Class AccountAttribute

  extended by org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.AbstractWorkflowAttribute
      extended by org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.AbstractRoleAttribute
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, RoleAttribute, WorkflowAttribute

public class AccountAttribute
extends AbstractRoleAttribute

Resolves FO's using the accounts associated with the document XPath xpath = KualiWorkflowUtils.getXPath(documentContent.getDocument()); List qualifiers = new ArrayList(); NodeList accountNums = (NodeList)xstreamSafeEval(xpath, "//", documentContent.getDocument(), XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < accountNums.getLength(); i++) { Node accountNum = accountNums.item(i); String accuntNumVal = accountNum.getNodeValue(); }

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
private static Role FISCAL_OFFICER_ROLE
private static List<Role> ROLES
Fields inherited from class org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.AbstractWorkflowAttribute
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 List<String> getQualifiedRoleNames(String roleName, DocumentContent documentContent)
          Returns a String which represent the qualified role name of this role for the given roleName and docContent.
 List<Role> getRoleNames()
          List of Roles this RoleAttribute supports
 ResolvedQualifiedRole resolveQualifiedRole(RouteContext routeContext, String roleName, String qualifiedRole)
          Returns a List of Workflow Users which are members of the given qualified role.
static Object xstreamSafeEval(XPath xpath, String xpathExpression, Object item, QName returnType)
          This method will do a simple XPath.evaluate, while wrapping your xpathExpression with the xstreamSafe function.
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.AbstractRoleAttribute
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.AbstractWorkflowAttribute
getDocContent, getIdFieldName, getLockFieldName, getRoutingDataRows, getRuleExtensionValues, getRuleRows, isRequired, setRequired, validateRoutingData, validateRuleData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final Role FISCAL_OFFICER_ROLE


private static final List<Role> ROLES
Constructor Detail


public AccountAttribute()
Method Detail


public List<String> getQualifiedRoleNames(String roleName,
                                          DocumentContent documentContent)
Description copied from interface: RoleAttribute
Returns a String which represent the qualified role name of this role for the given roleName and docContent.

roleName - the role name (without class prefix)
documentContent - the document content


public List<Role> getRoleNames()
Description copied from interface: RoleAttribute
List of Roles this RoleAttribute supports

list of Roles this RoleAttribute supports


public ResolvedQualifiedRole resolveQualifiedRole(RouteContext routeContext,
                                                  String roleName,
                                                  String qualifiedRole)
Description copied from interface: RoleAttribute
Returns a List of Workflow Users which are members of the given qualified role.

routeContext - the RouteContext
roleName - the roleName (without class prefix)
qualifiedRole - one of the the qualified role names returned from the RoleAttribute.getQualifiedRoleNames(String, DocumentContent) method
ResolvedQualifiedRole containing recipients, role label (most likely the roleName), and an annotation


public static final Object xstreamSafeEval(XPath xpath,
                                           String xpathExpression,
                                           Object item,
                                           QName returnType)
This method will do a simple XPath.evaluate, while wrapping your xpathExpression with the xstreamSafe function. It assumes a String result, and will return such. If an XPathExpressionException is thrown, this will be re-thrown within a RuntimeException.

xpath - A correctly initialized XPath instance.
xpathExpression - Your XPath Expression that needs to be wrapped in an xstreamSafe wrapper and run.
item - The document contents you will be searching within.
The string value of the xpath.evaluate().

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