentSearchService().clearNamedSearches(getUserSession(request).getPrincipalId());
 //        return mapping.findForward("success");
 //    }
 //    public ActionForward advanced(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        docSearchForm.setIsAdvancedSearch(DocSearchCriteriaDTO.ADVANCED_SEARCH_INDICATOR_STRING);
 //        return mapping.findForward("success");
 //    }
 //    public ActionForward superUserSearch(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        docSearchForm.setSuperUserSearch(DocSearchCriteriaDTO.SUPER_USER_SEARCH_INDICATOR_STRING);
 //        return mapping.findForward("success");
 //    }
 //    public ActionForward clearSuperUserSearch(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        docSearchForm.setSuperUserSearch("NO");
 //        return mapping.findForward("success");
 //    }
 //    public ActionForward clear(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        String currentDocTypeName = docSearchForm.getCriteria().getDocTypeFullName();
 //        String advancedSearchValue = docSearchForm.getIsAdvancedSearch();
 //        String superUserSearchValue = docSearchForm.getSuperUserSearch();
 //        // set up new criteria object using generator class if possible
 //        DocSearchCriteriaDTO newCriteria = null;
 //        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(currentDocTypeName)) {
 //            newCriteria = getValidDocumentType(currentDocTypeName).getDocumentSearchGenerator().clearSearch(docSearchForm.getCriteria());
 //        }
 //        if (newCriteria == null) {
 //            newCriteria = new DocSearchCriteriaDTO();
 //        }
 //        newCriteria.setIsAdvancedSearch(advancedSearchValue);
 //        newCriteria.setSuperUserSearch(superUserSearchValue);
 //        // adjust the processor class and state if necessary
 //        State state = getCurrentState(request);
 //        DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor currentProcessor = state.getCriteriaProcessor();
 //        if (StringUtils.equals(currentProcessor.getDocSearchCriteriaDTO().getDocTypeFullName(),newCriteria.getDocTypeFullName())) {
 //            // since doc type names are equal do not reset the state or processor only the criteria object
 //            state.getCriteriaProcessor().setDocSearchCriteriaDTO(newCriteria);
 //        } else {
 //            // document types are not equal so reset the state and processor using the new criteria
 //            state = adjustStateAndForm(null, docSearchForm, newCriteria, getUserSession(request));
 //        }
 //        setAdjustedState(request, state);
 ////        DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor processor = buildCriteriaProcessor((state != null) ? state.getCriteriaProcessor() : null, docSearchForm, getUserSession(request));
 ////        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(docSearchForm.getCriteria().getDocTypeFullName())) {
 ////            DocumentSearchGenerator generator = getValidDocumentType(docSearchForm.getCriteria().getDocTypeFullName()).getDocumentSearchGenerator();
 ////            DocSearchCriteriaDTO newCriteria = generator.clearSearch(processor.getDocSearchCriteriaDTO());
 ////            if (newCriteria == null) {
 ////                newCriteria = new DocSearchCriteriaDTO();
 ////            }
 ////            newCriteria.setIsAdvancedSearch(processor.getDocSearchCriteriaDTO().getIsAdvancedSearch());
 ////            newCriteria.setSuperUserSearch(processor.getDocSearchCriteriaDTO().getSuperUserSearch());
 ////            processor = buildCriteriaProcessor(processor, docSearchForm, newCriteria, getUserSession(request));
 ////            setAdjustedState(request, state);
 ////        }
 //       docSearchForm.clearSearchableAttributeProperties();
 //       return mapping.findForward("success");
 //    }
 //    public ActionForward doDocSearch(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
 //"started doDocSearch");
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        DocumentSearchResultComponents results = null;
 //        SavedSearchResult result = null;
 //        State currentState = getCurrentState(request);
 //        if (docSearchForm.getNamedSearch() != null && !"".equals(docSearchForm.getNamedSearch()) && !"ignore".equals(docSearchForm.getNamedSearch())) {
 //            result = getDocumentSearchService().getSavedSearchResults(getUserSession(request).getPerson().getPrincipalId(), docSearchForm.getNamedSearch());
