Package org.kuali.rice.kns.util

Core utility package.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractKualiDecimal<T extends AbstractKualiDecimal> This class is a wrapper around java.math.BigDecimal.
ActionFormUtilMap Utility map for the action form to provide a way for calling functions through jstl.
AssertionUtils This class contains utility methods for making assertions in production code (not test code).
AuditCluster KRA Audit Cluster; container for related set of audit errors.
AuditError KRA Audit Error class.
BeanPropertyComparator This class compares the two beans using multiple property names.
ColumnMetadata This class contains metadata about a column known to the persistence service.
DateUtils Utility methods for comparing dates
ErrorContainer Provides access to a copy of an ErrorMap and information derived from it.
ErrorMap Deprecated. use org.kuali.rice.core.util.MessageMap instead Holds errors due to validation.
ErrorMessage Contains the error message key and parameters for a specific instantiation of an error message.
ExceptionUtils Adapts Exception.print stack trace to print its output to a Logger.
ExternalizableBusinessObjectUtils A class with utilities related to externalizable business objects
FieldUtils This class is used to build Field objects from underlying data dictionary and general utility methods for handling fields.
ForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState This class is a token-style class, that is write-once, then read-only for all consumers of the class.
GlobalVariables This class will hold all of our thread local variables and accessors for those
Guid This class wraps an OJB Guid so that it conforms to the format (and using the algorithm) described in RFC 4122 entitled " A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace"
InactiveRecordsHidingUtils Inquiry screens and maintenance documents may render a collection of BOs on a screen.
IncidentReportUtils This is a description of what this class does - ewestfal don't forget to fill this in.
InfoContainer This is a description of what this class does - wliang don't forget to fill this in.
JstlPropertyHolder This class implements the Map interface for a Properties instance.
KNSConstants This class is used to define global constants.
KNSPropertyConstants Constants for the KNS module that describer object property fields
KNSUtils Miscellaneous Utility Methods.
KualiDecimal This class is a wrapper around java.math.BigDecimal.
KualiLRUMap Override LRUMap removeEntity method
KualiPercent This class is a wrapper around java.math.BigDecimal for percents.
MessageContainer An adapter whose subclasses will make either an MessageMap's warning or info messages available to the JSP layer
MessageList This is a description of what this class does - wliang don't forget to fill this in.
MessageMap Holds errors due to validation.
ObjectUtils This class contains various Object, Proxy, and serialization utilities.
OjbCharBooleanConversion Performs conversion of java boolean fields to and from the database
OjbCharBooleanFieldAIConversion This class converts the "A" or "I" value from the database into a true or false in Java.
OjbCharBooleanFieldConversion Deprecated. Use OjbCharBooleanConversion instead
OjbCollectionHelper Helper object to deal with persisting collections.
OjbDecimalKualiPercentFieldConversion This class...
OjbKualiCodeConversion This class crudely maps KualiCode to/from a String.
OjbKualiDecimalFieldConversion This class converts NUMERIC fields from the database into KualiDecimal instances, and vice-versa.
OjbKualiEncryptDecryptFieldConversion This class calls core service to encrypt values going to the database and decrypt values coming back from the database.
OjbKualiHashFieldConversion This class calls core service to hash values going to the database.
OjbKualiPercentFieldConversion Creates a KualiPercent object from the data field.
PagingBannerUtils Utility for that is used along with the tableRenderPagingBanner.tag.
PatternedStringBuilder Builds a String instance using a pattern similar to the varargs printf() variety.
RelationshipMetadata This class contains metadata about a relationship known to the persistence service.
RiceKeyConstants Holds error key constants.
SessionTicket Holds information on an action (ticket type name) and context (ticketContext) that has been performed and can be placed in the UserSession objectMap.
TableRenderUtil This class provides utilities to support the rendering of tables in Kuali without using display tag.
TabState This class is used to keep tab state whether it is open or closed.
TransactionalServiceUtils This class provides utility methods to support the operation of transactional services
TypedArrayList This class is used to maintain an ArrayList for a specified object type.
TypeUtils This class provides utilities for checking the types of objects.
UrlFactory This class Provides utility methods for re/building URLs.
WarningContainer An implementation of MessageContainer that makes warning messages accessible by the JSP layer
WebUtils General helper methods for handling requests.

Enum Summary

Package org.kuali.rice.kns.util Description

Core utility package.

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