Interface Summary | |
MemoryMonitor.Listener | |
OjbCollectionAware |
Class Summary | |
AbstractKualiDecimal<T extends AbstractKualiDecimal> | This class is a wrapper around java.math.BigDecimal. |
ActionFormUtilMap | Utility map for the action form to provide a way for calling functions through jstl. |
AssertionUtils | This class contains utility methods for making assertions in production code (not test code). |
AuditCluster | KRA Audit Cluster; container for related set of audit errors. |
AuditError | KRA Audit Error class. |
BeanPropertyComparator | This class compares the two beans using multiple property names. |
ColumnMetadata | This class contains metadata about a column known to the persistence service. |
DateUtils | Utility methods for comparing dates |
ErrorContainer | Provides access to a copy of an ErrorMap and information derived from it. |
ErrorMap | Deprecated. use org.kuali.rice.core.util.MessageMap instead Holds errors due to validation. |
ErrorMessage | Contains the error message key and parameters for a specific instantiation of an error message. |
ExceptionUtils | Adapts Exception.print stack trace to print its output to a Logger. |
ExternalizableBusinessObjectUtils | A class with utilities related to externalizable business objects |
FieldUtils | This class is used to build Field objects from underlying data dictionary and general utility methods for handling fields. |
ForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState | This class is a token-style class, that is write-once, then read-only for all consumers of the class. |
GlobalVariables | This class will hold all of our thread local variables and accessors for those |
Guid | This class wraps an OJB Guid so that it conforms to the format (and using the algorithm) described in RFC 4122 entitled " A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace" |
InactiveRecordsHidingUtils | Inquiry screens and maintenance documents may render a collection of BOs on a screen. |
IncidentReportUtils | This is a description of what this class does - ewestfal don't forget to fill this in. |
InfoContainer | This is a description of what this class does - wliang don't forget to fill this in. |
JstlPropertyHolder | This class implements the Map interface for a Properties instance. |
KNSConstants | This class is used to define global constants. |
KNSConstants.DetailTypes | |
KNSConstants.DocumentFormHeaderFieldIds | |
KNSConstants.Maintenance | |
KNSConstants.SystemGroupParameterNames | |
KNSConstants.TableRenderConstants | |
KNSPropertyConstants | Constants for the KNS module that describer object property fields |
KNSUtils | Miscellaneous Utility Methods. |
KualiDecimal | This class is a wrapper around java.math.BigDecimal. |
KualiInteger | |
KualiLRUMap | Override LRUMap removeEntity method |
KualiObjectCachePerBrokerImpl | |
KualiPercent | This class is a wrapper around java.math.BigDecimal for percents. |
KualiPersistenceBrokerFactoryImpl | |
KualiPersistenceBrokerImpl | |
MaintenanceUtils | |
MemoryMonitor | |
MessageContainer | An adapter whose subclasses will make either an MessageMap 's warning or info messages available to the JSP layer |
MessageList | This is a description of what this class does - wliang don't forget to fill this in. |
MessageMap | Holds errors due to validation. |
NumberUtils | |
ObjectUtils | This class contains various Object, Proxy, and serialization utilities. |
OjbCharBooleanConversion | Performs conversion of java boolean fields to and from the database |
OjbCharBooleanFieldAIConversion | This class converts the "A" or "I" value from the database into a true or false in Java. |
OjbCharBooleanFieldConversion | Deprecated. Use OjbCharBooleanConversion instead |
OjbCollectionHelper | Helper object to deal with persisting collections. |
OjbDecimalKualiPercentFieldConversion | This class... |
OjbDecimalPercentageFieldConversion | |
OjbKualiCodeConversion | This class crudely maps KualiCode to/from a String. |
OjbKualiDecimalFieldConversion | This class converts NUMERIC fields from the database into KualiDecimal instances, and vice-versa. |
OjbKualiEncryptDecryptFieldConversion | This class calls core service to encrypt values going to the database and decrypt values coming back from the database. |
OjbKualiHashFieldConversion | This class calls core service to hash values going to the database. |
OjbKualiIntegerFieldConversion | |
OjbKualiIntegerPercentageFieldConversion | |
OjbKualiPercentFieldConversion | Creates a KualiPercent object from the data field. |
OjbMetadataLoader | |
PagingBannerUtils | Utility for that is used along with the tableRenderPagingBanner.tag. |
PatternedStringBuilder | Builds a instance using a pattern similar to the varargs printf() variety. |
RelationshipMetadata | This class contains metadata about a relationship known to the persistence service. |
RiceKeyConstants | Holds error key constants. |
SessionTicket | Holds information on an action (ticket type name) and context (ticketContext) that has been performed and can be placed in the UserSession objectMap. |
TableRenderUtil | This class provides utilities to support the rendering of tables in Kuali without using display tag. |
TabState | This class is used to keep tab state whether it is open or closed. |
Timer | |
TransactionalServiceUtils | This class provides utility methods to support the operation of transactional services |
TypedArrayList | This class is used to maintain an ArrayList for a specified object type. |
TypeUtils | This class provides utilities for checking the types of objects. |
TypeUtils.JoinType | |
UrlFactory | This class Provides utility methods for re/building URLs. |
WarningContainer | An implementation of MessageContainer that makes warning messages accessible by the JSP layer |
WebUtils | General helper methods for handling requests. |
Enum Summary | |
KNSConstants.NoteTypeEnum |
Core utility package.