 //            if (result != null) {
 //                // if using a saved search assume new state needs created by discarding old state
 //                currentState = null;
 //                docSearchForm.setCriteriaProcessor(buildCriteriaProcessor(null, docSearchForm, getUserSession(request)));
 //                docSearchForm.getCriteriaProcessor().setDocSearchCriteriaDTO(result.getDocSearchCriteriaDTO());
 //                docSearchForm.clearSearchableAttributeProperties();
 //                docSearchForm.checkForAdditionalFields();
 //                docSearchForm.setupPropertyFieldsUsingCriteria();
 //                docSearchForm.setNamedSearch("");
 //                setDropdowns(docSearchForm, request);
 //                results = result.getSearchResult();
 //            } else {
 //                LOG.warn("Could not find saved search with name '" + docSearchForm.getNamedSearch() + "' for user " + getUserSession(request).getPrincipalName());
 //                ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
 //                errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("docsearch.DocumentSearchService.savedSearches.notFound", docSearchForm.getNamedSearch()));
 //                saveErrors(request, errors);
 //                return mapping.findForward("success");
 //            }
 //        } else {
 //            docSearchForm.addSearchableAttributesToCriteria();
 //            DocSearchCriteriaDTO criteria = docSearchForm.getCriteria();
 //            if (docSearchForm.isInitiatorUser()) {
 //                criteria.setInitiator(getUserSession(request).getPrincipalName());
 //            }
 //            results = getDocumentSearchService().getList(getUserSession(request).getPerson().getPrincipalId(), criteria);
 //            result = new SavedSearchResult(criteria, results);
 //        }
 //        List columns = results.getColumns();
 //        MessageResources mr = getResources(request);
 //        mr.setReturnNull(true);
 //        Locale locale = (Locale) request.getAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY);
 //        for (Iterator iter = columns.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
 //            DocumentSearchColumn column = (DocumentSearchColumn);
 //            if ((column.getColumnTitle() == null) || (column.getColumnTitle().trim().length() == 0)) {
 //                String title = mr.getMessage(locale, SEARCH_RESULT_LABEL_KEYS_BY_COLUMN_KEY.get(column.getKey()));
 //                if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) {
 //                    title = "** No Title Available **";
 //                }
 //                column.setColumnTitle(title);
 //            }
 //        }
 //        // adjust results and result objects
 //        result = new SavedSearchResult(docSearchForm.getCriteria(), new DocumentSearchResultComponents(columns, results.getSearchResults()));
 //        request.setAttribute("reqSearchResultColumns", result.getSearchResult().getColumns());
 //        request.setAttribute("reqSearchResults", result.getSearchResult().getSearchResults());
 //        State state = adjustStateAndForm(currentState, docSearchForm, getUserSession(request));
 //        state.setResult(result);
 //        setAdjustedState(request, state);
 //        if (docSearchForm.getCriteria().isOverThreshold() && docSearchForm.getCriteria().getSecurityFilteredRows() > 0) {
 //            ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
 //            errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("docsearch.DocumentSearchService.exceededThresholdAndSecurityFiltered", String.valueOf(results.getSearchResults().size()), docSearchForm.getCriteria().getSecurityFilteredRows()));
 //            saveErrors(request, errors);
 //        } else if (docSearchForm.getCriteria().getSecurityFilteredRows() > 0) {
 //            ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
 //            errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("docsearch.DocumentSearchService.securityFiltered", docSearchForm.getCriteria().getSecurityFilteredRows()));
 //            saveErrors(request, errors);
 //        } else if (docSearchForm.getCriteria().isOverThreshold()) {
 //            ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
 //            errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("docsearch.DocumentSearchService.exceededThreshold", String.valueOf(results.getSearchResults().size())));
 //            saveErrors(request, errors);
 //        }
 //"end doDocSearch");
 //        return mapping.findForward("success");
 //    }
 //    private static DocumentType getValidDocumentType(String docTypeName) {
 //        DocumentType documentType = KEWServiceLocator.getDocumentTypeService().findByName(docTypeName);
 //        if (documentType == null) {
 //            throw new RuntimeException("Document Type invalid : " + docTypeName);
 //        }
 //        return documentType;
 //    }
 //    private State getCurrentState(HttpServletRequest request) {
 //        return (State)request.getAttribute("currentSearchState");
 //    }
 //    private void setAdjustedState(HttpServletRequest request, State state) {
 //        request.removeAttribute("currentSearchState");
 //        request.setAttribute("currentSearchState", state);
 //    }
 //    private State adjustStateAndForm(State currentState, DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm, UserSession userSession) {
 //        State state = new State(docSearchForm);
 //        if (currentState != null) {
 //            state = new State(currentState);
 //        }
 //        state.setCriteriaProcessor(buildCriteriaProcessor(state.getCriteriaProcessor(), docSearchForm, userSession));
 //        state.updateForm(docSearchForm);
 //        return state;
 //    }
 //    private State adjustStateAndForm(State currentState, DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm, DocSearchCriteriaDTO criteria, UserSession userSession) {
 //        State state = new State(docSearchForm);
 //        if (currentState != null) {
 //            state = new State(currentState);
 //        }
 //        state.setCriteriaProcessor(buildCriteriaProcessor(state.getCriteriaProcessor(), docSearchForm, criteria, userSession));
 //        state.updateForm(docSearchForm);
 //        return state;
 //    }
 //    private DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor buildCriteriaProcessor(DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor processor, DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm, UserSession userSession) {
 //        return buildCriteriaProcessor(processor, docSearchForm, docSearchForm.getCriteria(), userSession);
 //    }
 //    private DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor buildCriteriaProcessor(DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor processor, DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm, DocSearchCriteriaDTO criteria, UserSession userSession) {
 //        if (processor == null) {
 //            // no criteria processor... set one up
 //            if ( (criteria != null) && (StringUtils.isNotBlank(criteria.getDocTypeFullName())) ) {
 //                processor = getValidDocumentType(criteria.getDocTypeFullName()).getDocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor();
 //            } else {
 //                processor = new StandardDocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor();
 //            }
 //        } else {
 //            // criteria processor exists in state... check for match against form criteria doc type name
 //            if (Utilities.isEmpty(criteria.getDocTypeFullName())) {
 //                // document type name was cleared out... clear the criteria processor
 //                processor = new StandardDocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor();
 //            } else if (!StringUtils.equals(criteria.getDocTypeFullName(), processor.getDocSearchCriteriaDTO().getDocTypeFullName())) {
 //                // document type name is not the same as previous state's criteria... update criteria processor
 //                processor = getValidDocumentType(criteria.getDocTypeFullName()).getDocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor();
 //            }
 //        }
 //        docSearchForm.addSearchableAttributesToCriteria();
 //        DocSearchCriteriaDTO newCriteria = criteria;
 //        if (docSearchForm.isInitiatorUser()) {
 //            newCriteria.setInitiator(userSession.getPrincipalName());
 //        }
 //        if (newCriteria != null) {
 //            processor.setDocSearchCriteriaDTO(newCriteria);
 //        }
 ////        processor.getDocSearchCriteriaDTO().setSuperUserSearch(formCriteria.getSuperUserSearch());
 ////        processor.getDocSearchCriteriaDTO().setIsAdvancedSearch(docSearchForm.getIsAdvancedSearch());
 //        processor.setSearchingUser(userSession.getPrincipalId());
 //        return processor;
 //    }
 //    public ActionMessages establishRequiredState(HttpServletRequest request, ActionForm form) throws Exception {
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        Preferences preferences = getUserSession(request).getPreferences();
 ////        setupState(request, docSearchForm);
 //        State currentState = getOriginalState(request);
 //        State newState = adjustStateAndForm(currentState, docSearchForm, getUserSession(request));
 ////        if (currentState == null) {
 //            newState.updateForm(docSearchForm);
 ////        }
 //        setAdjustedState(request, newState);
 //        request.setAttribute("preferences", preferences);
 //        // request.setAttribute("namedSearches", getSavedSearches(getUserSession(request).getWorkflowUser()));
 //        setDropdowns(docSearchForm, request);
 //        docSearchForm.checkForAdditionalFields();
 //        return null;
 //    }
 //    private State getOriginalState(HttpServletRequest request) {
 //        String searchStateKeyValue = request.getParameter("searchStateKey");
 //        if (Utilities.isEmpty(searchStateKeyValue)) {
 //            searchStateKeyValue = (String) request.getAttribute("searchStateKey");
 //        }
 //        return (State) getUserSession(request).retrieveObject(searchStateKeyValue);
 //    }
 //    @Override
 //    public ActionMessages establishFinalState(HttpServletRequest request, ActionForm form) throws Exception {
 ////        request.setAttribute("namedSearches", getSavedSearches(getUserSession(request).getWorkflowUser()));
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        State currentState = getCurrentState(request);
 //        if (currentState == null) {
 //            throw new RuntimeException("Search state is empty and search cannot proceed");
 //        }
 //        currentState.updateForm(docSearchForm);
 //        request.setAttribute("searchStateKey", getUserSession(request).addObject(currentState));
 //        request.removeAttribute("currentSearchState");
 ////        setupState(request, docSearchForm);
 ////        docSearchForm.checkForAdditionalFields();
 //        updateNamedSearches(request, docSearchForm);
 //        return null;
 //    }
 //    private void updateNamedSearches(HttpServletRequest request, DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm) {
 //        request.setAttribute("namedSearches", getSavedSearches(getUserSession(request).getPrincipalId()));
 //        docSearchForm.checkForAdditionalFields();
 //        docSearchForm.setupPropertyFieldsUsingCriteria();
 //    }
 //    @Override
 //    public void establishExceptionFinalState(HttpServletRequest request, ActionForm form) throws Exception {
 //        try {
 //            updateNamedSearches(request, (DocumentSearchForm)form);
 //        } catch (Exception e) {
 //            LOG.warn("Swallowing exception thrown by establishFinalState since we already had a source exception: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
 //        }
 //    }
 //    private List getSavedSearches(String principalId) {
 //        List savedSearches = new ArrayList();
 //        savedSearches.add(new KeyValue("", "Searches"));
 //        savedSearches.add(new KeyValue("ignore", "-----"));
 //        savedSearches.add(new KeyValue("ignore", "&nbsp;&nbsp;Named Searches"));
 //        List namedSearches = getDocumentSearchService().getNamedSearches(principalId);
 //        for (Iterator iter = namedSearches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
 //            KeyValue namedSearch = (KeyValue);
 //            savedSearches.add(new KeyValue(namedSearch.getKey(), "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + namedSearch.getValue()));
 //        }
 //        savedSearches.add(new KeyValue("ignore", "-----"));
 //        savedSearches.add(new KeyValue("ignore", "&nbsp;&nbsp;Recent Searches"));
 //        List mostRecentSearches = getDocumentSearchService().getMostRecentSearches(principalId);
 //        for (Iterator iter = mostRecentSearches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
 //            KeyValue recentSearch = (KeyValue);
 //            savedSearches.add(new KeyValue(recentSearch.getKey(), "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + (recentSearch.getValue().length() > 100 ? recentSearch.getValue().substring(0, 100) + "..." : recentSearch.getValue())));
 //        }
 //        return savedSearches;
 //    }
 //    private DocumentSearchService getDocumentSearchService() {
 //        return ((DocumentSearchService) KEWServiceLocator.getService(KEWServiceLocator.DOCUMENT_SEARCH_SERVICE));
 //    }
 //    public ActionForward refresh(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
 //        DocumentSearchForm documentSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        String docTypeFullName = request.getParameter("docTypeFullName");
 //        if (docTypeFullName != null) {
 //            documentSearchForm.setNamedSearch("");
 //            documentSearchForm.getCriteria().setNamedSearch("");
 //            documentSearchForm.clearSearchableAttributeProperties();
 //        }
 //        if (request.getParameter("workgroupId") != null) {
 //            String groupId = request.getParameter("workgroupId");
 //            KimGroup group = KIMServiceLocator.getIdentityManagementService().getGroup(groupId);
 //            documentSearchForm.getCriteria().setWorkgroupViewerName(group.getGroupName());
 //            documentSearchForm.getCriteria().setWorkgroupViewerNamespace(group.getNamespaceCode());
 //        }
 //        String documentTypeId = request.getParameter("documentTypeId");
 //        if (documentTypeId != null) {
 //            documentSearchForm.setNamedSearch("");
 //            documentSearchForm.getCriteria().setNamedSearch("");
 //            documentSearchForm.clearSearchableAttributeProperties();
 //            DocumentType docType = KEWServiceLocator.getDocumentTypeService().findById(new Long(documentTypeId));
 //            documentSearchForm.setDocTypeFullName(docType.getName());
 //        }
 //        return mapping.findForward("success");
 //    }
 //    private static void setDropdowns(DocumentSearchForm dsForm, HttpServletRequest request) {
 //        LOG.debug("Entered setDropDowns");
 //        List documentRouteStatus = new ArrayList();
 //        documentRouteStatus.add(new KeyValue("", "All"));
 //        request.setAttribute("documentRouteStatus", documentRouteStatus);
 //        if (!Utilities.isEmpty(dsForm.getCriteria().getDocTypeFullName())) {
 //            List qualifierLogic = new ArrayList();
 //            for (String key : KEWConstants.DOC_SEARCH_ROUTE_STATUS_QUALIFIERS.keySet()) {
 //                qualifierLogic.add(new KeyValue(key, KEWConstants.DOC_SEARCH_ROUTE_STATUS_QUALIFIERS.get(key)));
 //            }
 //            request.setAttribute("qualifierLogic", qualifierLogic);
 //            // people are going to be feeding us doctype names by url for inline doc search so check for a null doctype to
 //            // give
 //            // a sensible error
 //            List routeNodes = KEWServiceLocator.getRouteNodeService().getFlattenedNodes(getValidDocumentType(dsForm.getCriteria().getDocTypeFullName()), true);
 //            RouteNode blankNode = new RouteNode();// for a default no choice option
 //            blankNode.setRouteNodeId(new Long(-1));
 //            blankNode.setRouteNodeName("");
 //            routeNodes.add(0, blankNode);
 //            request.setAttribute("routeNodes", routeNodes);
 //        }
 //        LOG.debug("Leaving setDropDowns");
 //    }
 //    public ActionForward viewResults(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
 //        DocumentSearchForm docSearchForm = (DocumentSearchForm) form;
 //        State state = getCurrentState(request);
 //        state.updateForm(docSearchForm);
 //        State originalState = getOriginalState(request);
 //        docSearchForm.getCriteriaProcessor().setDocSearchCriteriaDTO(originalState.getCriteriaProcessor().getDocSearchCriteriaDTO());
 //        DocumentSearchResultComponents searchComponents = state.getResult().getSearchResult();
 //        List<DocumentSearchColumn> columns = searchComponents.getColumns();
 //        List<DocumentSearchResult> displayResults = searchComponents.getSearchResults();
 ////        docSearchForm.setCriteriaProcessor(state.getCriteriaProcessor());
 ////        docSearchForm.setCriteria(state.getResult().getDocSearchCriteriaDTO());
 //        setDropdowns(docSearchForm, request);
 //        docSearchForm.setNamedSearch("");
 //        boolean ascending = true;
 //        String sortOrderParameter = new ParamEncoder("result").encodeParameterName(TableTagParameters.PARAMETER_ORDER);
 //        String sortOrder = request.getParameter(sortOrderParameter);
 //        if (sortOrder == null) {
 //            sortOrder = "1";
 //        }
 //        if (sortOrder.equals("2")) {
 //            ascending = false;
 //        }
 //        String sortNameParameter = new ParamEncoder("result").encodeParameterName(TableTagParameters.PARAMETER_SORT);
 //        String sortName = request.getParameter(sortNameParameter);
 //        DocumentSearchColumn sortColumn = getSortColumn(columns, sortName);
 //        sortDisplayList(sortColumn, displayResults, ascending);
 //        state.getResult().setSearchResult(new DocumentSearchResultComponents(columns, displayResults));
 //        setAdjustedState(request, state);
 ////        setStateForUse(request, state);
 //        request.setAttribute("reqSearchResultColumns", state.getResult().getSearchResult().getColumns());
 //        request.setAttribute("reqSearchResults", state.getResult().getSearchResult().getSearchResults());
 //        return mapping.findForward("success");
 //    }
 //    private DocumentSearchColumn getSortColumn(List<DocumentSearchColumn> columns, String sortName) {
 //        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sortName)) {
 //            return (DocumentSearchColumn) columns.get(0);
 //        }
 //        for (Iterator iterator = columns.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
 //            DocumentSearchColumn column = (DocumentSearchColumn);
 //            if (column.getSortName().equals(sortName)) {
 //                return column;
 //            }
 //        }
 //        throw new WorkflowRuntimeException("Could not sort based on the given sort name of " + sortName);
 //    }
 //    private void sortDisplayList(DocumentSearchColumn sortColumn, List<DocumentSearchResult> displayList, boolean ascending) {
 //        Collections.sort(displayList, new ColumnComparator(sortColumn, ascending));
 //    }
 //    private class ColumnComparator implements Comparator<Object> {
 //        private DocumentSearchColumn column;
 //        private boolean ascending;
 //        public ColumnComparator(DocumentSearchColumn column, boolean ascending) {
 //            this.column = column;
 //            this.ascending = ascending;
 //        }
 //        public int compare(Object row1, Object row2) {
 //            try {
 //                Object property1 = PropertyUtils.getProperty(row1, column.getSortName());
 //                Object property2 = PropertyUtils.getProperty(row2, column.getSortName());
 //                int compare = 0;
 //                if ((property1 != null) || (property2 != null)) {
 //                    if ((property1 != null) && (property2 != null) && (!(property1.getClass().equals(property2.getClass())))) {
 //                        // two classes are unequal... throw exception
 //                        String errorMessage = "Found classes in this comparator that are unequal (property class '" + property1.getClass().getName() + "' is not equal to property class '" + property2.getClass().getName() + "')";
 //                        LOG.error("compare() " + errorMessage);
 //                        throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
 //                    }
 //                    if ((property1 instanceof Integer) || (property2 instanceof Integer)) {
 //                        Integer value1 = (property1 != null) ? (Integer) property1 : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
 //                        Integer value2 = (property2 != null) ? (Integer) property2 : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
 //                        compare = value1.compareTo(value2);
 //                    } else if ((property1 instanceof Long) || (property2 instanceof Long)) {
 //                        Long value1 = (property1 != null) ? (Long) property1 : Long.MIN_VALUE;
 //                        Long value2 = (property2 != null) ? (Long) property2 : Long.MIN_VALUE;
 //                        compare = value1.compareTo(value2);
 //                    } else if ((property1 instanceof BigDecimal) || (property2 instanceof BigDecimal)) {
 //                        BigDecimal value1 = (property1 != null) ? (BigDecimal) property1 : BigDecimal.ZERO;
 //                        BigDecimal value2 = (property2 != null) ? (BigDecimal) property2 : BigDecimal.ZERO;
 //                        compare = value1.compareTo(value2);
 //                    } else if ((property1 instanceof Timestamp) || (property2 instanceof Timestamp)) {
 //                        Timestamp value1 = (Timestamp) property1;
 //                        Timestamp value2 = (Timestamp) property2;
 //                        if ((value1 != null) && (value2 != null)) {
 //                            compare = value1.compareTo(value2);
 //                        } else if ((value1 == null) && (value2 != null)) {
 //                            compare = -1;
 //                        } else if ((value1 != null) && (value2 == null)) {
 //                            compare = 1;
 //                        }
 //                    } else {
 //                        // at this point... assume String
 //                        String value1 = (property1 != null) ? (String) property1 : "";
 //                        String value2 = (property2 != null) ? (String) property2 : "";
 //                        compare =, value2);
 //                    }
 //                }
 //                // String property1Value = (property1 != null) ? property1.toString() : "";
 //                // String property2Value = (property2 != null) ? property2.toString() : "";
 //                // if (Column.INTEGER.equals(column.getType())) {
 //                // Integer i1 = Integer.valueOf(property1Value);
 //                // Integer i2 = Integer.valueOf(property2Value);
 //                // compare = i1.compareTo(i2);
 //                // } else if (Column.LONG.equals(column.getType())) {
 //                // Long l1 = Long.valueOf(property1Value);
 //                // Long l2 = Long.valueOf(property2Value);
 //                // compare = l1.compareTo(l2);
 //                // } else if (Column.FLOAT.equals(column.getType())) {
 //                // Float f1 = Float.valueOf(property1Value);
 //                // Float f2 = Float.valueOf(property2Value);
 //                // compare = f1.compareTo(f2);
 //                // } else if (Column.DATETIME.equals(column.getType())) {
 //                // Timestamp t1 = Timestamp.valueOf(property1Value);
 //                // Timestamp t2 = Timestamp.valueOf(property2Value);
 //                // compare = t1.compareTo(t2);
 //                // } else {
 //                // compare = property1Value.compareTo(property2Value);
 //                // }
 //                if (!ascending) {
 //                    compare *= -1;
 //                }
 //                return compare;
 //            } catch (Exception e) {
 //                throw new WorkflowRuntimeException(e);
 //            }
 //        }
 //    }
 //    private class State {
 //        private boolean headerBarEnabled = true;
 //        private boolean searchCriteriaEnabled = true;
 //        private DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor criteriaProcessor = null;
 //        private SavedSearchResult result = null;
 //        public State(DocumentSearchForm form) {
 //            this.headerBarEnabled = form.isHeaderBarEnabled();
 //            this.searchCriteriaEnabled = form.isSearchCriteriaEnabled();
 //        }
 //        public State(State state) {
 //            this.headerBarEnabled = state.isHeaderBarEnabled();
 //            this.searchCriteriaEnabled = state.isSearchCriteriaEnabled();
 //            this.criteriaProcessor = state.getCriteriaProcessor();
 //            this.result = state.getResult();
 //        }
 //        public void updateForm(DocumentSearchForm form) {
 //            updateForm(form, null);
 //        }
 //        public void updateForm(DocumentSearchForm form, DocSearchCriteriaDTO criteria) {
 //            form.setCriteriaProcessor(getCriteriaProcessor());
 //            if (criteria != null) {
 //                form.getCriteriaProcessor().setDocSearchCriteriaDTO(criteria);
 //            }
 //            form.setHeaderBarEnabled(isHeaderBarEnabled());
 //            form.setSearchCriteriaEnabled(isSearchCriteriaEnabled());
 //        }
 //        public void setResult(SavedSearchResult result) {
 //            this.result = result;
 //        }
 //        public SavedSearchResult getResult() {
 //            return result;
 //        }
 //        public DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor getCriteriaProcessor() {
 //            return criteriaProcessor;
 //        }
 //        public void setCriteriaProcessor(DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessor processor) {
 //            this.criteriaProcessor = processor;
 //        }
 //        public boolean isHeaderBarEnabled() {
 //            return headerBarEnabled;
 //        }
 //        public boolean isSearchCriteriaEnabled() {
 //            return searchCriteriaEnabled;
 //        }
 //    }